10 resultados para nursing research

em Universidad de Alicante


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The Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) aims to combine a form methodological process of professional experience in health with the most current information on the clinical situation. The professional novice can make better decisions despite lacking sufficient years in clinical practice. We then train the student in correct habits within the methodological process by which you can strengthen both their knowledge and their attitude and ability, allowing secure customs, where all of your work is based on PBE.


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This scoping review identifies and describes relevant studies related to the evidence published on life experiences and perceived social support of people affected by Crohn’s disease. Twenty-three studies were definitely selected and analyzed for the topics explored. The overall findings show patients’ needs and perceptions. There is a lack of evidence about patients’ perceived needs as well as the understanding of social support that has contributed to improve their life experiences with that chronic illness. Lack of energy, loss of body control, body image damaged due to different treatments and surgeries, symptoms related to fear of disease, feeling burdened loss related to independence, and so on are some of the concerns with having to live with those affected by the Crohn. To underline those experiences through this scoping review provides valuable data for health care teams, especially for the nursing profession, considered by those affected as one of the main roles along the whole pathological process. This review provides the basis for developing broader research on the relatively underexplored topics and consequently improves specific programs that could address patients’ needs.


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Introducción: La Práctica Basada en la Evidencia se considera actualmente un eje fundamental a la hora de actuar en el entorno clínico. Además, se ha de tener en cuenta que la integración de la PBE en la forma habitual de trabajo requiere un esfuerzo, es decir, un aprendizaje previo para poder, en primer lugar, saber acceder a las pruebas; en segundo lugar, saber interpretar dichas pruebas; y a groso modo, en último lugar, si consideramos necesario, integrar dicha evidencia en nuestro entorno. Objetivo: Describir la progresión de la integración de la PBE de forma transversal en el Programa Formativo del Grado de Enfermería de la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón de la Plana. Metodología: Para poder realizar dicha integración transversal, se cuenta con el desarrollo previo de unas competencias que vienen dadas de forma general en la Orden CIN 2134/2008 y el Libro Blanco de Enfermería y que son adaptadas y recreadas para la idoneidad del entorno académico en la universidad anteriormente citada. De esta forma, el plan de integración que se propone, es un plan secuencial escalonado, el cual, se añade dificultad a medida que van avanzando los cursos del Grado en Enfermería; finalizando el mismo con el Trabajo de Final de Grado. Además, se realiza una revisión integradora de la literatura científica. Los artículos fueron seleccionados en Medline/pubmed, Cochrane y EEP Datebase. El límite temporal fue de 10 años. Los idiomas empleados, inglés y español; Los descriptores de búsqueda empleados fueron: Nursing, evidence-based practice, evidence-based nursing, Research competencies y education. Resultados: Tras el muestreo inicial y la realización de las búsquedas, se obtuvieron un total de 329 artículos, de los cuales pertenecían 97 de Pubmed/medline, 6 de Cochrane plus y 226 de EEP Dapbase, siendo presentados al comité de expertos y procesado su interés científico. Conclusiones: El departamento de enfermería crea el programa de Integración de la PBE en el Programa Formativo del Grado en Enfermería de la Universidad Jaume I, el cual, trabaja de forma transversal durante los cuatro años académicos, que permiten adquirir la capacitación de enfermero generalista, los conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes que permitirá mediante el ejercicio académico, los estudiantes de enfermería, sean competentes en el uso de la PBE pudiendo integrarla de forma progresiva en sus trabajos académicos, dando lugar finalmente a llevarla a cabo en su trabajo final de grado y convirtiéndose así en una realidad futura dentro de su desarrollo como profesionales de la enfermería tras su graduación, integrándose en cualquiera de sus vertientes.


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Background/rationale: Many interpersonal labor disputes stem from the lack of communication skills and the relational problems in the interactions between health professionals. Aims/methods: A qualitative study was conducted in a Spanish hospital in order to get to know how the communicative interaction between hospital nurses is like in relation to the nurses' interpersonal interaction and communication skills developed in their working relationships. Twenty-one hospital nurses between 29 and 55 years old, working in different wards, were interviewed. Open-ended interview discourses were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The following four key themes were analyzed: communication and sender; communication and awareness of who has the problem; non-verbal communication; communication and recipient. Conclusion: The results of this study highlight the need to broaden nurses' relational–communication skills in order to increase job satisfaction.


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La disciplina de enfermería necesita identificarse con una filosofía que le permita otorgar un sentido interpretativo a los fenómenos sociales o individuales; y la investigación cualitativa ofrece la metodología necesaria para llevar a cabo la interpretación de los significados bajo un análisis crítico y reflexivo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue reflexionar sobre diferentes tradiciones filosóficas en torno a la fenomenología, al explorar los pensamientos de Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger y Alfred Schütz. Se realizó un ensayo teórico cuyo insumo literario se obtuvo de repositorios y fuentes de datos electrónicas, se incluyeron artículos publicados de los años 2010 al 2014, se utilizaron combinaciones de ocho palabras clave y se excluyeron aquellos artículos que no mencionaron el enfoque teórico de los filósofos de interés. Se concluye que las tres perspectivas filosóficas plantean una estrategia metodológica factible de ser utilizada dentro de la investigación cualitativa en enfermería, ya sea bajo la escuela descriptiva de Husserl, la postura interpretativa de Heidegger o la visión social de Schütz.


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The objective of this study was to describe the Supplemental Nursing Staff´s experiences at different hospital units. A qualitative phenomenological approach was conducted; a purposeful and theoretical sampling was implemented with supplemental nursing staff at Santa Barbara Hospital of Soria (Spain), to gain a more in-depth understanding of the Supplemental Nursing Staff ´s experience. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and through a field notebook. Data were analyzed using the Giorgi proposal. Twenty-one nurses with a mean age of 46 years were included. Three main topics emerged from the data analysis: building the first contact, carving out a niche and establishing interprofessional/interpersonal relationships. We conclude that the experience of hosting the supplemental nursing staff in changing clinical environments is conditioned by various factors. It is necessary for nurses and hospital managers to establish clear objectives with regard to the supplemental nursing staff´s role in the units.


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We present an experience in Nursing Education, accredited and implemented under the Spanish University System Reform in a Public University (Jaume I, Castellón) which had no previous nursing studies. The academics offered included all three educational levels (Bachelor, Master's and Doctorate), with an integrated theoretical-practical-clinical teaching methodology for the Bachelor Degree, competence acquisition in research in the Master's degree, and a doctorate formed by lines of research in the field of Nursing. Studies are accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assessment, which were authorized by the Spanish Ministry of Education and implanted between 2009 and 2011.


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Nursing studies program, and relationships between University academic program and Hospitals, all influence bedsides nurses´ experience on nursing clinical learning process.


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The main objective of the present work is to analyze the results of the utilization and evaluation of the LORETO Record System (LRS), providing improvement areas in the teaching-learning process and technology, in second year nursing students. A descriptive, prospective, cross sectional study using inferential statics has been carried out on all electronic records reported by 55 nursing students during clinical internships (April 1º-June 26º, 2013). Electronic record average rated 7.22 points (s=0.6; CV=0.083), with differences based on the clinical practice units (p<0,05). Three items assessed did not exceed the quality threshold set at 0.7 (p<0.05). Record Rate exceeds the quality threshold set at 80% for the overall sample, with differences based on the practice units. Only two clinical practice units rated above the minimum threshold (p <0.05). Record of care provision every 3 days did not reach the estimated quality threshold (p <0.05). There is a dichotomy between qualitative and quantitative results of LRS. Improvement areas in theoretical education have been identified. The LRS seems an appropriate learning and assessment tool, although the development of a new APP version and the application of principles of gamification should be explored.


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Objective: to identify aspects of improvement of the quality of the teaching-learning process through the analysis of tools that evaluated the acquisition of skills by undergraduate students of Nursing. Method: prospective longitudinal study conducted in a population of 60 second-year Nursing students based on registration data, from which quality indicators that evaluate the acquisition of skills were obtained, with descriptive and inferential analysis. Results: nine items were identified and nine learning activities included in the assessment tools that did not reach the established quality indicators (p<0.05). There are statistically significant differences depending on the hospital and clinical practices unit (p<0.05). Conclusion: the analysis of the evaluation tools used in the article "Nursing Care in Welfare Processes" of the analyzed university undergraduate course enabled the detection of the areas for improvement in the teaching-learning process. The challenge of education in nursing is to reach the best clinical research and educational results, in order to provide improvements to the quality of education and health care.