7 resultados para Intramuscular triglycerides

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[EN]In an attempt to predict intramuscular fatty acid composition using easily accessible fat depots, between-tissue correlations were studied in 75 Asturiana de los Valles bulls with different levels of muscular hypertrophy, and 25 Asturiana de la Montan˜ a bulls. Trans-18:1 in intramuscular fat was highly and positively correlated with levels in subcutaneous and intermuscular fats, while levels of total n-3 were not correlated. Predicting intramuscular fatty acid composition using easily accessible depots is thus possible for some fatty acids exhibiting high between-tissue correlations (e.g., trans-18:1) but breed and tissue specific deposition may limit this for others (e.g., n-3 fatty acids).


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Background: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors that is considered a predictor of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and mortality. There is no consistent evidence on whether the MS construct works in the same way in different populations and at different stages in life. Methods: We used confirmatory factor analysis to examine if a single-factor-model including waist circumference, triglycerides/HDL-c, insulin and mean arterial pressure underlies metabolic syndrome from the childhood to adolescence in a 6-years follow-up study in 174 Swedish and 460 Estonian children aged 9 years at baseline. Indeed, we analyze the tracking of a previously validated MS index over this 6-years period. Results: The estimates of goodness-of-fit for the single-factor-model underlying MS were acceptable both in children and adolescents. The construct stability of a new model including the differences from baseline to the end of the follow-up in the components of the proposed model displayed good fit indexes for the change, supporting the hypothesis of a single factor underlying MS component trends. Conclusions: A single-factor-model underlying MS is stable across the puberty in both Estonian and Swedish young people. The MS index tracks acceptably from childhood to adolescence.


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PURPOSE: The main goals of the present study were: 1) to review some recommendations about how to increase lean body mass; 2) to analyse whether following scientific sources of current recommendations, visible changes can be shown or not in a participant (body composition, strength and blood analyses). METHODS: One male athlete completed 12 weeks of resistance training program and following a diet protocol. Some test were determined such as, strength 6RM, blood analyses, skindfold measurements, body perimeters and impedance test. Body composition measurements were taken 3 times during the program (before-T1, after 6 weeks of intervention period-T2 and at the end of the program-T3). On the other hand, strength tests and blood analyses were performed twice (before and after the program). RESULTS: Strength was increased in general; blood analyses showed that Creatine kinase was increased a 104% and Triglycerides level was decreased a 22.5%; in the impedance test, body mass (1.6%), lean body mass (3.5%) and Body mass index (1.7%) were increased, whereas fat mass was decreased (15.5%); relaxed and contracted biceps perimeters were also increased. CONCLUSION: A muscle hypertrophy training program mixed with an appropriate diet during 12 weeks leads to interesting adaptations related to increase in body weight, lean body mass, biceps perimeters, strength and creatine kinase levels, and a decrease in fat mass.


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Increasing evidence links metabolic signals to cell proliferation, but the molecular wiring that connects the two core machineries remains largely unknown. E2Fs are master regulators of cellular proliferation. We have recently shown that E2F2 activity facilitates the completion of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH) by regulating the expression of genes required for S-phase entry. Our study also revealed that E2F2 determines the duration of hepatectomy-induced hepatic steatosis. A transcriptomic analysis of normal adult liver identified "lipid metabolism regulation" as a major E2F2 functional target, suggesting that E2F2 has a role in lipid homeostasis. Here we use wild-type (E2F2(+/+)) and E2F2 deficient (E2F2(-/-)) mice to investigate the in vivo role of E2F2 in the composition of liver lipids and fatty acids in two metabolically different contexts: quiescence and 48-h post-PH, when cellular proliferation and anabolic demands are maximal. We show that liver regeneration is accompanied by large triglyceride and protein increases without changes in total phospholipids both in E2F2(+/+) and E2F2(-/-) mice. Remarkably, we found that the phenotype of quiescent liver tissue from E2F2(-/-) mice resembles the phenotype of proliferating E2F2(+/+) liver tissue, characterized by a decreased phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanolamine ratio and a reprogramming of genes involved in generation of choline and ethanolamine derivatives. The diversity of fatty acids in total lipid, triglycerides and phospholipids was essentially preserved on E2F2 loss both in proliferating and non-proliferating liver tissue, although notable exceptions in inflammation-related fatty acids of defined phospholipid classes were detected. Overall, our results indicate that E2F2 activity sustains the hepatic homeostasis of major membrane glycerolipid components while it is dispensable for storage glycerolipid balance.


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Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is caused by abnormal accumulation of lipids within liver cells. Its prevalence is increasing in developed countries in association with obesity, and it represents a risk factor for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Since NAFLD is usually asymptomatic at diagnosis, new non-invasive approaches are needed to determine the hepatic lipid content in terms of diagnosis, treatment and control of disease progression. Here, we investigated the potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to quantitate and monitor the hepatic triglyceride concentration in humans. Methods: A prospective study of diagnostic accuracy was conducted among 129 consecutive adult patients (97 obesity and 32 non-obese) to compare multi-echo MRI fat fraction, grade of steatosis estimated by histopathology, and biochemical measurement of hepatic triglyceride concentration (that is, Folch value). Results: MRI fat fraction positively correlates with the grade of steatosis estimated on a 0 to 3 scale by histopathology. However, this correlation value was stronger when MRI fat fraction was linked to the Folch value, resulting in a novel equation to predict the hepatic triglyceride concentration (mg of triglycerides/g of liver tissue = 5.082 + (432.104 * multi-echo MRI fat fraction)). Validation of this formula in 31 additional patients (24 obese and 7 controls) resulted in robust correlation between the measured and estimated Folch values. Multivariate analysis showed that none of the variables investigated improves the Folch prediction capacity of the equation. Obese patients show increased steatosis compared to controls using MRI fat fraction and Folch value. Bariatric surgery improved MRI fat fraction values and the Folch value estimated in obese patients one year after surgery. Conclusions: Multi-echo MRI is an accurate approach to determine the hepatic lipid concentration by using our novel equation, representing an economic non-invasive method to diagnose and monitor steatosis in humans.


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Hoy en día y con el objetivo de conseguir el mayor rendimiento posible en la mayoría de los deportes profesionales, la suplementación deportiva está adquiriendo un protagonismo vital, siendo conscientes de que la suplementación deportiva por sí sola no sea el principal factor responsable del aumento del rendimiento deportivo. Sin embargo, ha quedado demostrado que estos suplementos pueden ayudar a dar el salto de calidad en deportistas profesionales y últimamente salen a la luz investigaciones de nuevos suplementos que empiezan a ser habituales en algunos deportistas, como es el caso de la Beta-Alanina. El principal efecto de la ingesta exógena de b-alanina en el organismo radica en el aumento de la carnosina muscular debido a su rol como factor limitante en la síntesis de la misma, un dipéptido citoplasmático que tiene la capacidad de secuestrar los protones inducidos por el ejercicio de alta intensidad, retrasando la disminución del pH intramuscular y en consecuencia, retrasando la fatiga. La mayoría de los estudios hasta el momento que han investigado el efecto de la b-alanina y el rendimiento deportivo se centran en los deportes cíclicos, especialmente en aquellos deportes anaeróbicos donde la disminución del pH es limitante del rendimiento deportivo. Por ello, mediante una revisión bibliográfica el objetivo de este artículo será identificar y resumir los efectos principales de la suplementación exógena de Beta-alanina relacionados con el aumento del rendimiento deportivo y complementariamente, se realizar también un análisis sobre los factores fisiológicos del fútbol con el fin de conocer si este suplemento podría aumentar el rendimiento en los futbolistas de alto nivel.