91 resultados para Conhecimento tradicional

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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ARAUJO, Afranio Cesar de et al. Caracterização socio-econômico-cultural de raizeiros e procedimentos pós-colheita de plantas medicinais comercializadas em Maceió, AL. Rev. Bras. Pl. Med, Botucatu, v. 11, n. 01, p.81-91, 2009. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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The study aims to evaluate the performance and identify lesions of agonistic interactions of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in different densities cages (chapter 1); compare the growth performance of shrimp M. rosenbergii and Litopenaus vannamei cages (chatper 2); in addition the study aimed at identifying the knowledge and practices of a traditional community of farmers Bebida-Velha, in the city of Pureza / RN, practicing rural family and aquaculture, as well as tracing the community socioeconomic profile and evaluate the management that these farmers use in shrimp farming Macrobrachium rosenbergii (chapter 3). To perform the experiments (chapter 1 and 2) shrimp species L. vannamei and M. rosenbergii were weighed on a digital scale and transferred to cultures in cages. The cages had 1m³, with 5mm mesh between us and were closed on top with screen to avoid predators (birds, insects). The animals remained in adaptation for fifteen days before the start of data collection (each experiment). Both experiments lasted seventy days, totaling eighty-five days cultivation. During the cultures, animals were fed pelleted feed for shrimp at 10% of their biomass with 35% crude protein, offered in feed trays twice a day during the hours (7:00 am and 14:00 pm). The remnants in the tray were removed after 2h of permanence to calculate intake. To determine the performance parameters, some samples were taken every 10 days. The results of both experiments were analyzed using the STATISTIC 7.0 (2004). In Chapter 1 experiment were applied5 treatments were applied with 5 replications each: D5 - 5 animals/m2 ; D10 - 10 animals/m2 ; D15 - 15 animals/m2 ; D20 - 20 animals/m2 ; D25 - 25 animals/m2 . To this, were distributed 25 cages randomly in two masonry nurseries. The end of the experiment the lesions were verified and quantified. The chapter 2 experiment began when the shrimp reached the same age (eighty-four days) and was used the density of 25 shrimp / m2 with 4 repetitions. For the realization of chapter 3 were applied semi-structured interviews by direct approach of Bebida Velha of settlers practicing aquaculture activity, tilapia producers and community shrimp. Data were tabulated and analyzed according to the responses obtained by the participants. Therefore, the amount of damage increased with increasing stocking density. The density of 10 freshwater shrimp/m² showed the best conditions for a better performance in cages. It can be concluded that in cages, the cultivation of species of fresh water shrimp M. rosenbergii had better zootechnical indexes than the cultivation of marine shrimp species L. 9 vannamei. It was possible to verify that the activities of which the interviewees practice guarantee a good quality of life and income for them. We find that respondents have traditional and local knowledge, and also may be interested in the cultivation of the species M. rosenbergii.


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ARAUJO, Afranio Cesar de et al. Caracterização socio-econômico-cultural de raizeiros e procedimentos pós-colheita de plantas medicinais comercializadas em Maceió, AL. Rev. Bras. Pl. Med, Botucatu, v. 11, n. 01, p.81-91, 2009. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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Cette étude analyse l'expérience de réorientation curriculaire atravers le sujet générateur, vécue dans les écoles qui composent le système municipal d'éducation de Belém du Pará - École Cabana, en ayant comme locus de recherche l'École Municipale João Carlos Batista. Ce mouvement de réorientation curriculaire, qui rompt avec le modèle traditionnel d'un curriculum linéaire, hiérarchique et fragmenté a comme préssuposées théoriquesméthodologiques les principes et les catégories freireanas la pédagogie critique qui estime un curriculum interdisciplinaire, dialogique, démocratique et contextuel, à partir de la systématisation d'une proposition theorico-méthodologique de réorientation curriculaire par le thème générateur, c'est-à-dire, en partant de situations-problème de la communauté scolaire, en faisant des relations négociées par les connaissances scolaires pour la compréhension et possible intervention dans la réalité. Cette proposition est mise en oeuvre non seulement à Belém, mais aussi par d autres municipalités du Brésil. Étant donné que l'École Cabana est une expérience inovatrice dans la tentative de viabiliser une Éducation vraiment démocratique, elle dialogue encore avec autres expériences d'écoles de même nature au Brésil, (comme l'École Plural-MG, l'École Citoyen - RS et l'École Candanga DF). Á partir des idées de Paulo Freire, J. Sacristán, M. Apple, C. Linhares, A. Coulon et autres j apporte des réflexions epistemologiques concernant le problème de la recherche qui consiste sur le registre et l'analyse de la tentative de construction sociale de la connaissance par le thème générateur qui a eu lieu à l'École Cabana dans la période de 2001 à 2004. Comme procédure méthodologique, j'ai développé une Recherche qualitative, de caractère collaboratif, en utilisant comme techniques de rassemble de données l observation participative dans le quotidien écolier, des interviews semi-structurées, et l'analyse des documents et des productions de l'École. Les résultats indiquent l'importance du registre de ce type d expérience, en soulignant leurs avances et reculs qui pourront servir de référentiel pour de futures politiques de réorientation curriculaire dans la direction de la construction sociale de la connaissance et, par conséquent, d'une Éducation plus démocratique et tournée vers une citoyenneté active


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This dissertation aims to analyze the relevant knowledge in countryside History teachers practice in high school and understand how these teachers themselves construct school knowledge in History, from the mobilization of different knowledge that make up teaching practice. Tree teachers from State Jacumauma High School and the researcher himself worked together in order to carry out this survey. The main theoretical-methodological elements of this research are based on assumptions of a qualitative research in cooperation. This approach was used to make possible to construct knowledge between teachers and researcher considering a less oppressive relationship as well as to help a continuous school upbringing of the individuals what can make them to understand the professional practice as an aspect in which one can exercise autonomy and criticism. The empirical research procedures were oral individual interviews, reflexive sessions and cooperative observations. Individuals speeches have presented, in some moments, teachers concerns about the educational fragmented system in which there are few opportunities to dialogic interactions among educationalists making still more difficult the dialog between school and reality surrounds it. Their assertions pointed out that relevant knowledge can be identified during the daily educational work and that they find proper reasons from the aim that each knowledge exerts in relation to the construction of professional practice. Classroom connections points out to more intense interactions between teachers and students, by recognizing affection as an important tool in order to make the interactions not so authoritarian at all. Regarding the countryside teachers understanding, the school knowledge in History is produced by sharing concerns and senses assigned by the individuals who are involved in the teaching-learning process. The referential science knowledge pervade History teaching, however they take another meaning according to specific features of the school environment. The intense and complex dynamic of the educational context makes that historical knowledge acquires specific characteristics that are constantly changing. As they change, there are some marks of elaborations and re-elaborations not only the new but also the traditional


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NARVAI, Paulo Capel et al. Validade científi ca de conhecimento epidemiológico gerado com base no estudo Saúde Bucal Brasil 2003. Caderno de saúde pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 26, n. 4, p. 647-670, abr. 2010.


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REGIS, Josiana Florencio Vieira. et al. Ergonomia cognitiva do trabalho: um estudo baseado na gestão do conhecimento e no capital intelectual. IN: SIMPOSIO DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇAO, 15., 2008, Sao Paulo. Anais eletronicos... Sao Paulo: UNESP, 2008. TRabalho oral. Disponivel em: http://www.simpep.feb.unesp.br/anais_simpep.php?e=2. Acesso em: 4.set.2010.


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REGIS, Josiana Florencio Vieira ; CAMPOS, Ana Celia Cavalcanti Fernandes. A gestão do conhecimento e a inovaçao tecnológica como insumo básico para a vantagem competitiva das empresas. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GESTÃO DO CONHECIMENTO, 8., 2009, Sao Paulo. Anais eletrônicos... Sao Paulo: SBGC, 2009. Trabalho oral.


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Dutra, R. P. S.; Varela,M. L.; Nascimento, R. M. ; Gomes, U. U. ; Martinelli1, A. E. ; Paskocimas, C. A. Estudo comparativo da queima rápida com a queima tradicional nas propriedades de materiais cerâmicos de base argilosa. Cerâmica [online]. 2009, vol.55, n.333, pp. 100-105. ISSN 0366-6913. doi:Disponivem em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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ALVES, Janaína da Silva. Análise comparativa e teste empírico da validade dos modelos CAPM tradicional e condicional: o caso das ações da Petrobrás. Revista Ciências Administrativas, Fotaleza, v. 13, n. 1, p.147-157, ago. 2007.


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BEZERRA, Gesiane Ferreira; CÂMARA, Rafael Silva da; SANTOS, Valdete Honorato dos et al. As bibliotecas escolares digitais contituídas através de uma rede de conhecimento digital. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CENTRO DE CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS, 16, 2010. Natal. Anais eletrônicos... Natal: SEMINÁRIO CCSA, 2010. Trabalho oral. Disponível em:. Acesso em: 25 nov. 2011.


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In a highly dynamic society such as we live, have access to the virtual world is an increasingly common practice, is aiming to study, work or to search leisure through chat rooms, sites and games, being incorporated by the most varied groups that end up appropriating these new possibilities of interaction, shaping them in order to adapt them to their needs / wants. The specific purposes pursued through the use of tools available over the Internet can vary considerably when one takes into account specific user groups, which makes the topic quite relevant to problematization, especially when we take into account access through lan houses. This research seeks to study the networks of knowledge, sociability and leisure formed by young people who frequented the "Lan house do Paulo" in São Gonçalo do Amarante - RN based on the use of the online role-playing-game World of Warcraft, which makes possible the interaction of several users through an avatar resident in a virtual world, theoretically questioning the importance of this type of platform for the development and maintenance of social interactions among its users


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Technetium-99m (99mTc) has been used to obtain several radiobiocomplexes utilized to aid in the diagnosis of diseases. Blood constituents, as red blood cells (RBC) and plasma proteins, have been labeled with 99mTc. Natural and synthetic drugs can alter the labeling of these constituents. The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of a Buzhong YiQi Wan extract to alter (i) the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, (ii) the RBC morphology, and (iii) osmotic fragility of RBC withdrawn from Wistar rats. The data showed that the BYQW extract (i) could affect labeling of blood constituintes with 99mTc, (ii) could affect the membrane integrity decreasing the osmotic resistance and (iii) could not alter the shape of RBC. Probably, these findings would be associated with properties of the substances present in the aqueous extract of BYQW. This study has multiple disciplinary aspects in knowledge areas: Radiobiology, Botanic, Phytotherapy and Haematology


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No Brasil, a despeito das conquistas obtidas a partir da implantação do Sistema Único de Saúde e dos avanços legais e institucionais na atenção a diversos problemas relacionados ao gênero, a incorporação de temas relacionados aos direitos humanos, sexuais e reprodutivos no contexto da formação profissional em saúde permanece deficiente. Este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar a inserção da temática saúde sexual e reprodutiva no currículo do curso de graduação em Medicina, por meio do emprego de avaliações de conteúdo cognitivo, procedimental e atitudinal. Trata-se de estudo de intervenção educacional envolvendo alunos do internato do curso de Medicina da UFRN. Foram utilizados os seguintes métodos avaliativos: prova escrita, exame clínico objetivo estruturado (OSCE) e Mini-CEX. Como variáveis explicativas foram consideradas o sexo, idade e participação prévia no componente curricular optativo Saúde Reprodutiva . A avaliação do processo constou da aplicação de questionários de satisfação e entrevistas acerca dos métodos avaliativos utilizados. Considerando os três métodos avaliativos empregados, 183 estudantes participaram do estudo, com média de idade de 24,5 ± 2,2 anos, sendo 52,5% do sexo masculino e 47,5% do sexo feminino. No contexto geral, observamos concordância entre os desempenhos dos estudantes nas avaliações de conteúdo cognitivo, procedimental e atitudinal. A participação dos estudantes no componente curricular eletivo Saúde Reprodutiva mostrou-se associada com melhor desempenho em algumas dimensões da avaliação cognitiva e na avaliação com o Mini-CEX, em relação às competências de anamnese, profissionalismo e qualidades humanísticas, relação médico paciente e desempenho global. A análise da fidedignidade entre os avaliadores na avaliação com o método OSCE mostrou-se adequada (alfa de Cronbach superior a 70%) em relação ao desempenho global e aos aspectos técnicos das competências avaliadas, observando-se baixa confiabilidade na avaliação da comunicação médico-paciente. O presente trabalho constitui-se numa experiência educacional inovadora e pioneira no âmbito da educação médica brasileira no que tange à inserção da temática de saúde sexual e reprodutiva na graduação, sugerindo-se um impacto positivo da iniciativa na formação do médico generalista na UFRN. A avaliação de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes em saúde sexual e reprodutiva na graduação de Medicina mostrou-se factível, com alta concordância entre os diferentes métodos empregados. Os métodos OSCE e Mini-CEX podem ser aplicados ao contexto da saúde sexual e reprodutiva, possibilitando a avaliação de competências clínicas relevantes para a formação do médico generalista e que habitualmente não são contempladas nas avaliações rotineiramente realizadas na graduação


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Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the central nervous system, most frequently characterized by abnormal electrical impulses in the brain. It is the oldest recorded neurological disease and has been surrounded by myths, mistaken beliefs and preconceptions. Three professionals work with epileptic patients on a daily basis: teachers, physical educators and physicians . This study aimed to analyze and compare the level of knowledge, preconceptions and attitudes of undergraduate students in the courses of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine, future professionals who will deal with epileptic patients. This descriptive observational study was conducted with 286 university undergraduates of both sexes (women 99/34.6% and men 187/65.4%) from the first to fourth year of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine courses at the Universidade Estadual Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), with mean age of 23 years. A validated and adapted 17-question questionnaire, divided into nine knowledge-based questions, five related to preconceptions and three on attitudes, was applied. Results allowed elaboration of a manuscript entitled Comparative Analysis of Knowledge, Attitude and Preconceptions in University Undergraduates of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine Courses in Relation to Epilepsy. The findings of this article show that knowledge of epilepsy in the three groups is very satisfactory. The low level of preconception indicates that educational or clarifying information is being transmitted, albeit by television, a layman s information vehicle, which has undoubtedly contributed to reducing the stigma of epilepsy through educational information. Results also suggest a lack of knowledge on how to act during a seizure, especially in education professionals. Although there are limitations in our sample, the relevance and contribution of this study is to call attention to the importance and need for these future professionals to be informed and learn correct attitudes with respect to epilepsy during their academic formation. This is essential at a time when the disease is being brought out of the shadows. This research was supported by the Office of the Dean of Teaching, and Deans of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine at UERN. The research was made possible by the multidisciplinary interaction among a physical educator, child neurologist and statistician, all contributing to achieving the aims set out here