97 resultados para compatibility


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The new numerical algorithms in SUPER/CESE and their applications in explosion mechanics are studied. The researched algorithms and models include an improved CE/SE (space-time Conservation Element and Solution Element) method, a local hybrid particle level set method, three chemical reaction models and a two-fluid model. Problems of shock wave reflection over wedges, explosive welding, cellular structure of gaseous detonations and two-phase detonations in the gas-droplet system are simulated by using the above-mentioned algorithms and models. The numerical results reveal that the adopted algorithms have many advantages such as high numerical accuracy, wide application field and good compatibility. The numerical algorithms presented in this paper may be applied to the numerical research of explosion mechanics.


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种间杂交在自然界中普遍存在。杂交可以为群体带来多方面的遗传改变,具有重要的进化生物学意义。越来越多的证据表明,同倍性杂交物种形成是一种重要物种形成途径,在动、植物物种进化中扮演着重要的角色。同倍性杂交物种形成意味着一个稳定的、可育的、与亲本种间形成生殖隔离的杂种群体建立起来,但不改变染色体的数目。这种生殖隔离被认为是通过快速的染色体重组、生态分化、或空间分离形成的。对于现存杂交种的对比分析和对同倍性杂交物种形成的理论模拟都表明,适应性分化和生态转变在同倍性杂交物种形成中起着至关重要的作用。来自于生态成种的研究也表明生态选择自身就可以导致生殖隔离的形成和新物种的形成。尽管如此,我们对同倍性杂交物种形成过程的研究仍然较多地关注于染色体重组及相应的遗传效应;对于自然选择,特别是生态选择在同倍性杂交成种过程中的作用模式缺乏全面地了解。 本研究以同倍性杂交种-高山松为研究对象,利用地理信息学技术、基于天然群体取样的性状对比分析和人工杂交手段,全面地定量描述了高山松及其亲本种间的生态分化、生态转变下的天然群体生殖适应性、以及生态选择下的形态变异和种间杂交可配性。以此探讨了高山松的杂交成种过程,生态转变和自然选择的重要性以及它们与杂交种适应性、形态变异和生殖隔离之间的关系。利用地理信息学手段,对高山松及其亲本种间的生态分化对比分析表明:高山松与其亲本种间形成了明显的生态转变;在自然选择的作用下,高山松已经具备了对于青藏高原东南缘横断山区高山地带独特的生态适应性;相对于亲本种,它的适应性特征体现为混合型,在某些性状上它高出亲本种的适应性,在另一些性状上,它体现出居中、较低或者类似于亲本种适应性;高山松适生区由于地形地貌的复杂性,往往不连续,呈间断状。基于四个反映结实效率的性状、小孢子母细胞减数分裂异常现象及花粉萌发率在种间的对比分析表明,这些反映生殖状态的指标,在三个种及群体间并没有显著差异;相对于亲本种的天然群体,居于青藏高原的高山松群体,表现出了正常的授粉效率和生殖适应性。高山松天然群体正常的生殖效率表明,它经历了生态转变过程中的选择作用,已经具备了在新生境下,繁殖发展下去的生殖适应性。 在大规模群体取样的基础上,通过对反映植物个体发育和营养状态的球果和针叶形态性状的对比分析,我们发现,高山松及其亲本种间的形态变异存在以下特征:第一,绝大多数性状,在种间和种内群体间都存在着显著的差异,并且大部分性状的差异主要体现在种间;第二,高山松在大部分形态性状上介于两个亲本种之间,少数性状表现为超亲分离、类似于某个亲本或无种间差别;第三,在多数性状上,和亲本种相比,高山松群体都拥有较大的变异幅度。第四,在临近亲本种的群体中,高山松的形态特征更类似于所临近的亲本种。上述形态变异特征及其与气象、土壤、经纬度、海拔等因子间普遍的相关性,意味着生态选择在高山松成种过程中起了重要作用。总的来说,形态性状变异的总体模式揭示出:高山松在选择作用下的遗传和表型的精炼过程中已经形成了自身适应于高原环境的、稳定而有效的形态发育模式和资源利用方式,甚至是恰当的防御机制。 本研究通过云南松×油松的单交实验和油松×高山松部分双列杂交实验,检验了高山松及其亲本种间的杂交可配性。结果表明,就平均水平而言,高山松及其亲本种间的种间杂交结实可配性低于种内杂交,但个别种间杂交组合的结实可配性可能高于种间杂交;高山松及其亲本种间正在或已经形成了部分的合子后生殖障碍;现存的高山松群体及其亲本种间的生态地理隔离可能是很有效的生殖隔离形式,一方面做为合子前生殖隔离,它能避免种间相互传粉、阻碍种间杂交的发生,另一方面做为合子后生殖隔离,它能清除掉可能存在的劣势回交产物。 综合已有的证据,我们提出了高山松同倍性杂交物种形成模型:高山松的同倍性杂交成种是与青藏高原隆升过程以及隆升过程中所产生的全新生态空间紧密相关的;青藏高原隆升导致了生态环境的剧变,创造了全新的生态位,在选择的作用下,拥有综合了双亲遗传基础的杂种基因型开始占领这个全新的生态位;在分化的生态选择的持续作用下,杂种基因型在新的生境下稳定下来,形成了独立于亲本种的资源利用方式、形态特征和繁育系统,具备了完善的生殖和生态适应性;此时,一个与亲本种间以生态隔离存在的同倍性杂交种-高山松形成了;随着分化的生态选择的持续进行,高山松与亲本种间的内在生殖隔离不断加强。


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本实验以大百合和百合东方杂种系“索蚌”为材料,对大百合、百合杂交的亲和性、大百合离体培养及其耐热性进行了研究,以期为大百合与百合杂交育种及相应的耐热百合材料的筛选、种质保存、新品种快繁及栽培应用提供理论依据。   以大百合为母本,百合为父本,对属间杂交授粉后花粉管的行为进行观察,结果表明:大百合与百合属间杂交授粉后,百合的花粉在大百合的花柱内的伸长过程中,出现少部分花粉管末端分叉、膨胀或变细,胼胝质大量不规则沉淀,及部分花粉管在伸长过程中受阻等不亲和现象,但大部分花粉仍能够正常萌发,穿过花柱道,进入子房,到达胚珠,且能够观测到早期的胚。虽然杂交亲和性与花粉管的行为有关,但杂交的成功与否还受到受精后诸多因素的影响,还需要从胚胎学和遗传学方面进一步探讨。   以大百合的鳞片、叶柄和子房为外植体,进行离体培养,结果表明:大百合的鳞片和叶柄外植体均可成功地诱导小鳞茎,叶柄相对更容易。鳞茎诱导小鳞茎的最佳培养基为MS+NAA0.5-1.0mg/ml +BA2.5mg/ml +KT2.5mg/ml +蔗糖3%+琼脂0.7%,28周后,每个外植体平均可以分化4-11个小鳞茎;叶柄诱导小鳞茎的最佳培养基为MS+NAA1.0-2.0mg/ +BA2.5-3.0mg/ml +KT2.5-3.0mg/ml +蔗糖3%+琼脂0.7%,26周后,每个外植体平均可以分化3-9个小鳞茎。同时也发现,用鳞茎作为外植体,污染率较高。在大百合的子房离体培养实验中发现:BA和KT 是影响大百合子房分化途径的关键因素,其浓度分别为0.1-1.0mg/L、2.0-4.0 mg/L和高于4.0mg/L时,外植体分别分化为愈伤组织、芽和叶。外植体分化的基本培养基以N6、B5为佳。愈伤组织诱导小鳞茎的最佳培养基为MS+0.1-0.5mg/L NAA +2.5mg/L BA+2.5mg/L KT +10%蔗糖+0.7%琼脂。在1/2MS +3%的蔗糖+0.7%琼脂+1%活性炭的生根培养基上,生根率为100%。炼苗一周后移栽,长势良好。   对长至5-6片真叶的大百合植株在不同高温(30℃、35℃和40℃)下,分别进行4h、10h及24h(热胁迫10h,然后在22℃对照温度下缓苗14h)的热胁迫处理,测定了不同处理下,植株的净光合速率(Pn),实际光化学效率(φPS2),最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和叶片的相对电导率,游离脯氨酸含量,可溶性蛋白含量,以及叶片中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性。结果表明:大百合对30℃的高温胁迫有较好的适应能力,表现为可溶性蛋白、游离脯氨酸等渗透调节物质的积累,抗氧化酶活性的提高,以及缓苗后细胞膜的自我修复和光合能力的恢复;随着胁迫温度的升高(35℃、40℃)和胁迫时间的延长(4h、10h),大百合一方面对高温胁迫做出了积极的响应,另一方面,光系统的光合能力,细胞膜的稳定性,抗氧化酶的活性,也受到了一定程度的伤害,在缓苗后,细胞膜的稳定性、细胞的渗透势、抗氧化酶的活性等都在一定程度上得到恢复。   


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The giant panda skeletal muscle cells, uterus epithelial cells and mammary gland cells from an adult individual were cultured and used as nucleus donor for the construction of interspecies embryos by transferring them into enucleated rabbit eggs. All the three kinds of somatic cells were able to reprogram in rabbit ooplasm and support early embryo development, of which mammary gland cells were proven to be the Lest, followed by uterus epithelial cells and skeletal muscle cells. The experiments showed that direct injection of mammary gland cell into enucleated rabbit ooplasm, combined with in vivo development in ligated rabbit oviduct, achieved higher blastocyst development than in vitro culture after the somatic cell was injected into the perivitelline space and fused with the enucleated egg by electrical stimulation. The chromosome analysis demonstrated that the genetic materials in reconstructed blastocyst cells were the same as that in panda somatic cells. In addition, giant panda mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was shown to exist in the interspecies reconstructed blastocyst. The data suggest that (i) the ability of ooplasm to dedifferentiate somatic cells is not species-specific; (ii) there is compatibility between interspecies somatic nucleus and ooplasm during early development of the reconstructed egg.


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We report on normal incidence p-i-n heterojunction photodiodes operating in the near-infrared region and realized in pure germanium on planar silicon substrate. The diodes were fabricated by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition at 600 degrees C without thermal annealing and allowing the integration with standard silicon processes. Due to the 0.14% residual tensile strain generated by the thermal expansion mismatch between Ge and Si, an efficiency enhancement of nearly 3-fold at 1.55 mu m and the absorption edge shifting to longer wavelength of about 40 nm are achieved in the epitaxial Ge films. The diode with a responsivity of 0.23 A/W at 1.55 mu m wavelength and a bulk dark current density of 10 mA/cm(2) is demonstrated. These diodes with high performances and full compatibility with the CMOS processes enable monolithically integrating microphotonics and microelectronics on the same chip.


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This paper presents a fully integrated CMOS analog front end for a passive 900-MHz radio-frequency identification (RFID) transponder. The power supply in this front end is generated from the received RF electromagnetic energy by using an RF-dc voltage rectifier. In order to improve the compatibility with standard CMOS technology, Schottky diodes in conventional RF-dc rectifiers are replaced by diode-connected MOS transistors with zero threshold. Meanwhile, theoretical analyses for the proposed rectifier are provided and verified by both simulation and measurement results. The design considerations of the pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) demodulator and the backscatter modulator in the front end are also discussed for low-power applications. The proposed front end is implemented in a 0.35-mu m 2P4M CMOS technology. The whole chip occupies a die area of 490 x 780 mu m(2) and consumes only 2.1 mu W in reading mode under a self-generated 1.5-V supply voltage. The measurement results show that the proposed rectifier can properly operate with a - 14.7-dBm input RF power at a power conversion efficiency of 13.0%. In the proposed RFID applications, this sensitivity corresponds to 10.88-m communication distance at 4-W equivalent isotropically radiated power from a reader base station.


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The hybrid integrated photonic switch and not logic gate based on the integration of a GaAs VCSEL (Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers) and a MISS (Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Switches) device are reported. The GaAs VCSEL is fabricated by selective etching and selective oxidation. The Ultra-Thin semi-Insulating layer (UTI) of the GaAs MISS is formed by using oxidation of A1As that is grown by MBE. The accurate control of UTI and the processing compatibility between VCSEL and MISS are solved by this procedure. Ifa VCSEL is connected in series with a MISS, the integrated device can be used as a photonic switch, or a light amplifier. A low switching power (10 mu W) and a good on-off ratio (17 dB contrast) have been achieved. If they are connected in parallel, they perform a photonic NOT gate operation.


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Polycrystalline silicon (polysilicon) has been used as an important structural material for microelectro-mechnical systems (MEMS) because of its compatibility with standard integrated circuit (IC) processes. As the structural layer of micromechanical high resonance frequency (high-f) and high quality factor (high-Q) disk resonators, the low residual stress and low resistivity are desired for the polysilicon thin films. In the present work, we investigate the effect of deposition and annealing conditions on the residual stress and resistivity for in-situ deposited low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) polysilicon films. Low residual stress (-100 MPa) was achieved in in-situ boron-doped polysilicon films deposited at 570 degrees C and annealed at 1000 degrees C for 4 hr. The as-deposited amorphous polysilicon films were crystallized by the rapid thermal annealing and have the (111)-preferred orientation, the low tensile residual stress is expected for this annealed film, the detailed description on this work will be reported soon. The controllable residual stress and resistivity make these films suitable for high-Q and bigh-f micro-mechanical disk resonators.


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A new method has been developed to selectively fabricate nano-gap electrodes and nano-channels by conventional lithography. Based on a sacrificial spacer process, we have successfully obtained sub-100-nm nano-gap electrodes and nano-channels and further reduced the dimensions to 20 nm by shrinking the sacrificial spacer size. Our method shows good selectivity between nano-gap electrodes and nano-channels due to different sacrificial spacer etch conditions. There is no length limit for the nano-gap electrode and the nano-channel. The method reported in this paper also allows for wafer scale fabrication, high throughput, low cost, and good compatibility with modern semiconductor technology.


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Recursive specifications of domains plays a crucial role in denotational semantics as developed by Scott and Strachey and their followers. The purpose of the present paper is to set up a categorical framework in which the known techniques for solving these equations find a natural place. The idea is to follow the well-known analogy between partial orders and categories, generalizing from least fixed-points of continuous functions over cpos to initial ones of continuous functors over $\omega $-categories. To apply these general ideas we introduce Wand's ${\bf O}$-categories where the morphism-sets have a partial order structure and which include almost all the categories occurring in semantics. The idea is to find solutions in a derived category of embeddings and we give order-theoretic conditions which are easy to verify and which imply the needed categorical ones. The main tool is a very general form of the limit-colimit coincidence remarked by Scott. In the concluding section we outline how compatibility considerations are to be included in the framework. A future paper will show how Scott's universal domain method can be included too.


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The unique properties of capillary electrochromatography such as high performance, high selectivity, minimum consumption of both reagents and samples, and good compatibility with mass spectrometry make this technique an attractive one for the analysis of biomolecules including peptides, proteins, carbohydrates, nucleosides and nucleoticles. Irreversible adsorption between the biomolecules and the charged packing surface leads to a lack of reproducibility and serious peak tailing, so various approaches have been taken to overcome this and to improve the technique for future challenges.


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The domain-structure of samples containing a series of starch/poly(sodium acrylate)-grafted superabsorbents, pure starch, pure poly(sodium acrylate), and blend of starch/poly(sodium acrylate) has been studied by high-resolution solid-state C-13 NMR spectroscopy at room temperature. The result shows that the crystallinity of starch decreases greatly in the grafted and blended samples.


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Novel bioactive glass (13G) nanoparticles/poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) composites were prepared as promising bone-repairing materials. The BG nanoparticles (Si:P:Ca = 29:13:58 weight ratio) of about 40 run diameter were prepared via the sol-gel method. In order to improve the phase compatibility between the polymer and the inorganic phase, PLLA (M-n = 9700 Da) was linked to the surface of the BG particles by diisocyanate. The grafting ratio of PLLA was in the vicinity of 20 wt.%. The grafting modification could improve the tensile strength, tensile modulus and impact energy of the composites by increasing the phase compatibility.