3 resultados para side effect

em Savoirs UdeS : plateforme de diffusion de la production intellectuelle de l’Université de Sherbrooke - Canada


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What is the relation between monetary policy and inequalities in income and wealth? This question has received insufficient attention, especially in light of the unconventional policies introduced since the 2008 financial crisis. The article analyzes three ways in which the concern central banks show for inequalities in their official statements remains incomplete and underdeveloped. First, central banks tend to care about inequality for instrumental reasons only. When they do assign intrinsic value to containing inequalities, they shy away from trade-offs with the standard objectives of monetary policy that such a position entails. Second, central banks play down the causal impact monetary policy has on inequalities. When they do acknowledge it, they defend their actions by claiming that it is an unintended side effect, that it is temporary, and/or that any alternative policy would fare even worse. The article appeals to the doctrine of double effect to criticize these arguments. Third, even if one accepts that inequalities should be contained and that today’s monetary policies exacerbate them, is it both desirable and feasible to make containing inequalities part of the mandate of central banks? The article analyzes and rejects three attempts on the part of central banks to answer this question negatively.


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Résumé : Les méthodes de détection de similarités de sites de liaison servent entre autres à la prédiction de fonction et à la prédiction de cibles croisées. Ces méthodes peuvent aider à prévenir les effets secondaires, suggérer le repositionnement de médicament existants, identifier des cibles polypharmacologiques et des remplacements bio-isostériques. La plupart des méthodes utilisent des représentations basées sur les atomes, même si les champs d’interaction moléculaire (MIFs) représentent plus directement ce qui cherche à être identifié. Nous avons développé une méthode bio-informatique, IsoMif, qui détecte les similarités de MIF entre différents sites de liaisons et qui ne nécessite aucun alignement de séquence ou de structure. Sa performance a été comparée à d’autres méthodes avec des bancs d’essais, ce qui n’a jamais été fait pour une méthode basée sur les MIFs. IsoMif performe mieux en moyenne et est plus robuste. Nous avons noté des limites intrinsèques à la méthodologie et d’autres qui proviennent de la nature. L’impact de choix de conception sur la performance est discuté. Nous avons développé une interface en ligne qui permet la détection de similarités entre une protéine et différents ensembles de MIFs précalculés ou à des MIFs choisis par l’utilisateur. Des sessions PyMOL peuvent être téléchargées afin de visualiser les similarités identifiées pour différentes interactions intermoléculaires. Nous avons appliqué IsoMif pour identifier des cibles croisées potentielles de drogues lors d’une analyse à large échelle (5,6 millions de comparaisons). Des simulations d’arrimage moléculaire ont également été effectuées pour les prédictions significatives. L’objectif est de générer des hypothèses de repositionnement et de mécanismes d’effets secondaires observés. Plusieurs exemples sont présentés à cet égard.


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Abstract : Many individuals that had a stroke have motor impairments such as timing deficits that hinder their ability to complete daily activities like getting dressed. Robotic rehabilitation is an increasingly popular therapeutic avenue in order to improve motor recovery among this population. Yet, most studies have focused on improving the spatial aspect of movement (e.g. reaching), and not the temporal one (e.g. timing). Hence, the main aim of this study was to compare two types of robotic rehabilitation on the immediate improvement of timing accuracy: haptic guidance (HG), which consists of guiding the person to make the correct movement, and thus decreasing his or her movement errors, and error amplification (EA), which consists of increasing the person’s movement errors. The secondary objective consisted of exploring whether the side of the stroke lesion had an effect on timing accuracy following HG and EA training. Thirty-four persons that had a stroke (average age 67 ± 7 years) participated in a single training session of a timing-based task (simulated pinball-like task), where they had to activate a robot at the correct moment to successfully hit targets that were presented a random on a computer screen. Participants were randomly divided into two groups, receiving either HG or EA. During the same session, a baseline phase and a retention phase were given before and after each training, and these phases were compared in order to evaluate and compare the immediate impact of HG and EA on movement timing accuracy. The results showed that HG helped improve the immediate timing accuracy (p=0.03), but not EA (p=0.45). After comparing both trainings, HG was revealed to be superior to EA at improving timing (p=0.04). Furthermore, a significant correlation was found between the side of stroke lesion and the change in timing accuracy following EA (r[subscript pb]=0.7, p=0.001), but not HG (r[subscript pb]=0.18, p=0.24). In other words, a deterioration in timing accuracy was found for participants with a lesion in the left hemisphere that had trained with EA. On the other hand, for the participants having a right-sided stroke lesion, an improvement in timing accuracy was noted following EA. In sum, it seems that HG helps improve the immediate timing accuracy for individuals that had a stroke. Still, the side of the stroke lesion seems to play a part in the participants’ response to training. This remains to be further explored, in addition to the impact of providing more training sessions in order to assess any long-term benefits of HG or EA.