9 resultados para Emotions

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A novel approach for multi-dimension signals processing, that is multi-weight neural network based on high dimensional geometry theory, is proposed. With this theory, the geometry algorithm for building the multi-weight neuron is mentioned. To illustrate the advantage of the novel approach, a Chinese speech emotion recognition experiment has been done. From this experiment, the human emotions are classified into 6 archetypal classes: fear, anger, happiness, sadness, surprise and disgust. And the amplitude, pitch frequency and formant are used as the feature parameters for speech emotion recognition. Compared with traditional GSVM model, the new method has its superiority. It is noted that this method has significant values for researches and applications henceforth.


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In this paper, a novel approach for mandarin speech emotion recognition, that is mandarin speech emotion recognition based on high dimensional geometry theory, is proposed. The human emotions are classified into 6 archetypal classes: fear, anger, happiness, sadness, surprise and disgust. According to the characteristics of these emotional speech signals, the amplitude, pitch frequency and formant are used as the feature parameters for speech emotion recognition. The new method called high dimensional geometry theory is applied for recognition. Compared with traditional GSVM model, the new method has some advantages. It is noted that this method has significant values for researches and applications henceforth.


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Moral decision-making in business means the decisions involved in moral issues in business context. Moral intensity is a construct that captures the extent of issue-related moral imperative in a situation, which is one of the most important factors in the study of moral decision-making in business. Based on Issue-Contingent Model, the present study investigated the influence of moral intensity on moral decision-making in business (including moral recognition, moral judgment, and moral intent in the present study), and further focused on exploring the mechanism of moral intensity in moral decision-making in business. Recently, the studies in decision-making gave more emphasis to the role of emotions. The present study tried to include empathy into moral decision-making in business to explore the role of empathy in the relationship between moral intensity and moral decision-making in business, which would enrich and extend Issue-Contingent Model. The present study would also make up for a deficiency in the study of moral decision-making in business that overemphasized the rational reasoning and neglected the role of emotions. There were three parts in the present study. Firstly, study 1 replicated the former study and explored the relationship between perceived moral intensity and moral decision-making in business in China by questionnaire method. Secondly, study 2 focused on exploring the influence of the components of moral intensity on moral decision-making in business and empathic response by experimental method. Finally, study 3 explored the role of empathy in the relationship between moral intensity and moral decision-making in business. The results indicated that, 1.Perceived moral intensity was the significant predictor for moral decision- making in business. 2.Magnitude of consequence, social consensus, and probability of effect had significant effects on moral decision-making in business. Magnitude of consequence and probability of effect could influence empathic response significantly. 3.Empathic response played the role of mediator between moral intensity and moral decision-making in business. Empathic response completely mediated the relationship between moral intensity and moral recognition. Empathic response partly mediated the relationship between moral intensity and moral judgment, moral intent. Further analysis indicated that probability of effect and magnitude of consequence relied more on empathic response than social consensus to influence moral judgment and moral intent. Dispositional empathy could influence moral decision-making in business through perceived moral intensity and empathic response. 4.Controlled empathic levels could influence moral decision-making in business significantly. Empathic levels influenced the effect of probability of effect on moral decision-making in business, and did not influence the effect of magnitude of consequence and social consensus on moral decision-making in business. These findings not only contribute to enrich the models of moral decision- making in business, but also have significant practical applications in the training of moral decision-making in business.


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Processing of discrepant information is an important part in our everyday life. According to the social attributes of information, it can be categorized into two parts: social discrepancy and nonsocial discrepant information. The researches focused on nonsocial discrepancy are much mature than those of social discrepancy processing. This serial study employed three ERP experiments to explore the attributes of social discrepancy cognition. Experiment one compared the ERP differences between social and nonsocial discrepancy processing, experiment two adopted single stimulus paradigm to explore the negativity attention biases of social emotions, experiment three investigated the affective mechanism of emotions to social discrepancy information with cue-target paradigm, based on the experiment one and two. We invited healthy undergraduates to participate in our researches, in which social gender words and affective images were stimuli to explore the temporal sequences, activated modes and affective mechanisms of social discrepancy. The results were as below: 1. The differences of attention resource distributions between social and nonsocial information processing exhibited as early as 200 ms, since which P2 was evoked in both blocks. The larger P2 in nonsocial block represented the more attention to physical and nonsocial attributes of objects. N300/400 indicated the differences of evaluating systems in each block. The cognitive mechanisms of social and nonsocial tasks were specific, based on the fact: (1) the discrepancy evaluating system was activated earlier in nonsocial block than that of social block; (2) the social cognition performed right hemisphere advantage, but nonsocial task did not so. 2. Social emotions also could raise a negativity bias on attention. The latency of P2 evoked by social sad images was shorter than that of social happiness and neutral images. The latencies of P2 indicated that sad emotions attracted attention earlier, and possessed a processing advantage. The phenomenon that the larger N2 was evoked by social sadness showed that people was easily moved by sad emotions and sympathized the sadness. 3. Emotions affected social discrepancy processing. Positive affective mood magnified the discrepancy effect, based on the smaller latencies of difference N400 and larger amplitudes. Persons with happy mood synthesized social stereotypes to accelerate the social tasks. 4. Three experiments all showed the right hemisphere advantages of social cognition and social emotions, offered more proof in laterality hypothesis of social cognition. Above all, social cognition had essential distinctions with nonsocial cognition; they two had their own specific characteristics. The fact that social cognition was prone to be affected by different emotional mood made it more complex.


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Self-conscious emotions (guilt, shame, embarrassment, pride, etc) are social emotions, and involve complex appraisals of how one’s behavior has been evaluated by the self and other people according to some value standards. Self-conscious emotions play an important role in human life by arousing and regulating human action tendencies, feeling and thoughts, which can promote people to work hard in achievement and task fields, maintain good interpersonal relationship according with social morality and expectation. The present study aimed to examine complex self-conscious emotional understanding capabilities in junior middle school students with and without learning disabilities, how the self-conscious emotions generate, and relationship between self-conscious emotions and self-representation in academic and interpersonal fields. Situational experimental methods were used in this research, and the results would give further supports for learning disabilities intervention. The main results of present research are as follows. 1. The study included 4 parts and 6 experiments. The aim of study 1 was to explore whether juveniles with learning disabilities understood complex self-conscious emotions differently from juveniles without learning disabilities. We surveyed the self-conscious emotions understanding of 37 learning disabilities and 45 non-learning disabilities with the emotional situation stories. The results indicated that the self-conscious emotional recognition in others for learning disabilities was lower than that of non-learning disabilities in different emotional recognition tasks. Moreover, children with learning disabilities were more inclined to recognize emotions in themselves as elemental emotions, however, children without learning disabilities were more inclined to recognize emotions in themselves as self-conscious emotions. 2. The aim of study 2 was to explore the generative mechanism of self-conscious emotions in academic and interpersonal fields with the method of situational experiments, namely to examine whether the self-discrepancy could cause self-conscious emotions for learning disabilities. 84 learning disabilities (in experiment 1) and 80 learning disabilities (in experiment 2) participated in the research, and the results were as follows. (1) Self discrepancy caused participants’ self-conscious emotions effectively in academic and interpersonal fields. One’s own and parents’ perspercive on the actual-ideal self-discrepancy both produced dejection-related emotions (shame、embarrassment) and agitation-related emotions (guilt). (2)In academic fields, children with learning disabilities caused higher level negative self-conscious emotions (embarrassment, shame, and guilt) and lower level positive self-conscious emotion (pride). However, there were no differences of self-conscious emotions for children with and without learning disabilities in non-academic fields. 3. The aim of study 3 was to explore what influence had self-conscious emotions on self-representation for learning disabilities with the method of situational experiments. 57 learning disabilities (in experiment 1) and 67 learning disabilities (in experiment 2) participated in the research, and the results were as follows. (1)The negative self-conscious for learning disabilities could influence their positive or negative academic and positive interpersonal self-representation stability, the ways in which self-evaluation of ability mediate these effects. However, there was no significant effect for the negative self-conscious and self-evaluation of ability predicting negative interpersonal self-representation stability. (2)The stability level of positive academic and interpersonal self-representation for learning disabilities was lower than that of non-learning disabilities. There was no significant difference of the negative interpersonal self-representation stability for children with and without learning disabilities in the positive self-conscious valence condition. However, the stability level of negative interpersonal self-representation for learning disabilities was lower than that of non-learning disabilities in the negative self-conscious valence condition. 4. The aim of study 4 was to explore the intervention effects for self-conscious emotions training course on emotional comprehension cability. 65 learning disabilities (34 in experimental group, and 31 in control group) participated in the research. The results showed that self-conscious emotions course boosted the self-conscious emotions apprehensive level for children with learning disabilities.


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In Kermer, Driver-Linn, Wilson and Gilbert’s (2006) study on affective forecast, they found that people have a tendency to overestimate affective reactions in gains and losses, and people expect losses to have greater hedonic impact than gains of equal magnitude. Because of thus affective forecasting error, people prefer to irrationally avoid losses. Loss aversion is then seen as both a wealth-maximizing error and an affect-maximizing error. The present study examined the relationships among affective forecast, affective experience and loss aversion, and tested Kermer et al.’s (2006) conclusion that people’s loss aversion is an affective forecasting error. In experiment 1, we examined the relationship between affective forecast and loss aversion. Kermer et al.’s (2006) hypothesized that when people expect losses to have greater hedonic impact than gains, they will accept the gambling task, and when people expect gains to have greater hedonic impact than losses, they will refuse the gambling task. We found that (1) individuals with lower loss aversion had a greater tendency to accept a gambling task than those with higher loss aversion; (2) individuals with lower loss aversion expected losses and gains to have smaller affective impacts than those with higher loss aversion. Thus, people never exactly calculated their forecasting affective. In experiment 2, we examined the relationship between affective forecast and affective experience. Consistent with Kermer et al.’s (2006) finding, we found that our participants tended to overestimate affective reactions in gains as well as losses. More interestingly, Kermer et al.’s (2006) found that participants’ predictions for a loss were significantly more distant from experienced emotions than were their predictions for a win, we, however, found the opposite —participants’ predictions for a win were significantly more distant from the experienced emotions than were their predictions for a loss. These experiments further validated the relations between affection and decision making, and contributed to our understanding on the affective reactions to future events. Our study imply that it was not the exact calculation of affective forecast on decision outcomes, but rather the magnitude of affection on outcomes, that influenced people’s affective decision making. It indicated that those with lower magnitude of affection would less like to avoid losses, and thus more like to accept a gambling task.


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Although the influence of emotional states on immune function has been generally recognized, researches on the effects of negative emotion on individual SIgA levels have reported mixed findings. Our study aimed to elucidate the relationship between changes in EEG activity and cognitive and psychological mechanisms to the immune changes induced by negative emotion. In experiment one, we investigated how the negative emotional arousal that was induced by watching a number of unpleasant pictures altered the concentration of secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA). Although our results found discrepancies in the changing tendency of SIgA concentration among participants (some participants’ SIgA decreased after watching unpleasant pictures, whereas others increased), further analysis revealed a coherency among the changing of SIgA concentration, participants’ general coping styles and their actual emotion regulation strategies in perceiving unpleasant pictures, and the event-related potentials (ERPs) associated with the watching of unpleasant pictures. The participants whose SIgA increased after watching unpleasant pictures (the increasers) had higher positive coping scores in the Trait Coping Styles Questionnaire (TCSQ) than those whose SIgA decreased (the decreasers). Also, relative to the decreasers, the increasers tended to use more emotion regulation strategies especially when the presented pictures were extremely negative and exhibited a reverse dissociation pattern between the extremely negative pictures and the moderately negative ones in the amplitude of late positive potential (LPP) that was related to the cognitive evaluation of stimuli’s meaning. On this basis, Event-related potentials were recorded first while participants passively viewed unpleasant pictures, and then during an emotion regulation block in which participants were instructed to reappraise unpleasant pictures in the experiment two. We also collected the immune index before and after the passive viewing block and the emotion regulation block. Our study proved that participants felt a less intense emotional response to unpleasant pictures that followed a reappraisal instruction. The decreasing emotional responding to unpleasant pictures decreased the amplitude of the LPP. But larger N2 was induced in the emotion regulation block, because the participants needed to obtained more attentional resources to detect and integrate more stimulus features to use the cognitive reappraisal strategy effectively. The present study has important theoretic and practical significance. For the theoretic significance, our study elucidated the relationship between changes in EEG activity and cognitive and psychological mechanisms to the immune changes induced by negative emotion by using the technologies of ERP, experimental interview and psychological measurement. Meanwhile, our study also provided an explanation for the different changing tendencies of SIgA induced by negative emotions, and it plays an important role in further studying the cognitive neural mechanisms of immune level in response to emotion. As to the practical significance, our study suggests that individuals who use active emotion regulation in the face of negative emotion stimuli may experience significantly increases in immune system function, subsequently lowering the possibility of infection.


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Although robust findings have been that positive mood leads to greater creativity, several other literatures have found that negative mood sometimes results in more creative performance than positive or neutral mood. Several possible explanations for this emotion–creativity link have been proposed by researchers, but there has not yet been definitive research identifying the mechanism(s) behind this relationship. This research represents an initial step in this direction, examining the possibility that Intelligence Current may be a contributing mechanism in the emotion–creativity link from the perspective of development. The object of the present study was to do the followings 1) the effects and mechanism(s) of emotions on creativity development from adolescence to young adulthood by Unusual Uses Test; 2) the possibility that Intelligence Current may be a contributing mechanism in the emotion–creativity link. The participants were 849 adolescents in high schools and 267 undergraduates in the university aged from 11 to 22 years old. The mechanism(s) for emotion-creativity link was explored by cognitive flexibility (assessed using Abstract Match Task), tolerance (inclusive) ratings (assessed using Categorization of Analogy Task), uses originality ratings, and confidence ratings. Results indicated that: 1) The level of creativity varied with age. It increased from 11 years on, but decreased at about 14 to improve again from 15 to 22 years. 2) The different effects of emotions on creativity development among adolescents and undergraduates emerged, but the effects of positive and negative emotions on creativity didn’t differ from each other for the whole participants. Furthermore, compared with positive and negative emotions, the neutral emotions produced the lowest creativity for 11.00-13.99 years old group, but produced the highest creativity for 14.00-14.99 and 17.00-21.99years old. 3) Positive emotions have been shown to enable individuals to higher level of cognitive flexibility and better performance than negative emotions by Abstract Match Task, which could be considered that the Intelligence Current may be a contributing mechanism in the emotion–creativity link. 4) Positive emotions have been shown to enable individuals to own higher confidence, to categorize items with more flexibility, to see more potential relatedness among unusual and atypical members of categories, to evaluate items more originality than negative emotions among most of participants, especially the group of 14.00-14.99 years old. In sum, the present study helps us to further understand that the term ‘Intelligence Current’ is further explained and the problems found in relationships between creativity and emotions. However, further research is required to explore and confirm the conclusions of the present study.


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As a kind of mood, depression is one of the emotions which people experienced usually. Depressive disorder is one of the common mental diseases. There are about 100 million people in the world be disturbed by depression every year. So it is long history that depression is investigated widely in medicine, psychology, and sociology. There are many theorial problems remain to be solved. Viewed from latest vocuments, the development of depression theory is tending to become more complicated. Most of the prior depression theory focused on relation between one factor and depression. Because depressed individuls have various characteristics and factors that cause depression are different, and each factor can explain only part of depression variance, these prior depression theories are defected. As the knowledge about depression accumulated, the view that depression be caused by multifactor is clearer. There is tendency to integrate these cooperational factor into a model while developing a depression theory. In the present study, depression status of 1625 middle school students from junior 1 to senior 3 are measured using Depression Scale of Middle-school Student which is developed by ourselves. From approach of depressive mood, the present study explored depressive diathesis including attributional style, personality, coping style, and self. The relation among depressive diathesis, stress and depression is analysed. The relation between depression and school life adaptation, depression and cohesion, adaptation in family are also analysed from environmental view. At last, relation among environment, stress, depressive diathesis is examined by using covariance structure modelling. Synthesizing the results from the present study, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) There is grade-characteristics in development of depression in middle school students. Depression degree increased with grade. The main reason may be that the stress middle-school students experience increase and self-acceptance decrease with grade; (2) High depressive diathesis is different from low depressive diathesis. the features of high depressive diathesis are that attributing failure to ability or background, low capacity for status, low sociability, low independence, low self-blame, more illusion. The features of low depressive diathesis are that not attributing failure to ability or background, high capacity for status, high sociability, high independence, high self-acceptance, while facing difficulties, using problem-resolving coping strategy, less self-blame, less illusion. Individuals who have high depressive diathesis showed serious depression, and individuals who have low depressive diathesis showed light depression; (3) Depressive diathesis had accumulative effect on depression. More low depressive diathesis, more light is depression. More high depressive diathesis, more serious is depression; (4) Depressive diathesis can predict present depression and future depression. Predicting present depression is more effective than predicting future depression; (5) Individual who has different depressive diathesis experiences different level of stress. Higher the depressive diathesis individual has, higher stress he will experience. Lower the depressive diathesis individual has, lower stress will he experience; (6) There is correlation between life event pressure and depression. Life event pressure can predict a part of variance of depression. Life event pressure has accumulative effect on depression. More life event and higher life event pressure, more serious depression individual will experience; (7) There exits high correlation between depression and school life adaptation which can predict depression; (8) There is high correlative relation between depression and cohesion, adaptation in family which can predict depression; and (9) Environment have more effect on diathesis than on stress. Diathesis has more effect on depression than stress does. The past depression can predict future depression. This study had enlarged the domain of depressive diathesis such as attributional style, personality, coping style, and self, which are analysed wholly. This study had also enriched the connotation of diathesis=stress theory. Above two aspects are theoretical significance of the study. This study provide a framework of mental health educational curriculum in high school and provide the guideline for prevention and cure of depression. It is the practical significance of this study.