em Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


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BACKGROUND:: Mechanical stretch has been shown to induce vascular remodeling and increase vessel density, but the pathophysiologic mechanisms and the morphologic changes induced by tensile forces to dermal vessels are poorly understood. METHODS:: A custom computer-controlled stretch device was designed and applied to the backs of C57BL/6 mice (n = 38). Dermal and vascular remodeling was studied over a 7-day period. Corrosion casting and three-dimensional scanning electron microscopy and CD31 staining were performed to analyze microvessel morphology. Hypoxia was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Western blot analysis of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and mRNA expression of VEGF receptors was performed. RESULTS:: Skin stretching was associated with increased angiogenesis as demonstrated by CD31 staining and vessel corrosion casting where intervascular distance and vessel diameter were decreased (p < 0.01). Immediately after stretching, VEGF dimers were increased. Messenger RNA expression of VEGF receptor 1, VEGF receptor 2, neuropilin 1, and neuropilin 2 was increased starting as early as 2 hours after stretching. Highly proliferating epidermal cells induced epidermal hypoxia starting at day 3 (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS:: Identification of significant hypoxic cells occurred after identification of neovessels, suggesting an alternative mechanism. Increased expression of angiogenic receptors and stabilization of VEGF dimers may be involved in a mechanotransductive, prehypoxic induction of neovascularization.


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We have used massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS) to sample the transcriptomes of 32 normal human tissues to an unprecedented depth, thus documenting the patterns of expression of almost 20,000 genes with high sensitivity and specificity. The data confirm the widely held belief that differences in gene expression between cell and tissue types are largely determined by transcripts derived from a limited number of tissue-specific genes, rather than by combinations of more promiscuously expressed genes. Expression of a little more than half of all known human genes seems to account for both the common requirements and the specific functions of the tissues sampled. A classification of tissues based on patterns of gene expression largely reproduces classifications based on anatomical and biochemical properties. The unbiased sampling of the human transcriptome achieved by MPSS supports the idea that most human genes have been mapped, if not functionally characterized. This data set should prove useful for the identification of tissue-specific genes, for the study of global changes induced by pathological conditions, and for the definition of a minimal set of genes necessary for basic cell maintenance. The data are available on the Web at http://mpss.licr.org and http://sgb.lynxgen.com.


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The lithium-pilocarpine model mimics most features of human temporal lobe epilepsy. Following our prior studies of cerebral metabolic changes, here we explored the expression of transporters for glucose (GLUT1 and GLUT3) and monocarboxylates (MCT1 and MCT2) during and after status epilepticus (SE) induced by lithium-pilocarpine in PN10, PN21, and adult rats. In situ hybridization was used to study the expression of transporter mRNAs during the acute phase (1, 4, 12 and 24h of SE), the latent phase, and the early and late chronic phases. During SE, GLUT1 expression was increased throughout the brain between 1 and 12h of SE, more strongly in adult rats; GLUT3 increased only transiently, at 1 and 4h of SE and mainly in PN10 rats; MCT1 was increased at all ages but 5-10-fold more in adult than in immature rats; MCT2 expression increased mainly in adult rats. At all ages, MCT1 and MCT2 up-regulation was limited to the circuit of seizures while GLUT1 and GLUT3 changes were more widespread. During the latent and chronic phases, the expression of nutrient transporters was normal in PN10 rats. In PN21 rats, GLUT1 was up-regulated in all brain regions. In contrast, in adult rats GLUT1 expression was down-regulated in the piriform cortex, hilus and CA1 as a result of extensive neuronal death. The changes in nutrient transporter expression reported here further support previous findings in other experimental models demonstrating rapid transcriptional responses to marked changes in cerebral energetic/glucose demand.


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Abstract In species with social hierarchies, the death of dominant individuals typically upheaves the social hierarchy and provides an opportunity for subordinate individuals to become reproductives. Such a phenomenon occurs in the monogyne form of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, where colonies typically contain a single wingless reproductive queen, thousands of workers and hundreds of winged nonreproductive virgin queens. Upon the death of the mother queen, many virgin queens shed their wings and initiate reproductive development instead of departing on a mating flight. Workers progressively execute almost all of them over the following weeks. To identify the molecular changes that occur in virgin queens as they perceive the loss of their mother queen and begin to compete for reproductive dominance, we collected virgin queens before the loss of their mother queen, 6 h after orphaning and 24 h after orphaning. Their RNA was extracted and hybridized against microarrays to examine the expression levels of approximately 10 000 genes. We identified 297 genes that were consistently differentially expressed after orphaning. These include genes that are putatively involved in the signalling and onset of reproductive development, as well as genes underlying major physiological changes in the young queens.


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Le glucose est notre principale source d'énergie. Après un repas, le taux de glucose dans le sang (glycémie) augmente, ce qui entraine la sécrétion d'insuline. L'insuline est une hormone synthétisée au niveau du pancréas par des cellules dites bêta. Elle agit sur différents organes tels que les muscles, le foie ou le tissu adipeux, induisant ainsi le stockage du glucose en vue d'une utilisation future.¦Le diabète est une maladie caractérisée par un taux élevé de glucose dans le sang (hyperglycémie), résultant d'une incapacité de notre corps à utiliser ou à produire suffisamment d'insuline. A long terme, cette hyperglycémie entraîne une détérioration du système cardio-vasculaire ainsi que de nombreuses complications. On distingue principalement deux type de diabète : le diabète de type 1 et le diabète de type 2, le plus fréquent (environ 90% des cas). Bien que ces deux maladies diffèrent sur beaucoup de points, elles partagent quelques similitudes. D'une part, on décèle une diminution de la quantité de cellules bêta. Cette diminution est cependant partielle dans le cas d'un diabète de type 2, et totale dans celui d'un diabète de type 1. D'autre part, la présence dans la circulation de médiateurs de l'inflammation nommés cytokines est décelée aussi bien chez les patients de type 1 que de type 2. Les cytokines sont sécrétées lors d'une inflammation. Elles servent de moyen de communication entre les différents acteurs de l'inflammation et ont pour certaines un effet néfaste sur la survie des cellules bêta.¦L'objectif principal de ma thèse a été d'étudier en détail l'effet de petites molécules régulatrices de l'expression génique, appelées microARNs. Basé sur le fait que de nombreuses publications ont démontré que les microARNs étaient impliqués dans différentes maladies telles que le cancer, j'ai émis l'hypothèse qu'ils pouvaient également jouer un rôle important dans le développement du diabète.¦Nous avons commencé par mettre des cellules bêta en culture en présence de cytokines, imitant ainsi un environnement inflammatoire. Nous avons pu de ce fait identifier les microARNs dont les niveaux d'expression étaient modifiés. A l'aide de méthodes biochimiques, nous avons ensuite observé que la modulation de certains microARNs par les cytokines avaient des effets néfastes sur la cellule bêta : sur sa production et sa sécrétion d'insuline, ainsi que sur sa mort (apoptose). Nous avons en conséquence pu démontrer que ces petites molécules avaient un rôle important à jouer dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules bêta induit par les cytokines, aboutissant au développement du diabète.¦-¦La cellule bêta pancréatique est une cellule endocrine présente dans les îlots de Langerhans, dans le pancréas. L'insuline, une hormone sécrétée par ces cellules, joue un rôle essentiel dans la régulation de la glycémie. Le diabète se développe si le taux d'insuline relâché par les cellules bêta n'est pas suffisant pour couvrir les besoins métaboliques corporels. Le diabète de type 1, qui représente environ 5 à 10% des cas, est une maladie auto-immune qui se caractérise par une réaction inflammatoire déclenchée par notre système immunitaire envers les cellules bêta. La conséquence de cette attaque est une disparition progressive des cellules bêta. Le diabète de type 2 est, quant à lui, largement plus répandu puisqu'il représente environ 90% des cas. Des facteurs à la fois génétiques et environnementaux sont responsables d'une diminution de la sensibilité des tissus métabolisant l'insuline, ainsi que d'une réduction de la sécrétion de l'insuline par les cellules bêta, ce qui a pour conséquence le développement de la maladie. Malgré les différences entre ces deux types de diabète, ils ont pour points communs la présence d'infiltrat immunitaire et la diminution de l'état fonctionnel des cellules bêta.¦Une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes aboutissant à l'altération de la cellule bêta est primordiale, avant de pouvoir développer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques capables de guérir cette maladie. Durant ma thèse, j'ai donc étudié l'implication de petites molécules d'ARN, régulatrices de l'expression génique, appelées microARNs, dans les conditions physiopathologiques qui aboutissent au développement du diabète. J'ai débuté mon étude par l'identification de microARNs dont le niveau d'expression était modifié lorsque les cellules bêta étaient exposées à des conditions favorisant à la fois le développement du diabète de type 1 (cytokines) et celui du diabète de type 2 (palmitate). Nous avons découvert qu'une modification de l'expression des miR-21, -34a et -146a était commune aux deux traitements. Ces changements d'expressions ont également été confirmés dans deux modèles animaux : les souris NOD qui développent un diabète s'apparentant au diabète de type 1 et les souris db/db qui développent plutôt un diabète de type 2. Puis, à l'aide de puces à ADN, nous avons comparé l'expression de microARNs chez des souris NOD pré-diabétiques. Nous avons alors retrouvé des changements au niveau de l'expression des mêmes microARNs mais également au niveau d'une famille de microARNs : les miR-29a, -29b et -29c. De manière artificielle, nous avons ensuite surexprimé ou inhibé en conditions physiopathologiques l'expression de tous ces microARNs et nous nous sommes intéressés à l'impact d'un tel changement sur différentes fonctions de la cellule bêta comme la synthèse et la sécrétion d'insulinè ainsi que leur survie. Nous avons ainsi pu démontrer que les miR-21, -34a, -29a, -29b, -29c avaient un effet délétère sur la sécrétion d'insuline et que la surexpression de tous ces microARNs (excepté le miR-21) favorisait la mort. Finalement, nous avons démontré que la plupart de ces microARNs étaient impliqués dans la régulation d'importantes voies de signalisation responsables de l'apoptose des cellules bêta telles que les voies de NFKB, BCL2 ou encore JNK.¦Par conséquent, nos résultats démontrent que les microARNs ont un rôle important à jouer dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules bêta lors de la mise en place du diabète.


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Background: Therapy of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) with pegIFNa/ribavirin achieves sustained virologic response (SVR) in ~55%. Pre-activation of the endogenous interferon system in the liver is associated non-response (NR). Recently, genome-wide association studies described associations of allelic variants near the IL28B (IFNλ3) gene with treatment response and with spontaneous clearance of the virus. We investigated if the IL28B genotype determines the constitutive expression of IFN stimulated genes (ISGs) in the liver of patients with CHC. Methods: We genotyped 93 patients with CHC for 3 IL28B single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, rs12979860, rs8099917, rs12980275), extracted RNA from their liver biopsies and quantified the expression of IL28B and of 8 previously identified classifier genes which discriminate between SVR and NR (IFI44L, RSAD2, ISG15, IFI22, LAMP3, OAS3, LGALS3BP and HTATIP2). Decision tree ensembles in the form of a random forest classifier were used to calculate the relative predictive power of these different variables in a multivariate analysis. Results: The minor IL28B allele (bad risk for treatment response) was significantly associated with increased expression of ISGs, and, unexpectedly, with decreased expression of IL28B. Stratification of the patients into SVR and NR revealed that ISG expression was conditionally independent from the IL28B genotype, i.e. there was an increased expression of ISGs in NR compared to SVR irrespective of the IL28B genotype. The random forest feature score (RFFS) identified IFI27 (RFFS = 2.93), RSAD2 (1.88) and HTATIP2 (1.50) expression and the HCV genotype (1.62) as the strongest predictors of treatment response. ROC curves of the IL28B SNPs showed an AUC of 0.66 with an error rate (ERR) of 0.38. A classifier with the 3 best classifying genes showed an excellent test performance with an AUC of 0.94 and ERR of 0.15. The addition of IL28B genotype information did not improve the predictive power of the 3-gene classifier. Conclusions: IL28B genotype and hepatic ISG expression are conditionally independent predictors of treatment response in CHC. There is no direct link between altered IFNλ3 expression and pre-activation of the endogenous system in the liver. Hepatic ISG expression is by far the better predictor for treatment response than IL28B genotype.


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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), originally identified as a cytokine secreted by T lymphocytes, was found recently to be both a pituitary hormone and a mediator released by immune cells in response to glucocorticoid stimulation. We report here that the insulin-secreting beta cell of the islets of Langerhans expresses MIF and that its production is regulated by glucose in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. MIF and insulin colocalize by immunocytochemistry within the secretory granules of the pancreatic islet beta cells, and once released, MIF appears to regulate insulin release in an autocrine fashion. In perifusion studies performed with isolated rat islets, immunoneutralization of MIF reduced the first and second phase of the glucose-induced insulin secretion response by 39% and 31%, respectively. Conversely, exogenously added recombinant MIF was found to potentiate insulin release. Constitutive expression of MIF antisense RNA in the insulin-secreting INS-1 cell line inhibited MIF protein synthesis and decreased significantly glucose-induced insulin release. MIF is therefore a glucose-dependent, islet cell product that regulates insulin secretion in a positive manner and may play an important role in carbohydrate metabolism.


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A large fraction of genome variation between individuals is comprised of submicroscopic copy number variation of genomic DNA segments. We assessed the relative contribution of structural changes and gene dosage alterations on phenotypic outcomes with mouse models of Smith-Magenis and Potocki-Lupski syndromes. We phenotyped mice with 1n (Deletion/+), 2n (+/+), 3n (Duplication/+), and balanced 2n compound heterozygous (Deletion/Duplication) copies of the same region. Parallel to the observations made in humans, such variation in gene copy number was sufficient to generate phenotypic consequences: in a number of cases diametrically opposing phenotypes were associated with gain versus loss of gene content. Surprisingly, some neurobehavioral traits were not rescued by restoration of the normal gene copy number. Transcriptome profiling showed that a highly significant propensity of transcriptional changes map to the engineered interval in the five assessed tissues. A statistically significant overrepresentation of the genes mapping to the entire length of the engineered chromosome was also found in the top-ranked differentially expressed genes in the mice containing rearranged chromosomes, regardless of the nature of the rearrangement, an observation robust across different cell lineages of the central nervous system. Our data indicate that a structural change at a given position of the human genome may affect not only locus and adjacent gene expression but also "genome regulation." Furthermore, structural change can cause the same perturbation in particular pathways regardless of gene dosage. Thus, the presence of a genomic structural change, as well as gene dosage imbalance, contributes to the ultimate phenotype.


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OBJECTIVE: Lipids stored in adipose tissue can originate from dietary lipids or from de novo lipogenesis (DNL) from carbohydrates. Whether DNL is abnormal in adipose tissue of overweight individuals remains unknown. The present study was undertaken to assess the effect of carbohydrate overfeeding on glucose-induced whole body DNL and adipose tissue lipogenic gene expression in lean and overweight humans. DESIGN: Prospective, cross-over study. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 11 lean (five male, six female, mean BMI 21.0+/-0.5 kg/m(2)) and eight overweight (four males, four females, mean BMI 30.1+/-0.6 kg/m(2)) volunteers were studied on two occasions. On one occasion, they received an isoenergetic diet containing 50% carbohydrate for 4 days prior to testing; on the other, they received a hyperenergetic diet (175% energy requirements) containing 71% carbohydrates. After each period of 4 days of controlled diet, they were studied over 6 h after having received 3.25 g glucose/kg fat free mass. Whole body glucose oxidation and net DNL were monitored by means of indirect calorimetry. An adipose tissue biopsy was obtained at the end of this 6-h period and the levels of SREBP-1c, acetyl CoA carboxylase, and fatty acid synthase mRNA were measured by real-time PCR. RESULTS: After isocaloric feeding, whole body net DNL amounted to 35+/-9 mg/kg fat free mass/5 h in lean subjects and to 49+/-3 mg/kg fat free mass/5 h in overweight subjects over the 5 h following glucose ingestion. These figures increased (P<0.001) to 156+/-21 mg/kg fat free mass/5 h in lean and 64+/-11 mg/kg fat free mass/5 h (P<0.05 vs lean) in overweight subjects after carbohydrate overfeeding. Whole body DNL after overfeeding was lower (P<0.001) and glycogen synthesis was higher (P<0.001) in overweight than in normal subjects. Adipose tissue SREBP-1c mRNA increased by 25% in overweight and by 43% in lean subjects (P<0.05) after carbohydrate overfeeding, whereas fatty acid synthase mRNA increased by 66 and 84% (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Whole body net DNL is not increased during carbohydrate overfeeding in overweight individuals. Stimulation of adipose lipogenic enzymes is also not higher in overweight subjects. Carbohydrate overfeeding does not stimulate whole body net DNL nor expression of lipogenic enzymes in adipose tissue to a larger extent in overweight than lean subjects.


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Aquaglyceroporin-9 (AQP9) facilitates diffusion of water and energy substrates such as glycerol and monocarboxylates. AQP9 is present in plasma membrane and mitochondria of astrocytes and catecholaminergic neurons, suggesting that it plays a role in the energetic status of these cells. Using specific small interference RNA directed against AQP9 in astrocyte cultures, we showed that glycerol uptake is decreased which is associated with an increase in glucose uptake and oxidative metabolism. Our results not only confirm the presence of AQP9 in astrocytes but also suggest that changes in AQP9 expression alter glial energy metabolism.


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Gene copies that stem from the mRNAs of parental source genes have long been viewed as evolutionary dead-ends with little biological relevance. Here we review a range of recent studies that have unveiled a significant number of functional retroposed gene copies in both mammalian and some non-mammalian genomes. These studies have not only revealed previously unknown mechanisms for the emergence of new genes and their functions but have also provided fascinating general insights into molecular and evolutionary processes that have shaped genomes. For example, analyses of chromosomal gene movement patterns via RNA-based gene duplication have shed fresh light on the evolutionary origin and biology of our sex chromosomes.


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Inorganic phosphate (Pi) is one of the most limiting nutrients for plant growth in both natural and agricultural contexts. Pi-deficiency leads to a strong decrease in shoot growth, and triggers extensive changes at the developmental, biochemical and gene expression levels that are presumably aimed at improving the acquisition of this nutrient and sustaining growth. The Arabidopsis thaliana PHO1 gene has previously been shown to participate in the transport of Pi from roots to shoots, and the null pho1 mutant has all the hallmarks associated with shoot Pi deficiency. We show here that A. thaliana plants with a reduced expression of PHO1 in roots have shoot growth similar to Pi-sufficient plants, despite leaves being strongly Pi deficient. Furthermore, the gene expression profile normally triggered by Pi deficiency is suppressed in plants with low PHO1 expression. At comparable levels of shoot Pi supply, the wild type reduces shoot growth but maintains adequate shoot vacuolar Pi content, whereas the PHO1 underexpressor maintains maximal growth with strongly depleted Pi reserves. Expression of the Oryza sativa (rice) PHO1 ortholog in the pho1 null mutant also leads to plants that maintain normal growth and suppression of the Pi-deficiency response, despite the low shoot Pi. These data show that it is possible to unlink low shoot Pi content with the responses normally associated with Pi deficiency through the modulation of PHO1 expression or activity. These data also show that reduced shoot growth is not a direct consequence of Pi deficiency, but is more likely to be a result of extensive gene expression reprogramming triggered by Pi deficiency.


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PPARs (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors) alpha, beta/delta and gamma are a group of transcription factors that are involved in numerous processes, including lipid metabolism and adipogenesis. By comparing liver mRNAs of wild-type and PPARalpha-null mice using microarrays, a novel putative target gene of PPARalpha, G0S2 (G0/G1 switch gene 2), was identified. Hepatic expression of G0S2 was up-regulated by fasting and by the PPARalpha agonist Wy14643 in a PPARalpha-dependent manner. Surprisingly, the G0S2 mRNA level was highest in brown and white adipose tissue and was greatly up-regulated during mouse 3T3-L1 and human SGBS (Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome) adipogenesis. Transactivation, gel shift and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicated that G0S2 is a direct PPARgamma and probable PPARalpha target gene with a functional PPRE (PPAR-responsive element) in its promoter. Up-regulation of G0S2 mRNA seemed to be specific for adipogenesis, and was not observed during osteogenesis or myogenesis. In 3T3-L1 fibroblasts, expression of G0S2 was associated with growth arrest, which is required for 3T3-L1 adipogenesis. Together, these data indicate that G0S2 is a novel target gene of PPARs that may be involved in adipocyte differentiation.