142 resultados para stem cell


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Recent arguments on the ethics of stem cell research have taken a novel approach to the question of the moral status of the embryo. One influential argument focuses on a property that the embryo is said to posses—namely, the property of being an entity with a rational nature or, less controversially, an entity that has the potential to acquire a rational nature—and claims that this property is also possessed by a somatic cell. Since nobody seriously thinks that we have a duty to preserve the countless such cells we wash off our body every day in the shower, the argument is intended as a reductio ad absurdum of the claim that the embryo should be afforded the same moral status as a fully developed human being. This article argues that this argument is not successful and that it consequently plays into the hands of those who oppose embryonic stem cell research. It is therefore better to abandon this argument and focus instead on the different argument that potentiality, as such, is not a sufficient ground for the creation of moral obligations towards the embryo.


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The suitability of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) in regenerative medicine relies on retention of their proliferative expansion potential in conjunction with the ability to differentiate toward multiple lineages. Successful utilisation of these cells in clinical applications linked to tissue regeneration requires consideration of biomarker expression, time in culture and donor age, as well as their ability to differentiate towards mesenchymal (bone, cartilage, fat) or non-mesenchymal (e.g., neural) lineages. To identify potential therapeutic suitability we examined hMSCs after extended expansion including morphological changes, potency (stemness) and multilineage potential. Commercially available hMSC populations were expanded in vitro for > 20 passages, equating to > 60 days and > 50 population doublings. Distinct growth phases (A-C) were observed during serial passaging and cells were characterised for stemness and lineage markers at representative stages (Phase A: P+5, approximately 13 days in culture; Phase B: P+7, approximately 20 days in culture; and Phase C: P+13, approximately 43 days in culture). Cell surface markers, stem cell markers and lineage-specific markers were characterised by FACS, ICC and Q-PCR revealing MSCs maintained their multilineage potential, including neural lineages throughout expansion. Co-expression of multiple lineage markers along with continued CD45 expression in MSCs did not affect completion of osteogenic and adipogenic specification or the formation of neurospheres. Improved standardised isolation and characterisation of MSCs may facilitate the identification of biomarkers to improve therapeutic efficacy to ensure increased reproducibility and routine production of MSCs for therapeutic applications including neural repair.


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In the absence of specific treatable mutations, platinum-based chemotherapy remains the gold standard of treatment for lung cancer patients. However, 5-year survival rates remain poor due to the development of resistance and eventual relapse. Resistance to conventional cytotoxic therapies presents a significant clinical challenge in the treatment of this disease. The cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis suggests that tumors are arranged in a hierarchical structure, with the presence of a small subset of stem-like cells that are responsible for tumor initiation and growth. This CSC population has a number of key properties such as the ability to asymmetrically divide, differentiate and self-renew, in addition to having increased intrinsic resistance to therapy. While cytotoxic chemotherapy kills the bulk of tumor cells, CSCs are spared and have the ability to recapitulate the heterogenic tumor mass. The identification of lung CSCs and their role in tumor biology and treatment resistance may lead to innovative targeted therapies that may ultimately improve clinical outcomes in lung cancer patients. This review will focus on lung CSC markers, their role in resistance and their relevance as targets for future therapies.


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To date, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from various tissues have been reported, but the yield and differentiation potential of different tissue-derived MSCs is still not clear. This study was undertaken in an attempt to investigate the multilineage stem cell potential of bone and cartilage explant cultures in comparison with bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). The results showed that the surface antigen expression of tissue-derived cells was consistent with that of mesenchymal stem cells, such as lacking the haematopoietic and common leukocyte markers (CD34, CD45) while expressing markers related to adhesion (CD29, CD166) and stem cells (CD90, CD105). The tissue-derived cells were able to differentiate into osteoblast, chondrocyte and adipocyte lineage pathways when stimulated in the appropriate differentiating conditions. However, compared with BMSCs, tissue-derived cells showed less capacity for multilineage differentiation when the level of differentiation was assessed in monolayer culture by analysing the expression of tissue-specific genes by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and histology. In high density pellet cultures, tissue-derived cells were able to differentiate into chondrocytes, expressing chondrocyte markers such as proteoglycans, type II collagen and aggrecan. Taken together, these results indicate that cells derived from tissue explant cultures reserved certain degree of differentiation properties of MSCs in vitro.


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Osteophytes form through the process of chondroid metamorphosis of fibrous tissue followed by endochondral ossification. Osteophytes have been found to consist of three different mesenchymal tissue regions including endochondral bone formation within cartilage residues, intra-membranous bone formation within fibrous tissue and bone formation within bone marrow spaces. All these features provide evidence of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) involvement in osteophyte formation; nevertheless, it remains to be characterised. MSC from numerous mesenchymal tissues have been isolated but bone marrow remains the “ideal” due to the ease of ex vivo expansion and multilineage potential. However, the bone marrow stroma has a relatively low number of MSC, something that necessitates the need for long-term culture and extensive population doublings in order to obtain a sufficient number of cells for therapeutic applications. MSC in vitro have limited proliferative capacity and extensive passaging compromises differentiation potential. To overcome this barrier, tissue derived MSC are of strong interest for extensive study and characterisation, with a focus on their potential application in therapeutic tissue regeneration. To date, no MSC type cell has been isolated from osteophyte tissue, despite this tissue exhibiting all the hallmark features of a regenerative tissue. Therefore, this study aimed to isolate and characterise cells from osteophyte tissues in relation to their phenotype, differentiation potential, immuno-modulatory properties, proliferation, cellular ageing, longevity and chondrogenesis in in vitro defect model in comparison to patient matched bone marrow stromal cells (bMSC). Osteophyte derived cells were isolated from osteophyte tissue samples collected during knee replacement surgery. These cells were characterised by the expression of cell surface antigens, differentiation potential into mesenchymal lineages, growth kinetics and modulation of allo-immune responses. Multipotential stem cells were identified from all osteophyte samples namely osteophyte derived mesenchymal stem cells (oMSC). Extensively expanded cell cultures (passage 4 and 9 respectively) were used to confirm cytogenetic stability and study signs of cellular aging, telomere length and telomerase activity. Cultured cells at passage 4 were used to determine 84 pathway focused stem cell related gene expression profile. Micro mass pellets were cultured in chondrogenic differentiation media for 21 days for phenotypic and chondrogenic related gene expression. Secondly, cell pellets differentiated overnight were placed into articular cartilage defects and cultured for further 21 days in control medium and chondrogenic medium to study chondrogenesis and cell behaviour. The surface antigen expression of oMSC was consistent with that of mesenchymal stem cells, such as lacking the haematopoietic and common leukocyte markers (CD34, CD45) while expressing those related to adhesion (CD29, CD166, CD44) and stem cells (CD90, CD105, CD73). The proliferation capacity of oMSC in culture was superior to that of bMSC, and they readily differentiated into tissues of the mesenchymal lineages. oMSC also demonstrated the ability to suppress allogeneic T-cell proliferation, which was associated with the expression of tryptophan degrading enzyme indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase (IDO). Cellular aging was more prominent in late passage bMSC than in oMSC. oMSC had longer telomere length in late passages compared with bMSC, although there was no significant difference in telomere lengths in the early passages in either cell type. Telomerase activity was detectable only in early passage oMSC and not in bMSC. In osteophyte tissues telomerase positive cells were found to be located peri vascularly and were Stro-1 positive. Eighty-four pathway-focused genes were investigated and only five genes (APC, CCND2, GJB2, NCAM and BMP2) were differentially expressed between bMSC and oMSC. Chondrogenically induced micro mass pellets of oMSC showed higher staining intensity for proteoglycans, aggrecan and collagen II. Differential expression of chondrogenic related genes showed up regulation of Aggrecan and Sox 9 in oMSC and collagen II in bMSC. The in vitro defect models of oMSC in control medium showed rounded and aggregated cells staining positively for proteoglycan and presence of some extracellular matrix. In contrast, defects with bMSC showed fragmentation and loss of cells, fibroblast-like cell morphology staining positively for proteoglycans. For defects maintained in chondrogenic medium, rounded, aggregated and proteoglycan positive cells were found in both oMSC and bMSC cultures. Extracellular matrix and cellular integration into newly formed matrix was evident only in oMSC defects. For analysis of chondrocyte hypertrophy, strong expression of type X collagen could be noticed in the pellet cultures and transplanted bMSC. In summary, this study demonstrated that osteophyte derived cells had similar properties to mesenchymal stem cells in the expression of antigen phenotype, differential potential and suppression of allo-immune response. Furthermore, when compared to bMSC, oMSC maintained a higher proliferative capacity due to a retained level of telomerase activity in vitro, which may account for the relatively longer telomeres delaying growth arrest by replicative senescence compared with bMSC. oMSC behaviour in defects supported chondrogenesis which implies that cells derived from regenerative tissue can be an alternative source of stem cells and have a potential clinical application for therapeutic stem cell based tissue regeneration.


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Cell-sheet techniques have been proven effective in various soft tissue engineering applications. In this experiment, we investigated the feasibility of bone tissue engineering using a hybrid of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) sheets and PLGA meshes. Porcine MSCs were cultured to a thin layer of cell sheets via osteogenic induction. Tube-like long bones were constructed by wrapping the cell sheet on to PLGA meshes resulting in constructs which could be cultured in spinner flasks, prior to implantation in nude rats. Our results showed that the sheets were composed of viable cells and dense matrix with a thickness of about 80–120 mm, mineral deposition was also observed in the sheet. In vitro cultures demonstrated calcified cartilage-like tissue formation and most PLGA meshes were absorbed during the 8-week culture period. In vivo experiments revealed that dense mineralized tissue was formed in subcutaneous sites and the 8- week plants shared similar micro-CT characteristics with native bone. The neo tissue demonstrated histological markers for both bone and cartilage, indicating that the bone formation pathway in constructs was akin to endochondral ossification, with the residues of PLGA having an effect on the neo tissue organization and formation. These results indicate that cell-sheet approaches in combination with custom-shaped scaffolds have potential in producing bone tissue.


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Although many different materials, techniques and methods, including artificial or engineered bone substitutes, have been used to repair various bone defects, the restoration of critical-sized bone defects caused by trauma, surgery or congenital malformation is still a great challenge to orthopedic surgeons. One important fact that has been neglected in the pursuit of resolutions for large bone defect healing is that most physiological bone defect healing needs the periosteum and stripping off the periosteum may result in non-union or non-healed bone defects. Periosteum plays very important roles not only in bone development but also in bone defect healing. The purpose of this project was to construct a functional periosteum in vitro using a single stem cell source and then test its ability to aid the repair of critical-sized bone defect in animal models. This project was designed with three separate but closely-linked parts which in the end led to four independent papers. The first part of this study investigated the structural and cellular features in periostea from diaphyseal and metaphyseal bone surfaces in rats of different ages or with osteoporosis. Histological and immunohistological methods were used in this part of the study. Results revealed that the structure and cell populations in periosteum are both age-related and site-specific. The diaphyseal periosteum showed age-related degeneration, whereas the metaphyseal periosteum is more destructive in older aged rats. The periosteum from osteoporotic bones differs from normal bones both in terms of structure and cell populations. This is especially evident in the cambial layer of the metaphyseal area. Bone resorption appears to be more active in the periosteum from osteoporotic bones, whereas bone formation activity is comparable between the osteoporotic and normal bone. The dysregulation of bone resorption and formation in the periosteum may also be the effect of the interaction between various neural pathways and the cell populations residing within it. One of the most important aspects in periosteum engineering is how to introduce new blood vessels into the engineered periosteum to help form vascularized bone tissues in bone defect areas. The second part of this study was designed to investigate the possibility of differentiating bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) into the endothelial cells and using them to construct vascularized periosteum. The endothelial cell differentiation of BMSCs was induced in pro-angiogenic media under both normoxia and CoCl2 (hypoxia-mimicking agent)-induced hypoxia conditions. The VEGF/PEDF expression pattern, endothelial cell specific marker expression, in vitro and in vivo vascularization ability of BMSCs cultured in different situations were assessed. Results revealed that BMSCs most likely cannot be differentiated into endothelial cells through the application of pro-angiogenic growth factors or by culturing under CoCl2-induced hypoxic conditions. However, they may be involved in angiogenesis as regulators under both normoxia and hypoxia conditions. Two major angiogenesis-related growth factors, VEGF (pro-angiogenic) and PEDF (anti-angiogenic) were found to have altered their expressions in accordance with the extracellular environment. BMSCs treated with the hypoxia-mimicking agent CoCl2 expressed more VEGF and less PEDF and enhanced the vascularization of subcutaneous implants in vivo. Based on the findings of the second part, the CoCl2 pre-treated BMSCs were used to construct periosteum, and the in vivo vascularization and osteogenesis of the constructed periosteum were assessed in the third part of this project. The findings of the third part revealed that BMSCs pre-treated with CoCl2 could enhance both ectopic and orthotopic osteogenesis of BMSCs-derived osteoblasts and vascularization at the early osteogenic stage, and the endothelial cells (HUVECs), which were used as positive control, were only capable of promoting osteogenesis after four-weeks. The subcutaneous area of the mouse is most likely inappropriate for assessing new bone formation on collagen scaffolds. This study demonstrated the potential application of CoCl2 pre-treated BMSCs in the tissue engineering not only for periosteum but also bone or other vascularized tissues. In summary, the structure and cell populations in periosteum are age-related, site-specific and closely linked with bone health status. BMSCs as a stem cell source for periosteum engineering are not endothelial cell progenitors but regulators, and CoCl2-treated BMSCs expressed more VEGF and less PEDF. These CoCl2-treated BMSCs enhanced both vascularization and osteogenesis in constructed periosteum transplanted in vivo.


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Prostate cancer is an important male health issue. The strategies used to diagnose and treat prostate cancer underscore the cell and molecular interactions that promote disease progression. Prostate cancer is histologically defined by increasingly undifferentiated tumour cells and therapeutically targeted by androgen ablation. Even as the normal glandular architecture of the adult prostate is lost, prostate cancer cells remain dependent on the androgen receptor (AR) for growth and survival. This project focused on androgen-regulated gene expression, altered cellular differentiation, and the nexus between these two concepts. The AR controls prostate development, homeostasis and cancer progression by regulating the expression of downstream genes. Kallikrein-related serine peptidases are prominent transcriptional targets of AR in the adult prostate. Kallikrein 3 (KLK3), which is commonly referred to as prostate-specific antigen, is the current serum biomarker for prostate cancer. Other kallikreins are potential adjunct biomarkers. As secreted proteases, kallikreins act through enzyme cascades that may modulate the prostate cancer microenvironment. Both as a panel of biomarkers and cascade of proteases, the roles of kallikreins are interconnected. Yet the expression and regulation of different kallikreins in prostate cancer has not been compared. In this study, a spectrum of prostate cell lines was used to evaluate the expression profile of all 15 members of the kallikrein family. A cluster of genes was co-ordinately expressed in androgenresponsive cell lines. This group of kallikreins included KLK2, 3, 4 and 15, which are located adjacent to one another at the centromeric end of the kallikrein locus. KLK14 was also of interest, because it was ubiquitously expressed among the prostate cell lines. Immunohistochemistry showed that these 5 kallikreins are co-expressed in benign and malignant prostate tissue. The androgen-regulated expression of KLK2 and KLK3 is well-characterised, but has not been compared with other kallikreins. Therefore, KLK2, 3, 4, 14 and 15 expression were all measured in time course and dose response experiments with androgens, AR-antagonist treatments, hormone deprivation experiments and cells transfected with AR siRNA. Collectively, these experiments demonstrated that prostatic kallikreins are specifically and directly regulated by the AR. The data also revealed that kallikrein genes are differentially regulated by androgens; KLK2 and KLK3 were strongly up-regulated, KLK4 and KLK15 were modestly up-regulated, and KLK14 was repressed. Notably, KLK14 is located at the telomeric end of the kallikrein locus, far away from the centromeric cluster of kallikreins that are stimulated by androgens. These results show that the expression of KLK2, 3, 4, 14 and 15 is maintained in prostate cancer, but that these genes exhibit different responses to androgens. This makes the kallikrein locus an ideal model to investigate AR signalling. The increasingly dedifferentiated phenotype of aggressive prostate cancer cells is accompanied by the re-expression of signalling molecules that are usually expressed during embryogenesis and foetal tissue development. The Wnt pathway is one developmental cascade that is reactivated in prostate cancer. The canonical Wnt cascade regulates the intracellular levels of β-catenin, a potent transcriptional co-activator of T-cell factor (TCF) transcription factors. Notably, β-catenin can also bind to the AR and synergistically stimulate androgen-mediated gene expression. This is at the expense of typical Wnt/TCF target genes, because the AR:β-catenin and TCF:β-catenin interactions are mutually exclusive. The effect of β-catenin on kallikrein expression was examined to further investigate the role of β-catenin in prostate cancer. Stable knockdown of β-catenin in LNCaP prostate cancer cells attenuated the androgen-regulated expression of KLK2, 3, 4 and 15, but not KLK14. To test whether KLK14 is instead a TCF:β-catenin target gene, the endogenous levels of β-catenin were increased by inhibiting its degradation. Although KLK14 expression was up-regulated by these treatments, siRNA knockdown of β-catenin demonstrated that this effect was independent of β-catenin. These results show that β-catenin is required for maximal expression of KLK2, 3, 4 and 15, but not KLK14. Developmental cells and tumour cells express a similar repertoire of signalling molecules, which means that these different cell types are responsive to one another. Previous reports have shown that stem cells and foetal tissues can reprogram aggressive cancer cells to less aggressive phenotypes by restoring the balance to developmental signalling pathways that are highly dysregulated in cancer. To investigate this phenomenon in prostate cancer, DU145 and PC-3 prostate cancer cells were cultured on matrices pre-conditioned with human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Soft agar assays showed that prostate cancer cells exposed to hESC conditioned matrices had reduced clonogenicity compared with cells harvested from control matrices. A recent study demonstrated that this effect was partially due to hESC-derived Lefty, an antagonist of Nodal. A member of the transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) superfamily, Nodal regulates embryogenesis and is re-expressed in cancer. The role of Nodal in prostate cancer has not previously been reported. Therefore, the expression and function of the Nodal signalling pathway in prostate cancer was investigated. Western blots confirmed that Nodal is expressed in DU145 and PC-3 cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed greater expression of Nodal in malignant versus benign glands. Notably, the Nodal inhibitor, Lefty, was not expressed at the mRNA level in any prostate cell lines tested. The Nodal signalling pathway is functionally active in prostate cancer cells. Recombinant Nodal treatments triggered downstream phosphorylation of Smad2 in DU145 and LNCaP cells, and stably-transfected Nodal increased the clonogencity of LNCaP cells. Nodal was also found to modulate AR signalling. Nodal reduced the activity of an androgen-regulated KLK3 promoter construct in luciferase assays and attenuated the endogenous expression of AR target genes including prostatic kallikreins. These results demonstrate that Nodal is a novel example of a developmental signalling molecule that is reexpressed in prostate cancer and may have a functional role in prostate cancer progression. In summary, this project clarifies the role of androgens and changing cellular differentiation in prostate cancer by characterising the expression and function of the downstream genes encoding kallikrein-related serine proteases and Nodal. Furthermore, this study emphasises the similarities between prostate cancer and early development, and the crosstalk between developmental signalling pathways and the AR axis. The outcomes of this project also affirm the utility of the kallikrein locus as a model system to monitor tumour progression and the phenotype of prostate cancer cells.


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This book focuses on practical applications for using adult and embryonic stem cells in the pharmaceutical development process. It emphasizes new technologies to help overcome the bottlenecks in developing stem cells as therapeutic agents. A key reference for professionals working in stem cell science, it presents the general principles and methodologies in stem cell research and covers topics such as derivitization and characterization of stem cells, stem cell culture and maintenance, stem cell engineering, applications of high-throughput screening, and stem cell genetic modification with their use for drug delivery.


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There has been uncertainty regarding the precise role that the pocket protein Rb1 plays in murine melanocyte homeostasis. It has been reported that the TAT-Cre mediated loss of exon 19 from a floxed Rb1 allele causes melanocyte apoptosis in vivo and in vitro. This is at variance with other findings showing, either directly or indirectly, that Rb1 loss in melanocytes has no noticeable effect in vivo, but in vitro leads to a semi-transformed phenotype. In this study, we show that Rb1-null melanocytes lacking exon 19 do not undergo apoptosis and survive both in vitro and in vivo, irrespective of the developmental stage at which Cre-mediated ablation of the exon occurs. Further, Rb1 loss has no serious long-term ramifications on melanocyte homeostasis in vivo, with Rb1-null melanocytes being detected in the skin after numerous hair cycles, inferring that the melanocyte stem cell population carrying the Cre-mediated deletion is maintained. Consequently, whilst Rb1 loss in the melanocyte is able to alter cellular behaviour in vitro, it appears inconsequential with respect to melanocyte homeostasis in the mouse skin.


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The formation of new blood vessels is a prerequisite for bone healing. CYR61 (CCN1), an extracellular matrix-associated signaling protein, is a potent stimulator of angiogenesis and mesenchymal stem cell expansion and differentiation. A recent study showed that CYR61 is expressed during fracture healing and suggested that CYR61 plays a significant role in cartilage and bone formation. The hypothesis of the present study was that decreased fixation stability, which leads to a delay in healing, would lead to reduced CYR61 protein expression in fracture callus. The aim of the study was to quantitatively analyze CYR61 protein expression, vascularization, and tissue differentiation in the osteotomy gap and relate to the mechanical fixation stability during the course of healing. A mid-shaft osteotomy of the tibia was performed in two groups of sheep and stabilized with either a rigid or semirigid external fixator, each allowing different amounts of interfragmentary movement. The sheep were sacrificed at 2, 3, 6, and 9 weeks postoperatively. The tibiae were tested biomechanically and histological sections from the callus were analyzed immunohistochemically with regard to CYR61 protein expression and vascularization. Expression of CYR61 protein was upregulated at the early phase of fracture healing (2 weeks), decreasing over the healing time. Decreased fixation stability was associated with a reduced upregulation of the CYR61 protein expression and a reduced vascularization at 2 weeks leading to a slower healing. The maximum cartilage callus fraction in both groups was reached at 3 weeks. However, the semirigid fixator group showed a significantly lower CYR61 immunoreactivity in cartilage than the rigid fixator group at this time point. The fraction of cartilage in the semirigid fixator group was not replaced by bone as quickly as in the rigid fixator group leading to an inferior histological and mechanical callus quality at 6 weeks and therefore to a slower healing. The results supply further evidence that CYR61 may serve as an important regulator of bone healing.


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Dental pulp cells (DPCs) have shown promising potential in dental tissue repair and regeneration. However, during in vitro culture, these cells undergo replicative senescence and result in significant alteration in cell proliferation and differentiation. Recently, the transcription factors of Oct-4, Sox2, c-Myc, and Klf4 have been reported to play a regulatory role in the stem cell self-renewal process, namely cell reprogramming. Therefore, it is interesting to know whether the replicative senescence during the culture of dental pulp cells is related to the diminishing of the expression of these transcription factors. In this study, we investigated the expression of the reprogramming markers Oct-4, Sox2, and c-Myc in the in vitro explant cultured dental pulp tissues and explant cultured dental pulp cells (DPCs) at various passages by immunofluorescence staining and real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. Our results demonstrated that Oct-4, Sox2, and c-Myc translocated from nucleus in the first 2 passages to cytoplasm after the third passage in explant cultured DPCs. The mRNA expression of Oct-4, Sox2, and c-Myc elevated significantly over the first 2 passages, peaked at second passage (P < .05), and then decreased along the number of passages afterwards (P < .05). For the first time we demonstrated that the expression of reprogramming markers Oct-4, Sox2, and c-Myc was detectable in the early passaged DPCs, and the sequential loss of these markers in the nucleus during DPC cultures might be related to the cell fate of dental pulp derived cells during the long-term in vitro cultivation under current culture conditions.