9 resultados para MALATTIE DA VIRUS DELLE PIANTE ORNAMENTALI,48237,Agraria,0030,Verde ornamentale e tutela del paesaggio,0175,,,,,,,2007,3

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Numerous extrahepatic manifestations have been reported in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, particularly mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC). MC generally responds to clearance of HCV under pegylated-interferon plus ribavirin treatment. New direct-acting antiviral agents have been licensed for HCV under different combinations but have not been studied in severe forms of MC. Here, we present a case report describing a life-threatening form of MC with multivisceral involvement, which was successfully treated with concomitant rituximab, sofosbuvir and simeprevir. In light of the rapid clinical remission associated with sustained virological response and the excellent side-effect profile, this treatment should be considered as a first-line therapy in severe forms of MC.


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Objectives: To illustrate that the protease inhibitor (PI) ritonavir, widely used as part of the treatment for HIV, might cause drug–drug interactions with inhaled corticosteroids. Material and methods: A case report is presented. Results: An HIV-positive patient presented with gradually changing body composition that was ascribed to lipodystrophy. Finally, iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome with secondary adrenal insufficiency was diagnosed due to a drug–drug interaction of ritonavir and fluticasone. Conclusion: Lipodystrophy might mimic Cushing's syndrome. The combination of ritonavir and inhaled fluticasone may lead to systemic steroid excess causing Cushing's syndrome and secondary adrenal insufficiency.


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Background: The appearance of symptoms compatible with systemic autoimmune diseases has been described in relation to several viral infections like HIV, cytomegalovirus and especially PVB19, depending on the evolution of the immunological condition of the host and their age. We present a young immunocompetent male patient, with clinical manifestations simulating systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with important activation of cytokines. Methods: For quantification of the different cytokines in plasma, a commercially available multiplex bead immunoassay, based on the Luminex platform (Cat # HSCYTO-60SK-08, Milliplex® MAP High Sensitivity, Millipore), was used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. All samples were run in duplicate and the data (mean fluorescence intensity) were analyzed using a Luminex reader. The mean concentration was calculated using a standard curve. Results: The clinical evolution was favourable without the need for any specific treatment, showing complete recovery after two months. Whilst the symptoms and viral charge were disappearing, the anti-DNA continued to increase and we demonstrate important activation of IL-10, IL-6 and TNFα cytokines as a result of a hyperstimulating response by an immunocompetent hyperfunctional system, which persists after clinical improvement. We should emphasize the behaviour of two cytokines: IL-12p70 and IL-2, which showed opposite tendencies. Conclusions: Viral infections, especially PVB19, can produce or simulate several autoimmune diseases as a hyperstimulation response from an immunocompetent hyperfunctional system. Consequently, a persistent increase of autoantobodies and important activation of cytokines, even after clinical improvement and seroconversion, can be demonstrated.


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The authors describe the unusual case of a 63-year-old patient who was referred with fever and lethargy, and was found to be hyponatraemic. The patient subsequently developed hemiparesis, and neuroradiology showed several space-occupying brain lesions. The cause was later identified as cerebral toxoplasmosis in undiagnosed Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).


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Il monitoraggio degli spostamenti degli organismi marini è un importante strumento per la comprensione della biologia delle specie ma anche per la conservazione e la tutela degli stock intesi come risorsa. Nel caso dell'applicazione su specie che vivono all'interno di Aree Marine Protette, queste tecniche consentono di verificare l'efficacia della protezione. Questo studio riporta l'applicazione di tecniche di telemetria ultrasonica all'aragosta comune (P. elephas) nell'AMP di Isola delle Femmine. Gli individui catturati all'interno dell'AMP ed ivi rilasciati hanno mostrato uno spiccato homing ed un buon livello di fedeltà al sito. Lo studio inoltre è servito a denunciare lo stato attuale di scarsa protezione e suggerisce una riperimetrazione dei confini dell'AMP.


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L'assenzio è un distillato ad alta gradazione alcolica 60-70° all'aroma di anice, generalmente dalla colorazione verde smeraldo o verde chiaro, derivato da erbe quali i fiori e le foglie dell’Artemisia absinthium L. dal quale prende il nome. Le proprietà officinali della pianta sono conosciute ed utilizzate fin dall’antichità dal momento che la pianta e le sue applicazioni terapeutiche sono addirittura citate in un papiro egiziano del 1500 a.C. Tale distillato conobbe una diffusione eccezionale nell’800, e divenne particolarmente noto alla fine del secolo, grazie alla fama che ebbe tra gli artisti e gli scrittori di Parigi. Il successo dell’assenzio in Europa fu clamoroso, ma altrettanto rapido fu poi il suo declino. Infatti, scomparve da tutti i mercati d’Europa e d’oltre oceano in poco più di un decennio. Attualmente l’assenzio, ritornato in voga, trova applicazione durante la celebrazione di numerose ritualità magico-esoteriche dove lo si celebra come capace di ridurre la carica aggressiva, sviluppare la calma e fortificare corpo e mente. Siti internet di matrice magico-occultista riportano il suo consumo durante lo svolgimento di vari rituali. Questo utilizzo “nascosto” ma diffuso ha posto le basi per indagarne il suo reale consumo voluttuario tra i giovani, in considerazione della sua facile reperibilità e dei suoi effetti farmaco-tossicologici.


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Il numero di nuove sostanze psicoattive (NSP) acquistabile in internet e le informazioni relative alla loro modalità di assunzione a scopi curativi, ricreazionali e spirituali, stanno aumentando costantemente. Nomi come “legal highs”, “herbal highs” e “etno-drugs”, inducono i consumatori a credere che questi prodotti siano sicuri e naturali, sottostimandone o volutamente trascurandone le loro potenzialità farmaco-tossicologiche. Oltre a questo, l’impiego di sostanze naturali tradizionalmente impiegate all’interno di un rituale ben definito in etnie specifiche, in nuovi contesti ricreativi, porta spesso all’abuso delle stesse sostanze (Marti, 2013; 2015). Infatti, mentre l’uso tradizionale/etnico di queste sostanze naturali, non sembra essere associato a dipendenza, intossicazioni o problemi legati alla salute, una volta raggiunto il mercato mondiale, si assiste invece ad una escalation di problematiche ed intossicazioni. Queste derivano soprattutto dal fatto che uscendo da un contesto tradizionale per accedere in uno prettamente ricreazionale, cambiano numerosi fattori fondamentali tra cui: la via di somministrazione, la quantità assunta, l’assunzione di sostanze pure e la co-somministrazione con altre sostanze psicoattive.


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A 31-year-old man with pontine infarction was referred to our hospital for further evaluation and treatment. At admission, his neurological examination was unremarkable. No lymphadenopathy or skin lesions were found. The Treponema pallidum haemagglutination test, rapid plasma regain test and fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test of immunoglobulin G were positive in both serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF analysis showed lymphocytic pleocytosis. The patient had male-to-male sexual contact and was found to be HIV positive. Physicians should be aware that acute ischaemic stroke may be the first manifestation of neurosyphilis in a young adult, especially with HIV infection.


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Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is one of the most frequent neoplastic diseases in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The authors report the case of a 40-year-old male with ascites, peripheral edema and peritoneal carcinomatosis secondary to a gastric KS related to human herpes virus type 8 (HHV-8). The patient had severe immunodeficiency, with a TCD4+ count of 86 cells/µl and newly diagnosed acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. His clinical condition rapidly deteriorated, with multiorgan failure, and he died without the possibility of initiating antiretroviral therapy or chemotherapy. To the authors’ knowledge, carcinomatosis is a rare feature in KS.