8 resultados para critical period

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We report here that during a permanent cardiac arrest, rodent brain tissue is “physiologically” preserved in situ in a particular quiescent state. This state is characterized by the absence of electrical activity and by a critical period of 5–6 hr during which brain tissue can be reactivated upon restoration of a simple energy (glucose/oxygen) supply. In rat brain slices prepared 1–6 hr after cardiac arrest and maintained in vitro for several hours, cells with normal morphological features, intrinsic membrane properties, and spontaneous synaptic activity were recorded from various brain regions. In addition to functional membrane channels, these neurons expressed mRNA, as revealed by single-cell reverse transcription–PCR, and could synthesize proteins de novo. Slices prepared after longer delays did not recover. In a guinea pig isolated whole-brain preparation that was cannulated and perfused with oxygenated saline 1–2 hr after cardiac arrest, cell activity and functional long-range synaptic connections could be restored although the electroencephalogram remained isoelectric. Perfusion of the isolated brain with the γ-aminobutyric acid A receptor antagonist picrotoxin, however, could induce self-sustained temporal lobe epilepsy. Thus, in rodents, the duration of cardiac arrest compatible with a short-term recovery of neuronal activity is much longer than previously expected. The analysis of the parameters that regulate this duration may bring new insights into the prevention of postischemic damages.


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The segregation of thalamocortical inputs into eye-specific stripes in the developing cat or monkey visual cortex is prevented by manipulations that perturb or abolish neural activity in the visual pathway. Such findings show that proper development of the functional organization of visual cortex is dependent on normal patterns of neural activity. The generalisation of this conclusion to other sensory cortices has been questioned by findings that the segregation of thalamocortical afferents into a somatotopic barrel pattern in developing rodent primary somatosensory cortex (S1) is not prevented by activity blockade. We show that a temporary block of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA glutamate receptors in rat S1 during the critical period for barrel development disrupts the topographic refinement of thalamocortical connectivity and columnar organization. These effects are evident well after the blockade is ineffective and thus may be permanent. Our findings show that neural activity and specifically the activation of postsynaptic cortical neurons has a prominent role in establishing the primary sensory map in S1, as well as the topographic organization of higher order synaptic connections.


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Postnatal development and adult function of the central nervous system are dependent on the capacity of neurons to effect long-term changes of specific properties in response to neural activity. This neuronal response has been demonstrated to be tightly correlated with the expression of a set of regulatory genes which include transcription factors as well as molecules that can directly modify cellular signaling. It is hypothesized that these proteins play a role in activity-dependent response. Previously, we described the expression and regulation in brain of an inducible form of prostaglandin synthase/cyclooxygenase, termed COX-2. COX-2 is a rate-limiting enzyme in prostanoid synthesis and its expression is rapidly regulated in developing and adult forebrain by physiological synaptic activity. Here we demonstrate that COX-2 immunoreactivity is selectively expressed in a subpopulation of excitatory neurons in neo-and allocortices, hippocampus, and amygdala and is compartmentalized to dendritic arborizations. Moreover, COX-2 immunoreactivity is present in dendritic spines, which are specialized structures involved in synaptic signaling. The developmental profile of COX-2 expression in dendrites follows well known histogenetic gradients and coincides with the critical period for activity-dependent synaptic remodeling. These results suggest that COX-2, and its diffusible prostanoid products, may play a role in postsynaptic signaling of excitatory neurons in cortex and associated structures.


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HLA-G is a nonclassical class I major histocompatibility complex molecule with a restricted pattern of expression that includes the placental extravillus cytotrophoblast cells in direct contact with maternal tissues. Circumstantial evidence suggests that HLA-G may play a role in protection of the semiallogeneic human fetus. We examined whether HLA-G is expressed during the critical period of preimplantation human development and whether expression of this molecule could be correlated with the cleavage rate of embryos. Using reverse transcription PCR on surplus human embryos and unfertilized oocytes from patients undergoing in vitro fertilization we detected HLA-G heavy chain mRNA in 40% of 148 of blastocysts tested. The presence of HLA-G mRNA was also detected in unfertilized oocytes and in early embryos, but not in control cumulus oophorus cells. beta 2-Microglobulin mRNA was also found in those embryos expressing HLA-G. In concordance with our mRNA data, a similar proportion of embryos stained positive for HLA-G utilizing a specific monoclonal antibody. Interestingly, expression of HLA-G mRNA was associated with an increased cleavage rate, as compared to embryos lacking HLA-G transcript. Thus, HLA-G could be a functional homologue of the mouse Qa-2 antigen, which has been implicated in differences in the rate of preimplantation embryo development. To our knowledge, the presence of HLA-G mRNA and protein in human preimplantation embryos and oocytes has not been reported previously. The correlation of HLA-G mRNA expression with cleavage rate suggests that this molecule may play an important role in human pre-embryo development.


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Neurite outgrowth across spinal cord lesions in vitro is rapid in preparations isolated from the neonatal opossum Monodelphis domestica up to the age of 12 days. At this age oligodendrocytes, myelin, and astrocytes develop and regeneration ceases to occur. The role of myelin-associated neurite growth-inhibitory proteins, which increase in concentration at 10-13 days, was investigated in culture by applying the antibody IN-1, which blocks their effects. In the presence of IN-1, 22 out of 39 preparations from animals aged 13-17 days showed clear outgrowth of processes into crushes. When 34 preparations from 13-day-old animals were crushed and cultured without antibody, no axons grew into the lesion. The success rate with IN-1 was comparable to that seen in younger animals but the outgrowth was less profuse. IN-1 was shown by immunocytochemistry to penetrate the spinal cord. Other antibodies which penetrated the 13-day cord failed to promote fiber outgrowth. To distinguish between regeneration by cut neurites and outgrowth by developing uncut neurites, fibers in the ventral fasciculus were prelabeled with carbocyanine dyes and subsequently injured. The presence of labeled fibers in the lesion indicated that IN-1 promoted regeneration. These results show that the development of myelin-associated growth-inhibitory proteins contributes to the loss of regeneration as the mammalian central nervous system matures. The definition of a critical period for regeneration, coupled with the ability to apply trophic as well as inhibitory molecules to the culture, can permit quantitative assessment of molecular interactions that promote spinal cord regeneration.


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During early development, interactions between the two eyes are critical in the formation of eye-specific domains within the lateral geniculate nucleus and the visual cortex. When monocular enucleation is done early in prenatal life, it induces remarkable anatomical and functional reorganizations of the visual pathways. Behavioral data have shown a loss in sensitivity to low-spatial-frequency gratings in cats. To correlate the behavioral observations with a possible change in the analysis of contrast at the level of primary visual areas we recorded visual evoked potentials at the 17/18 border in two cats enucleated prenatally (gestational age at enucleation, 39-42 days), three neonatal, two control animals, and one animal with a surgical removal of Y-ganglion fibers. Our results show a strong attenuation in the amplitude of response at all contrast values for gratings of low spatial frequency in prenatally enucleated cats, whereas neonatally enucleated and control animals present responses of comparable amplitude. We conclude that the behavioral results reflect the reduced sensitivity for low frequencies of visual cortical neurons. In addition, we define a critical period for the development of the contrast-sensitivity function that seems to be limited to the prenatal gestation period. We suggest that the prenatal interruption of binocular interactions leads to a functional elimination of the Y-ganglion system.


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CHR3 (nhr-23, NF1F4), the homologue of Drosophila DHR3 and mammalian ROR/RZR/RevErbA nuclear hormone receptors, is important for proper epidermal development and molting in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Disruption of CHR3 (nhr-23) function leads to developmental changes, including incomplete molting and a short, fat (dumpy) phenotype. Here, we studied the role of CHR3 during larval development by using expression assays and RNA-mediated interference. We show that the levels of expression of CHR3 (nhr-23) cycle during larval development and reduction of CHR3 function during each intermolt period result in defects at all subsequent molts. Assaying candidate gene expression in populations of animals treated with CHR3 (nhr-23) RNA-mediated interference has identified dpy-7 as a potential gene acting downstream of CHR3. These results define CHR3 as a critical regulator of all C. elegans molts and begin to define the molecular pathway for its function.


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In T cell-deficient conditions, naïve T cells undergo spontaneous “homeostatic” proliferation in response to contact with self-MHC/peptide ligands. With the aid of an in vitro system, we show here that homeostatic proliferation is also cytokine-dependent. The cytokines IL-4, IL-7, and IL-15 enhanced homeostatic proliferation of naïve T cells in vitro. Of these cytokines, only IL-7 was found to be critical; thus, naïve T cells underwent homeostatic proliferation in IL-4− and IL-15− hosts but proliferated minimally in IL-7− hosts. In addition to homeostatic proliferation, the prolonged survival of naïve T cells requires IL-7. Thus, naïve T cells disappeared gradually over a 1-month period upon adoptive transfer into IL-7− hosts. These findings indicate that naïve T cells depend on IL-7 for survival and homeostatic proliferation.