4 resultados para Dermatology Life Quality Index ( DLQI)

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Quem faz e garante a qualidade dos servios prestados so as pessoas, muito mais do que os ambientes, os processos e as tecnologias. Nesse sentido, o nosso trabalho procurou analisar sociologicamente o (des)empenho e satisfao dos funcionrios bancrios, factores que conduzem prestao de "servios-produto" de qualidade, com um nvel significativo de acompanhamento, evidenciando a relao entre a satisfao dos empregados e o correspondente reflexo na satisfao dos clientes. Atravs da anlise de dois balces de uma instituio bancria procurmos identificar os nveis de satisfao existentes e os factores envolvidos. Optmos por realizar um estudo de caso, descrevendo as caractersticas das agncias, e procurmos identificar os factores scio-organizacionais responsveis pela satisfao/insatisfao dos empregados, abordando aspectos como a organizao do trabalho, a qualidade de vida, os problemas de sade/doena, os relacionamentos interpessoais, as remuneraes, o reconhecimento. A "servicializao" de que a banca tem vindo a ser objecto, tal como outros sectores econmicos, foi igualmente abordada na nossa investigao, analisando-se a relao de servio e o modelo de competncia preconizados no sector bancrio, actualmente reconhecido como um sector dedicado prestao de "servios-produto". Os processos informais que medeiam as regras e as prticas concretas de trabalho, enquanto "espaos sociolgicos" nos quais se concretizam diferentes formas de negociao, continuamente accionadas pelos actores (trabalhadores bancrios), tambm foram objecto de observao, dada a sua importncia como geradores de possibilidades de redefinio dos limites e alcance estratgico dos recursos do grupo profissional dos bancrios. ABSTRACT; People are responsible for the quality of services, much more than ambient, procedures and technologies. Our project tried to analyse through the sociological point of view the performance and satisfaction of bank employees and the factors which are responsible for services-product" of quality, with high attendance standing out the relation between employees satisfaction and clients' satisfaction. Analysing two branches of a bank we tried to identify the satisfaction level and other connected factors. We opted to make a case study describing the branches' characteristics, trying to identify the socio-organizational responsible factors for satisfactionIno satisfaction of employees, dealing with aspects such as work organization, life quality, health/illness complaints, employees relationship, wages and reconnaissance. The bank sector and other financial sectors are becoming a "service area", so, our research pointed out the service relations and the competence model seen in the bank sector. The "actors" (bank employees) were observed and interviewed, because they are the main responsible for the informal procedures, the norms and practical work methods, inside the sociological spaces where different negotiation procedures occurred, generating new limits and strategic ranges for the resources of the professional group of bank clerks.


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J na antiguidade o Homem se debruava sobre a temtica do envelhecimento, todavia os anos passaram e este fenmeno constitui-se como um dos assuntos da ordem do dia que nos abrange a todos, porque todos queremos vivenciar o prazer de envelhecer, semelhana dos nossos antepassados. Porm estes procuravam o elixir de uma vida eterna e ns ambicionamos o elixir de uma longa vida com qualidade. Objectivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida e aptido fsica funcional dos idosos residentes do Concelho de vora em instituies da rede solidria e nos seus domiclios com idade igual ou superior a 75 anos. Mtodos: Aps a seleco aleatria e tendo por base os critrios de excluso (sem dfice cognitivo avaliado pelo MMS e sem problemas fsicos que impedissem de realizar os testes funcionais) aceitaram participar no estudo 396 idosos do Concelho de vora dos quais 196 se encontram institucionalizados nos lares da rede solidria e 200 residem nos seus domiclios. Os instrumentos de avaliao utilizados foram o EASYcare e a bateria de testes Rikly Jones- Senior Fitness Test. Concluses: Os idosos no institucionalizados apresentam melhor qualidade de vida e aptido fsica funcional face aos idosos institucionalizados. Os nveis de incapacidade do grupo de idosos so baixos, o que revela que estamos perante um grupo maioritariamente independente. Por sua vez os homens apresentam melhor auto percepo da sua qualidade de vida e melhor desempenho nos testes fsicos realizados. Com o processo de envelhecimento notrio uma avaliao inferior nas diferentes reas da qualidade de vida por parte dos idosos assim como um pior desempenho nos testes fsicos. Verificou-se tambm que existem correlaes significativas entre as reas da qualidade de vida avaliadas e os parmetros de aptido fsica funcional considerados, estando estes interrelacionados. ABSTRACT: Introduction: Already in the antiquity Man was dealing with the aging topic, however the years passed and this issue is as one of the topics on the agenda that covers everyone, because we all want to experience the pleasure of growing old, like of our ancestors. Although they sought the elixir of eternal life and we are aiming the elixir of long life with quality. Aim: To evaluate the quality of life and functional fitness of elderly aged over 75 years, residents of the Municipality of vora in the network institutions in their households. Methods: After random selection and based on the exclusion criteria (no cognitive impairment assessed by MMS and no conditions that hamper them from performing functional tests) agreed to participate in the study 396 elderly from vora's Municipality of which 196 are institutionalized in nursing homes network of solidarity and 200 reside in their homes. The assessment instruments used were the EASYcare and battery of tests Rikly Jones- Senior Fitness Test. Conclusions: The non-institutionalized elderly have a better quality of life and functional fitness in relation to the institutionalized elderly. The levels of disability in the elderly group are low, indicating that this is a group mostly independent. ln tum the men have better self-perception of their quality of life and better performance in physical tests performed. With the aging process is an assessment of less known in different areas of life quality for elderly people as well as a poorer performance in physical tests. There was also that there are significant correlations between the areas of quality of life and evaluated the parameters of functional fitness considered and these interrelated.


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ABSTRACT The Non-invasive Ventilation represents an alternative from ventilatory support, being frequently used in the treatment of respiratory failure. There are many complications associated with this technique, related to the pressure / air flow and the application of interfaces, being this one the focus of the article. The most appropriate interface selection allows a successful technique; the interface must be based on anatomical characteristics of the patient, cutaneous integrity and ventilation requirements. The Nurse plays a key role selecting the appropriate interface; technical monitoring and prevention of complications. The objective of the study is identify sensitive results to nursing care in the prevention of pressure ulcers (PPU) of the face, in adult and elderly submitted to NIV. This research was through EBSCO (CINAHL (Plus with Full Text) and MEDLINE (Plus with Full Text), with selection of full text articles between 2003-01-01 and 31.12.2013. We used the method of PI[C]O and was selected 13 articles from a total of 353. It was identified a set of specific interventions that prevent the appearing of pressure ulcer (PU), and according to Doran (2011), promotes sensitivity to nursing care results. The nursing interventions in adults with NIV have a direct impact on health outcomes, with preventing and resolving complications, with contribution in terms of effective disease control, adherence to the treatment regimen and consequent increase in life quality.


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Objective: To identify the main changes in the daily life of people with leg ulcer and how that affects the persons lifes quality. Methodology: We used the methodology PI [C] OD and were selected four research articles, taken from EBSCO, PubMed, and EWMA. Results: The main changes identified in the peoples daily live with legs ulcers are physical (pain, decreased mobility, presence of exudate, bad smell from the wound and change in the style of clothing), psychological (sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, feelings of rejection and low self-esteem), social (isolation, restriction in leisure activities, inability to perform household chores). Conclusions: The literature about persons lifes quality with leg ulcer reported a significant impact in the daily life of that person. The care provided by nurses should be centred on the person itself, integrating all the kind of needs and the leg ulcer mustnt be the sole focus of care.