4 resultados para Serviços de saúde bucal

em B-Digital - Universidade Fernando Pessoa - Portugal


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia, ramo de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde


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Introduction: It is complex to define learning disabilities, there is no single universal definition used; there are different interpretations and definitions used for learning disabilities in different countries and communities. Primarily, the term “learning disability” sometimes used as “learning difficulties” is a term widely used in UK. There are various types and degree of severity of learning disabilities depending upon the extent of disorder. Though different definitions used all over the world, its types and classification coupled with their health and oral health needs are discussed in this review. Objectives:  To review the background literature on definitions of learning disabilities and health needs of this population.  To review literature on individual clinical preventive intervention to determine the effectiveness in promoting oral health amongst adults in learning disabilities.  To review literature in relation to community based preventive dental measures.  To determine the interventions in this areas are appropriate to support policy and practice and if these interventions establish good evidence to suggest that the oral health needs of adults with learning disabilities are met or not.  To make recommendations in implementing future preventive oral health interventions for adults with learning disabilities. Methodology: It was develop a comprehensive narrative synthesis of previously published literature from different sources and summarizes the whole research in a particular area identifying gap of knowledge. It provides a broad perspective of a subject and supports continuing education. It also is directed to inform policy and further research. It is a qualitative type of research with a broad question and critical analysis of literature published in books, article and journals. The research question evaluated on PICOS criteria is: Effectiveness of preventive dental interventions in adults with learning disabilities. The research question clearly defines the PICOS i.e. participants, interventions, comparison, outcome and study design. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews (CDSR), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of effects (DARE) through York University and National institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was searched to identify need of this review. There was no literature review found on the preventive dental interventions found hence, justifying this review. The guidance used in this review is from York University and methods opted for search of literature is based on the following: Type of participants, interventions, outcome measure, studies and search. The review of literature; author search; systematic and narrative reviews, through the following electronic databases via UFP library services: Pub-Med, Medline, EMBASE, CINHAL, Google scholar; Science Direct; Social and Medicine. A comprehensive search of all available literature from 1990-2015, including systematic reviews, policy documents and some guideline documents was done. Internet resource used to access; Department of Health, World Health Organization, Disability World, Disability Rights Commission, the Stationery office, MENCAP, Australian Learning Disability Association. The literature search was carried out with single word, combined words and phrases, authors' names and the title of literature search. Results: It is primarily looking at the oral health interventions available for adults with learning disabilities in clinical settings and the community measures observed over a period of 25 years 1990-2015. There were 7of the clinical intervention studies and one community based intervention study was added in this review. Conclusion: There is a gap of knowledge identified in not having ample research in the area of preventive dental interventions in adults with learning or intellectual disabilities and there is a need of more research, studies need to be of a better quality and a special consideration is required in the community settings where maintenance of oral hygiene for this vulnerable group of society is hugely dependent on their caregivers. Though, the policy and guideline directs on the preventive dental interventions of adults with LD there still a gap evident in understanding and implication of the guidance in practice by the dental and care support team. Understanding learning disabilities and to identify their behavior, compliance and oral health needs is paramount for all professionals working with or for them at each level.


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Os serviços de saúde de reabilitação em Portugal estão definidos na rede de referenciação de Medicina Física e de Reabilitação (Direção Geral da Saúde, 2002), para todos os estabelecimentos de prestação de cuidados de saúde, em resposta à epidemiologia evolutiva da deficiência e da demografia, preconizando as ações e o nível de prescrição próprios, os recursos a alocar em cada tipologia de serviços e o dispositivo organizacional e logístico concebido geograficamente para cada região de saúde. A configuração da estrutura multiprofissional emergente na rede de serviços de reabilitação, com respostas de cuidados primários de proximidade e comunitários, cuidados diferenciados de internamento e ambulatório e, mais recentemente, de cuidados continuados integrados, salienta a importância de um corpo considerável de enfermeiros, mormente, de Enfermeiros Especialistas de Enfermagem de Reabilitação (EEER), com a especificação do rácio a observar nos serviços de internamento dos hospitais da plataforma A, enquanto hospitais diferenciados para o diagnóstico e tratamento de Medicina Física e de Reabilitação, dotados de capacidade de internamento de 12 a 15 camas e que estarem integrados na rede de urgência como hospitais polivalentes. A natureza sensível dos cuidados de saúde de reabilitação, pela latitude dos mesmos em todas as redes de serviços, o valor da reeducação funcional oportuna e eficaz, pela minimização da iatrogenia evitável, a sofisticação crescente das tecnologias de apoio, pela efetividade de suporte à independência, e as expectativas geradas nos cidadãos pela vida com qualidade e integridade, no decurso da reversão de situações agudas, indicam que os serviços de enfermagem de reabilitação disponham de liderança clínica e competência de gestão operacional, intermédia e estratégica, que consignem ao processo de reabilitação a eficácia clínica, a integração social, a satisfação do cidadão e o desenvolvimento profissional do EEER como, naturalmente, de qualquer outro perfil profissional.