27 resultados para Gene-Environment Interaction

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全球变化与陆地生态系统(GCTE)的研究一直是国际地圈一生物圈计划(IGBP).全球变化研究的焦点之一,其中植被与环境,尤其是气候的关系研究,虽然古老却又包含许多新的涵义,而陆地样带(Terrestrial Transect)则是近年来发起于GCTE,并拓展到IGBP其它核心项目的研究热点.博士后研究的主要工作有:将全球变化作为主线,以单个树种青冈(Cyclobalanopsisgtauco)为对象,研究其过去、现在和将来的地理分布与气候的关系;分别利用气温和降水指标,拓展Kira指标形成生物热量指数和干湿度指数,以及建立水热积指数,在宏观尺度上研究了中国植被与气候的关系;结合生物群区和植物功能型概念的发展以及生物多样性的研究,进行了以生物多样性保育为目的的我国生态地理区划;在熟悉IGBP陆地样带的科学计划并总结其最新发展动态的基础上,分析了中国东北样带的基本生态地理特征;最后,粗略分析r生物性多样保育与自然保护区建设和管理的关系问题。 1.植被一环境(气候)分类:指标、系统和模型 植被一气候关系是一个古老的命题,但在当今的全球变化研究中成为最基础和最具活力的工作。从单一因子的或多因子简单组合的分类指标,如Koppen,Box指标等,到以可能蒸散为基础的综合分类指标,如Penman,Thornthwaite, Holdridge,Budyko,Kira指标等,科学家们发展了众多的植被一气候分类系统和模型,如Koppen.Thornthwaite,Holdridge. Kira. Box. Neilson.Woodward, Budyko, Prentice系统,以及Holdridge,Uvardy,Matthews. Olson. Bailey.Woodward.Prentice. Box模型,为现今植被一气候关系的研究以及全球变化对陆地生态系统的影响,和大气C02增加对潜在植被变化的响应预测奠定了良好的基础。 2.基于物种的植被一气候关系研究:中国青冈的地理分布与气候的关系 在广泛收集青冈[Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst.]地理分布资料的基础上,利用目前国际上比较流行的研究植被与气候相互关系的指标和方法,包括Kira的水热指标、Penman的公式、Thomthwaite的指标和气候分类、Holdridge的生命地带分类系统指标, 以及年平均气温(TEMP). 1月均温(Tl)、’7月均温(T7)、极端最高气温(TMAX)、极端最低气温(TMIN).≥10℃积温(AT)和年降水量(PREC),研究了青冈在中国的地理分布与气候的关系,讨论了青冈垂直分布的上限、下限以及北界的Kira热量指标状况。根据孢粉资料和历史文献,探讨r历史时期青冈在中国大陆的分布与变迁及其与气候的关系,并利用Holdridge生命地带分类系统指标预测了C02浓度倍增条件下中国青冈分布区的可能变化。 3.宏观尺度上的中国植被一气候关系 1)用气温、降水指标研究中国植被一气候关系 能够在气象台站直接、方便地测试到的年平均气温、降水量指标,与其它水热气候因子有显著的相关性,用它们来研究中国植被与气候的关系是可行且有用的。利用全国689个气象站点的气象记录,计算得出了中国各植被地带、亚地带的年平均气温,年降水量指标和温雨系数,利用生态信息系统EIS作出了各气候指标在中国的分布,并将年平均气温和降水量作散点图,均较好地表现了中国各植被类型与气候指标的关系和格局。总结可得中国各植被地带的气候指标范围及界限。综合孢粉,古生物等资料信息,前人确定在全新世中期中国存在一个大暖期,其中稳定暖湿的鼎盛阶段在7.2—6,0 Ka.B.P.,其时中国境内大部分地区的年平均气温比现在高2℃左右,年降水平均高于现在100 mm,通过数学处理,利用生态信息系统恢复重建了全新世大暖期中国大陆的气温和降水分布状况.参考孢粉、古植物和他人研究资料及现代植被气候关系,恢复编制了大暖期鼎盛阶段中国大陆的植被区划图,与现代植被区划相比较,东部各个植被带在大暖期盛时表现出明显的北迁,温带植被的迁移幅度大于亚热带和热带植被;西部的植被带出现了经向西迁,西北部的草原范围扩张,荒漠缩小;青藏高原地区高寒半荒漠和荒漠植被的范围大大缩小,而且植被带仍有不同程度向北迁移的表现。这可为预测与阐明未来的气候变化和植被变迁提供有力的证据. 2)KIRA指标的拓展及其在中国植被与气候关系研究中的应用 根据Kira以月平均气温5℃为界的热量指数和干湿度指数概念,提出了以月平均气温10℃为界的生物热量指数,包括生物温暖指数BWI和生物寒冷指数BCI,并修正其干湿度指数为生物干湿度指数BK。利用中国689个标准气象台站的资料,分析我国主要植被类型分布与热量因子和干湿度因子的关系,得出两者之间有较好的相关性,生物温暖指数、寒冷指数和干湿度指数的散点图,较好地表现了中国各植被类型与气候指标的关系和格局。并得出中国各植被地带的气候指标范围及界限,以1 0℃为界的生物温暖指数不仅对我国森林植被的地理分布和温度气候带的划分具有较好的指示作用,而且对西南部高山、亚高山地区的植被与气候关系指示性较强;生物寒冷指数则对亚热带和热带的指示性很好,能够较好区分亚热带南部及热带地区;由热量指数和降水量综合得出的生物干湿度指数,对中国西北部干旱、半干旱区以至全国的植被分布与水分、热量因子的关系分析有较好的应用价值。 3)水热积指数的估算及其在中国植被与气候关系研究中的应用 试图利用大气年平均气温、年降水量、可能蒸散和土壤水分平衡之间的关系建立一个水热积指数,并应用年平均气温.水分盈亏值和水热积指数三个气候变量来限定植物群落组合,构成一个圆形的生命-气候图式.根据全国689个标准气象台站的气候资料,计算了中国8个植被地带和26个亚地带的年平均气温、年水分盈亏和水热积指数,绘制了各气候指标在中国的分布图及散点图,较好表现了中国各植被类型与气候指标的关系和格局,包括寒温带针叶林、冷温带针阔叶混交林、暖温带落叶阔叶林、亚热带常绿阔叶林、热带雨林和季雨林、温带草原、温带荒漠、青藏高原高寒植被,并得到了中国各植被地带的气候指标范围及界限。通过分析可以看出,年平均气温的等值线较好地反映了中国大陆的热量梯度,经度和纬度方向的区分均较明显;土壤水分盈亏曲线的等值线则比较零乱;综合了热量和水分差异的水热积指数,其等值线与热量梯度和水分梯度均有一定的对应性,与植被类型的对应也较好。这是在宏观尺度上进行的植被与气候关系研究的一种尝试,有待于增加机理性的内容,使其得到进一步的改进。 4.生物多样性保育和全球变化研究中的陆地生物群区类型 Biome(生物群区)是当今生物多样性保育和全球变化研究中的一个重要概念,根据此概念及植物功能型概念的发展,评述了9个重要的世界陆地生物群区分类系统,并根据中国的植被分类和区划,尝试划分了在中国的生物多样性保育和全球变化研究中所需要的陆地生物群区类型。 5.中国生物多样性的生态地理区划 利用各种生态地理因子,包括气候指标如与植物耐寒性有关的绝对最低温度(TMrN),最冷月平均气温(TJAN),最冷月日平均温度的最大值(MXT)和最小值(MIT);与需热性有关的植物生长季积温(AT);年降水量的季节分配,包括最冷月降水(PJAN),最热月降水(PJUL),年降水量,年降水的统计标准差(PSD)和变异系数(年变率PCV);植被指标如植被类型(VEGET)、,植被区划类型(VEGED)、植被的净第一性生产力(NPP)、植物区系类型(FLORA)、动物区系类型(FA UNA).植物特有属的丰富度(EDGENUS)以及度量植物多样性的植物种丰富度(属数GENUS、种数SPECIES);土壤指标如土壤类型(SOILT),土壤理化性质如土壤酸碱度(SOILPH)、土壤表层阳离子交换量(SOILEXC)等;地形和地貌特征如经度(LONG)、纬度(LAT)和海拔高度(ALT),利用模糊聚类的手段,综合进行了中国生物多样性的生态地理区划。采用四级区划,即:生物大区(biodomain) -生物亚区(subbiodomain) -生物群区(biome) -生物区(bioregion).全国划分为5个生物大区,7个生物亚区和1 8个生物群区。 I北方森林大区 I A欧亚北方森林亚区 I Al南泰加山地寒温针叶林 IA2北亚针阔叶混交林 II北方草原荒漠大区 II B欧亚草原亚区 II Bl内亚温带高草草原 II B2黄土高原森林草原(灌木草原) il C亚非荒漠亚区 II Cl中亚温带荒漠 ⅡC2蒙古/内亚温带荒漠 III东亚大区 III D东亚落叶阔叶林亚区 m DI东亚落叶阔叶林 III E东亚常绿阔叶林亚区 III El东亚落叶•常绿阔叶混交林 III E2东亚常绿阔叶林 ⅡI E3东亚季风常绿阔叶林 III E4西部山地常绿阔叶林 IV旧热带大区 IV F印度一马来热带森林亚区 IV Fl北热带雨林、季雨林 IV F2热带海岛植被 V亚洲高原大区 vG青藏高原亚区V Gl青藏高寒灌丛草甸V G2青藏高寒草原V G3青藏高寒荒漠V G4青藏温性草原V Gs青藏温性荒漠IGBP陆地样带:科学计划与最新进展 作为国际地圈一生物圈计划(IGBP)的交叉项目(Interproject)的陆地样带(Terrestrial Transect),已成为IGBP的全球变化研究中最引人重视的发展和新研究方法之一。它以一系列综合性的全球变化研究计划为基础,是由沿着一个主要全球变化驱动因素(如温度、降水、土地利用强度等)的梯度上的一系列研究站点所构成研究区域,并配合以模型模拟和综合分析,其地理范围为1000 km或更大的长度,数百公里的宽度,以涵盖大气环流模型(GCM)运作的最小单元。本节论述了IGBP陆地样带的概念和研究的意义,样带的类型、一般设计和选择标准,国际上IGBP样带的初步设置,包括①经受土地利用变化的潮湿热带系统;②从北方森林到冻原的高纬度地区;③从干旱森林到灌丛的半干旱热带地区;④从森林或灌丛过渡到草地的中纬度半干旱地区,以及其它的一些样带和PAGES核心计划中的PEP样带,主要内容有样带设置的原因、研究内容和主要样带特点等,并总结了样带的最新研究进展和动态. 6.中国东北样带(N ECT)的生态地理特征分析 陆地样带研究已成为国际地圈-生物圈计划(IGBP):全球变化研究的重要手段与热点。中国东北森林-草原样带(NECT)已被列为IGBP国际全球变化陆地样带之一。该样带在东经1120与130030’之间沿北纬43030’设置,长约l 600 km,是一条中纬度温带以降水为驱动因素的梯度,具有由温带针阔叶混交林向温带草原的3个亚地带:草甸草原、典型草原与荒漠草原过渡的空间系列。本文给出了样带的基本生态地理特征及其梯度分析,包括其地理位置、设置意义、地形地貌、气候梯度、土壤类型、土地利用格局、植被类型、主要优势种和群落类型的生态地理特征以及全新世适宜期(大暖期)的植被分布格局。NECT将成为我国全球变化与陆地生态系统(GCTE)与其它IGBP核心项目研究的前沿阵地。 7.自然保护区的作用、建设和管理及其与生物多样性的关系 一般而言,“就地保护”是保护生物多样性的主要措施和最根本的途径,生境的“就地保护”是生物多样性保护最为有力和最为高效的保护方法,而就地保护的措施就是建立自然保护区,通过对自然保护区的建设和有效管理,使生物多样性得到切实有效的人为保护。从自然保护区定义和类型划分及生物多样性的定义本身可以看出,自然保护区的主要保护对象是世界上丰富多彩的生物多样性,自然保护区是生物多样性就地保护的重要基地,是物种多样性的基因库,是留给野生动植物的宝贵栖息地,应把保护区的建设和生物多样性的保护与持续利用密切结合起来,合理开发利用自然资源,促进生物多样性的可持续发展。


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本文从物种和景观两个组织水平上研究了气候、土壤、地形等自然环境因子和人类活动因子对生物空间分布格局的影响。基于锡林河流域地理信息系统各环境因子的专题数据,利用空间异质性分析方法研究了锡林河流域环境因子的空间分布格局;基于锡林河流域野外调查数据,运用空间异质性分析方法研究了重要物种的空间分布格局,并采用典范对应分析(Canomc Correspondence Analvsis,CCA)方法分析了物种分布与环境因子的关系:基于锡林河流域地理信息系统各环境因子的专题数据,研究了锡林河流域植被斑块的空间格局特征及其与环境因子的关系,并采用典范对应分析方法分析了植被类型组成与环境因子的关系:基于内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站放牧样地的样方调查数据.采用空间异质性分析方法,研究了放牧压力对物种空间分布格局的影响:基于多年的卫星遥感数据,采用建模和对比等方法,研究了定居放牧方式下植被状况空间变化规律及植被状况时空变化与人类活动、社会经济发展的关系。通过上述分析,得到的主要结论如下: 1、锡林河流域各个环境因子都具有自己的空间特征尺度,共同形成多尺度等级体系,按特征尺度的大小可以分为如下3个组: ·小尺度组(15km左右):有机暖、全N的较小的特征尺度 ·中尺度组(30~50km):T1,碳酸钙含量.PER、全N和海拔高度的较小的特征尺度 ·大尺度组(100km左右):ANNR,PER、全N和海拔高度的较大的特征尺度多尺度等级的生态学意义是它反映生态变量异质斑块的镶嵌和包含特征,环境因子多尺度等级体系反映共性,具有普遍性:反映生态关系,具有生态学意义。 2、对物种空间异质性的Mantel检验和半方差分析得到了一致的结果产即羊草、糙隐子草和星毛萎菱菜在锡林河流域的空间分布呈现随机特征,而大针茅和冷蒿则表现为十分显著的格局特征。按分布格局的显著程度从大到小排列为冷蒿>大针茅>星毛萎菱菜>糙隐子草>羊草。理论半方差图显示大针茅和冷蒿的空间自相关域分别为30.447公里和30公里。物种空间分布格局是受自然条件、人类活动以及它们自身的生理生态特征综合决定的,物种自身的生理生态特征决定了它们对外界环境变化的适应性反应机制,而自然与人类活动这两种因素在空间的交错配置决定了物种适应性反应的方向和程度,从而综合导致物种空间分布格局的形成。 3、对锡林河流域物种分布与环境因子关系的CCA分析和交叉半方差方法分析显示:1)气候因子(11个指标)、土壤性状因子(3个指标)和地形因子(3个指标)对物种分布的贡献率分别为11.2%、9.5%和11%,三者总和为31.7%。2)各个环境因子对物种分布空间作用方向具有一致性,物种分布与环境因子几乎都在135。和157.5。两个方向上具有相对明显的相关性,从锡林河流域来看,这两个方向反映了气候、土壤以及地形从东南往西北的变化梯度方向。 4、对锡林河流域14个植被景观指数进行的PCA分析表明,锡林河流域植被斑块空间分布的物理特征主要表现在斑块的数目和大小方面,其次是在斑块的多样性方面,并可将它们分为4个组,分别反映锡林河流域植被斑块的不同特征: ·第一组:NP、PRD、LPI、MPS、PSSD和TE,主要反映景观斑块在数量和大小方面的特征; ·第二组:SHDI、SIDI、SHEI和SIEI,主要反映景观斑块的多样性特征; ·第三组:PSCV和[J].主要反映景观斑块之间的相互邻接程度; ·第四组:MSI和AWMSI,主要反映景观斑块的形状特征。 MPS和PSSD两个指数与环境因子无论是在相关系数的性质还是显著程度上都保持了很好的一致性,它们与纬度(LAT)及可能蒸散率(PER)呈极显著的正相关关系,而与经度(LNG)、海拔高度(ALT)、年平均降水量(ANNR)及土壤有机质含量(0RG)呈极显著的负相关关系:平均形状指数(MSI)只与LAT呈显著的正相关关系;多样性指数和扩散毗连指数与任何一个环境因子都没有表现出显著的相关性。 5、锡林河流域植被分布与环境因子的关系CCA排序方法分析表明,气候因子(11个指标)、土壤性状因子(3个指标)和地形因子(3个指标)对植被分布的贡献率分别为19.8%、11.1%和14.5%,三者总和为45.4%。环境因子在植被和物种两个水平上的贡献率表现了相似的特点,自然环境因子不能完全解释植被的空间分布,人类活动的影响应该受到重视。 6、放牧压力对物种空间分布格局的研究表明: ·牧压对温带典型草原物种的空间分布格局有明显的影响。随着牧云的增大,属于原生群落物种的羊草与大针茅空间分布的随机性减小,空间自相关尺度逐渐增大;而对于退化过程中的入侵物种冷蒿和星毛萎菱菜,其空间分布的随机性逐渐增大.空间自相关尺度也呈增大趋势。在牧压胁迫超过一定水平时,冷蒿空间分布的自相关尺度开始下降,而星毛萎菱菜的空间分布格局则表现出强烈的随机性。 ·物种空间格局的变化是反映群落演替过程较为稳定的特征,适用于不同放牧条件下 群落之间的比较。 7、利用遥感数据对人类活动对植被影响的研究表明: ·定居放牧方式下,NDVI随定居点距离的变化格局经历了3个阶段。第一阶段,草场处于原生阶段,NDVI不随距离变化;第二阶段,定居点附近开始局部退化,NDVI随距离增加而增大:第三阶段,退化区域扩大,NDVI不随距离变化。 ·在草场局部退化阶段,NDVI随距离的变化呈对数函数规律,定居点的放牧区具有放牧半径、原生NDVI值、NDVI变化率等特征。根据这些特征、NDVI对数规律以及NDVI与地上生物量的关系可以推测定居点的总载畜量。 ·锡林河流域从87年到85年NDVI值降低最大的区域为流域的中部和南部,这与这一区域人类活动强度以及社会经济发展具有密切关系。


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Experiments were performed, in a terrestrial environment, to study the migration and interaction of two drops with different diameters in matrix liquid under temperature gradient field. Pure soybean oil and silicon oil were used as matrix liquid and the drop liquid, respectively. The information on the motions of two drops was recorded by CCD camera system in the experiments to analyze the trajectories and velocities of the drops. Our experiments showed that, upon two drops approaching each other, the influence of the larger drop on the motion of the smaller one became significant. Meanwhile the smaller drop had a little influence on the larger one all the time. The oscillation of migration velocities of both drops was observed as they were approaching. For a short period the smaller drop even moved backward when it became side by side with the larger one during the migration. Although our experimental results on the behavior of two drops are basically consistent with the theoretical predictions, there are also apparent differences. 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Thermocapillary migration; Drop; Interaction; Oscillation 1. Introduction A bubble or drop will move when placed in another fluid with temperature gradient. This motion happens as a consequence of the variation of interfacial tension with temperature. Such a phenomenon is already known as Marangoni migration problem. With the development of microgravity science, bubble dynamics and droplet dynamics became a hot point problem of research because this investigation is very important for basic research as well as for applications in reduced gravity environment, such as space material science, chemical engineering and so on. Young et al. first investigated the thermocapillary migration of


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A theoretical investigation is performed on the thermocapillary motion of two bubbles in arbitrary configuration in microgravity environment under the assumption that the surface tension is high enough to keep the bubbles spherical. The two bubbles are dr


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Recent transcription profiling studies have revealed an unexpectedly large proportion of antisense transcripts in eukaryotic genomes. These antisense genes seem to regulate gene expression by interacting with sense genes. Previous studies have focused on the non-coding antisense genes, but the possible regulatory role of the antisense protein is poorly understood. In this study, we found that a protein encoded by the antisense gene ADF1 acts as a transcription suppressor, regulating the expression of sense gene MDF1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Based on the evolutionary, genetic, cytological and biochemical evidence, we show that the protein-coding sense gene MDF1 most likely originated de novo from a previously non-coding sequence and can significantly suppress the mating efficiency of baker's yeast in rich medium by binding MAT alpha 2 and thus promote vegetative growth. These results shed new light on several important issues, including a new sense-antisense interaction mechanism, the de novo origination of a functional gene, and the regulation of yeast mating pathway.


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In Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, gene sll1384 encodes a protein with a DnaJ domain at its N-terminal portion and a TPR domain at the C-terminal portion. An sll1384 mutant shows no difference from the wild type in adaptation to different temperatures, but almost completely loses its capability of phototactic movement. After complementation with sll1384, the mutant regains the phototaxis. As shown with electron microscopy, on the cell surface, mutant cells have pili that appear to be the same as that of the wild type. Also, the transformation efficiency remains unchanged in the mutant. It is postulated that Sll1384 regulates phototaxis of Synechocystis through protein-protein interaction. It is the first DnaJ-like protein gene identified in a cyanobacterium for a role in phototaxis.


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The cyprinid fish genus Sinocyclocheilus, as the most cavefish rich genus, includes many species showing striking adaptation to caves and convergent reduction or even loss of eyes and pigmentation. RH1 is responsible for dim vision. In order to explore the evolution of RH1 gene in this genus, we sequenced the complete gene from 28 individuals of 16 representative species of Sinocyclocheilus, with cave and surface species included. Phylogenetic analyses supported the monophyly of Sinocyclocheilus and polyphyly of the cave species. Codon models implemented in PAML were used to infer the evolution of RH1. We found that Sinocyclocheilus had a significantly higher evolutionary rate for amino acids than other cyprinid fishes compared, which might be the result of relaxation of purifying selection and could be ascribed to cave habit of this genus. In contrast to previous hypotheses, both cave and surface lineages exhibited a similar rate of molecular evolution, so the RH1 of cave species may still be functional, although these species were highly adapted to cave environment. Two amino acid substitutions (D83G and E122V) that were not reported before were found, which may be useful for site-directed mutagenesis in the future.


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m Background: Cross-species nuclear transfer has been shown to be a potent approach to retain the genetic viability of a certain species near extinction. However, most embryos produced by cross-species nuclear transfer were compromised because that they were unable to develop to later stages. Gene expression analysis of cross-species cloned embryos will yield new insights into the regulatory mechanisms involved in cross-species nuclear transfer and embryonic development. Results: A novel gene, K31, was identified as an up-regulated gene in fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos using SSH approach and RACE method. K31 complete cDNA sequence is 1106 base pairs (bp) in length, with a 342 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative protein of 113 amino acids (aa). Comparative analysis revealed no homologous known gene in zebrafish and other species database. K31 protein contains a putative transmembrane helix and five putative phosphorylation sites but without a signal peptide. Expression pattern analysis by real time RT-PCR and whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) shows that it has the characteristics of constitutively expressed gene. Sub-cellular localization assay shows that K31 protein can not penetrate the nuclei. Interestingly, over-expression of K31 gene can cause lethality in the epithelioma papulosum cyprinid (EPC) cells in cell culture, which gave hint to the inefficient reprogramming events occurred in cloned embryos. Conclusion: Taken together, our findings indicated that K31 gene is a novel gene differentially expressed in fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos and over-expression of K31 gene can cause lethality of cultured fish cells. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the determination of novel genes involved in nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction of fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos.


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A major problem in gene therapy is the determination of the rates at which gene transfer has occurred. Our work has focused on applications of the Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system as a non-viral vector for gene therapy. Excision of a transposon from a donor molecule and its integration into a cellular chromosome are catalyzed by SB transposase. In this study, we used a plasmid-based excision assay to study the excision step of transposition. We used the excision assay to evaluate the importance of various sequences that border the sites of excision inside and outside the transposon in order to determine the most active sequences for transposition from a donor plasmid. These findings together with our previous results in transposase binding to the terminal repeats suggest that the sequences in the transposon-junction of SB are involved in steps subsequent to DNA binding but before excision, and that they may have a role in transposase-transposon interaction. We found that SB transposons leave characteristically different footprints at excision sites in different cell types, suggesting that alternative repair machineries operate in concert with transposition. Most importantly, we found that the rates of excision correlate with the rates of transposition. We used this finding to assess transposition in livers of mice that were injected with the SB transposon and transposase. The excision assay appears to be a relatively quick and easy method to optimize protocols for delivery of genes in SB transposons to mammalian chromosomes in living animals. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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The first successful case of transgenic fish was achieved in 1984. It is in a model system that the integration and expression of recombinant human growth hormone (hGH) in host red common carp (Cyprinus carpio, red var.) have been thoroughly studied. Recently, the integration sites have been recovered and characterized. Compared with non-transgenic peers, hGH-transgenic fish are prior in dietary utilization and growth performance. In view of bio-safety and bio-ethics, an "all-fish" construct CAgcGH, grass carp growth hormone fused with common carp P-actin promoter, has been generated and transferred into Yellow River carp (C carpio, local strain in Yellow River) fertilized eggs. Under middle-scale trial, CAgcGH-transgenics show higher growth rate and food conversion efficiency than the controls, which is consistent to laboratory findings. To avoid the potential impact of transgenic fish on the environment, a sterile strain of transgenic triploid fish has been successfully produced. The "all-fish" transgenic common carp is also approved safe enough as daily food, according to a test based on the pathological principles of new medicines issued by the Ministry of Health of China. The "all-fish" transgenic common carp with growth enhancement is now ready for market, but looking for governmental authorization. (C) 2003 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS and Ifremer/IRD/Inra/Cemagref. All rights reserved.


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Co-CreativePen Toolkit is a pen-based 3D toolkit for children cooperatly designing virtual environment. This toolkit is used to construct different applications involved with distributedpen-based 3D interaction. In this toolkit,sketch method is encapsulated as kinds of interaction techniques. Children can use pen to construct 3D and IBR objects, to navigate in the virtual world, to select and manipulate virtual objects, and to communicate with other children. Children can use pen to select other children in the virtual world, and use pen to write message to children selected The distributed architecture of Co-CreativePen Toolkit is based on the CORBA. A common scene graph is managed in the server with several copies of this graph are managed in every client.Every changes of the scene graph in client will cause the change in the server and other client.


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西南地区在我国的经济发展和生态环境建设中占重要地位,但也是我国生态环境最脆弱的地区之一,生态系统退化,生态功能减弱,严重制约着西南林业的可持续经营与发展。本项目采用DNA 分子标记SSR 研究不同生境条件下粗枝云杉群体的遗传变异及其时空分布格局,考察遗传变异与复杂的山地生态环境间的潜在联系,系统地揭示粗枝云杉天然群体与环境系统相互作用的生态适应与分子进化机制。粗枝云杉适应性强,生长迅速,在植树造林和工业用材方面占有重要地位,研究成果可为中国西南部亚高山天然林的可持续经营及退化生态系统的恢复与重建提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1. SSR 位点变异丰富,等位基因频率的分布格局多样。7 个SSR 标记全是多态位点,每位点的等位基因数变化范围为13~24,平均为19.9 个。SSR 位点的等位基因片段长度范围变化较大。73.1%的等位基因变异遵循逐步突变模型(SSM)而发生1 个重复基元的变化,22.3%和4.6%的变异分别按两阶段突变模型(TMP)发生1 个重复基元以上的变化和在SSR 位点侧翼区发生1 个碱基变化的插入-删除事件。 2. 粗枝云杉拥有中等偏高水平的遗传多样性和相对大的群体间遗传分化。通过分析代表10 个群体的250 个个体在7 个SSR位点的变化,调查了源自中国西南山区的粗枝云杉的微卫星变异。相当高的遗传多样性和强烈的群体分化发生在粗枝云杉中, 其群体平均Nei's 期望杂合度为0.707 , 群体间遗传距离为0.121~0.224(FST)和0.100~0.537(RST)。然而,群体间遗传距离与地理距离之间无相关性,从而排除了简单的距离分离模式并暗示迁移不是影响粗枝云杉遗传变异格局的主要因素。事实上,使用私有等位基因估算的基因流数量非常低,仅等于0.753。等位基因置换检验(Allele permutation tests)揭示逐步突变及遗传漂变都对群体间分化有贡献。另外,在多数位点检测到显著的群体间遗传差异,这个结果说明自然选择,假设通过环境压力,是引起粗枝云杉微地理分化的主要因素之一。根据SSR基因型,250 个粗枝云杉个体的70%被正确地归类入其各自的来源群体,结果表明微卫星(SSR)对区分来自中国不同生态地理位点的粗枝云杉基因型是有效的。 3. 在SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 位点,显著的群体间遗传结构被发现的,但三种标记间遗传分化程度和群体遗传关系有差异。利用来自10 个群体的247 个个体,我们报告了关于样本粗枝云杉群体间遗传关系的总体看法。根据各自对评价遗传关系的信息能力和适用性,SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 标记被选用,三种技术非常有效地区别这些基因型。使用的SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 标记分别估计平均Dice 相似性系数。Mantel 检验产生显著但相对低的共表型适合度(RAPD = 0.63£AFLP = 0.60和SSR = 0.75)。比较三种标记系统,RAPD 和AFLP 共表型指数相对高地相关(r =0.59),而RAPD 和SSR 及SSR 和AFLP 之间的相关系数分别是0.53 和0.35。所有系统树,包括不同标记资料结合获得的系统树,反映了多数群体依据它们的地理条件而成某种特定关系。结果暗示单个或结合标记系统能用来深入洞察粗枝云杉遗传研究,并且不同标记系统合并资料能提供更可靠的信息。 Southwestern region plays an important role in economic developmentand ecological construction in China. Yet, it is also one of the weak regionsof ecological environment in China with degraded ecosystem and imperfectfunction, which restricts the sustaining management and development ofsouthwestern forestry. The genetic variation and spatial distribution patternof P. asperata populations originating from different habitats wereinvestigated using SSR molecular markers in this study. The correlationsbetween genetic variation and ecological and environmental conditionswere detected, and the interaction between P. asperata populations andenvironmental system and the mechanism of ecological adaption -molecular evolution were revealed. Given the significant ecological andeconomic roles of the fast-growing and wide-adaptive species in reforestation and production of pulp wood and timber, the study couldprovide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for thesustaining management of subalpine natural forest, and the afforestationand rehabilitation of degraded ecosystem. The results are as follows: 1. The genetic variation at SSR loci was abundant and the distributionof allelic frequencies was uneven. All seven loci were polymorphic, and thenumber of alleles per locus varied from 13 to 24 with a mean valueequaling 19.9. The allele sizes at SSR loci were found to vary widely.73.1% of allelic variation followed stepwise mutation model (SSM) whichresults increase or decrease by one repeat type, and 22.3% and 4.6% wereresulted from two-phase mutation model (TMP) with allele size varying bymore than one repeat type and from insertion-deletion events in theflanking regions at SSR loci with a single basepair changing, respectively. 2. P. asperata possessed a moderate to high level of genetic diversityand considerable genetic differentiation. Microsatellite variation of P.asperata. originating from the mountains of southwestern China wasinvestigated by analyzing variation at seven SSR loci in 250 individualsrepresenting ten populations. A fair degree of genetic diversity and strongpopulation subdivision occurred with the mean gene diversity (H) of 0.707,and genetic distances among populations varying between 0.121 and 0.224(FST) and between 0.100 and 0.537 (RST). However, inter-populationgenetic distances showed no correlation with geographic distances between the population sites. This ruled out a simple isolation by distance modeland suggested that migration does not have a great impact. In fact, theamount of gene flow, detected using private alleles, was very low, equalingonly 0.753. Allele permutation tests revealed that stepwise-like mutations,coupled with genetic drift, could contribute to population differentiation.Moreover, significant genetic differences between populations weredetected at most loci. The results indicate that natural selection, presumablythrough environmental stress, may be one of the main factors causingmicro-geographical differentiation in the genetic structure of P. asperata.Based on SSR genotypes, 70% of the 250 individuals were correctlyclassified into their sites of origin. This suggests that microsatellites (SSRs) are effective in distinguishing genotypes of P. asperata originating fromdiverse eco-geographical sites in China. 3. Using a set of 247 individuals from ten P. asperata populations wereport an overview on the genetic relationship among the sampled P.asperata populations. RAPD, AFLP and SSR were used in terms of theirinformativeness and applicability for evaluate relationship and all threetechniques discriminated the genotypes very effectively. Mean Dicesimilarities coefficient were estimated using RAPD, AFLP and SSR,respectively. The Mantel test resulted in a significant but relatively low fit(RAPD = 0.63, AFLP = 0.60 and SSR = 0.75) of cophenetic values.Comparing the three marker systems to each other, RAPD and AFLP cophenetic indices were highly correlated (r = 0.59), while correlationcoefficient between RAPD and SSR was r = 0.53 and between SSR andAFLP was r = 0.35. For all markers a relatively high similarity indendrogram topologies was obtained although some differences wereobserved. All the dendrograms, including that obtained by the combineduse of all the marker data, reflect some relationships for most of thepopulations according to their geographic conditions. The results indicatethat single or combined marker system could be used to insight into geneticstudy in P. asperata and the combined data of different marker systems canprovide more reliable information.


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This review presents the latest advances in the application of microwave energy to analytical chemistry. The fundamental principles of microwave field interaction with the matter are presented and their significance for the chemist is discussed, followed by the basic principles of microwave equipment construction and operation. Examples of the techniques that utilized microwave energy for digestion, extraction, chemical reaction, preconcentration, and desorption of the analytical sample are presented. A separate section describes the examples of usage of microwave technology in catalysis, environmental, and nuclear chemistry and engineering.