443 resultados para TELECOMUNICACIONES


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La Tesis Doctoral nace con una intensa vocación pedagógica. La hipótesis de trabajo se establece en torno a una cuestión de interés personal, un tema sobre el que se vertebran, desde el comienzo del doctorado, los diferentes cursos y trabajos de investigación: LA CASA DOMÍNGUEZ como paradigma de la dialéctica en la obra de Alejandro de la Sota. La clasificación de la realidad en categorías antagónicas determina un orden conceptual polarizado, una red de filiaciones excluyentes sobre las que Sota construye su personal protocolo operativo: la arquitectura intelectual o popular, experimental o tradicional, universal o local, ligera o pesada, elevada o enterrada, etc. Se propone el abordaje de una cuestión latente en el conjunto de la obra ‘sotiana’, desde la disección y el análisis de una de sus obras más pequeñas: la casa Domínguez. Se trata de una organización sin precedentes, que eleva la estrategia dialéctica al paroxismo: la vivienda se separa en dos estratos independientes, la zona de día, elevada, y la zona de noche, enterrada; cada uno de los estratos establece su propio orden geométrico y constructivo, su propio lenguaje y carácter, su propia identidad e incluso su propio presupuesto. Las relaciones entre interior y exterior se especializan en función de la actividad o el reposo, estableciéndose una compleja red de relaciones, algunas evidentes y otras celosamente veladas, entre los diferentes niveles. La estancia destinada a las tareas activas se proyecta como un objeto de armazón ligero y piel fría; la precisa geometría del cubo delimita la estancia vigilante sobre el paisaje conquistado. La ladera habitada se destina al reposo y se configura como una topografía verde bajo la que se desarrollan los dormitorios en torno a patios, grietas y lucernarios, generando un paisaje propio: la construcción del objeto frente a la construcción del lugar La casa Domínguez constituye uno de los proyectos menos estudiados, y por lo tanto menos celebrados, de la obra de Don Alejandro. Las publicaciones sucesivas reproducen la documentación gráfica junto a la memoria (epopeya) que el propio Sota compone para la publicación del proyecto. Apenas un par de breves textos críticos de Miguel Ángel Baldellou y, recientemente de Moisés Puente, abordan la vivienda como tema monográfico. Sin embargo, la producción de proyecto y obra ocupó a De la Sota un periodo no inferior a diez años, con casi cien planos dibujados para dos versiones de proyecto, la primera de ellas, inédita. El empeño por determinar hasta el último detalle de la ‘pequeña’ obra, conduce a Sota a controlar incluso el mobiliario interior, como hiciera en otras obras ‘importantes’ como el Gobierno Civil de Tarragona, el colegio mayor César Carlos o el edificio de Correos y Telecomunicaciones de León. La complicidad del cliente, mantenida durante casi cuarenta años, habilita el despliegue de una importante colección de recursos y herramientas de proyecto. La elección de la casa Domínguez como tema central de la tesis persigue por lo tanto un triple objetivo: en primer lugar, el abordaje del proyecto como paradigma de la dialéctica ‘sotiana’, analizando la coherencia entre el discurso de carácter heroico y la obra finalmente construida; en segundo lugar, la investigación rigurosa, de corte científico, desde la disección y progresivo desmontaje del objeto arquitectónico; y por último, la reflexión sobre los temas y dispositivos de proyecto que codifican la identificación entre la acción de construir y el hecho de habitar, registrando los aciertos y valorando con actitud crítica aquellos elementos poco coherentes con el orden interno de la propuesta. This doctoral thesis is the fruit of a profound pedagogical vocation. The central hypothesis was inspired by a question of great personal interest, and this interest has, since the very beginning of the doctorate, been the driving force behind all subsequent lines of research and investigation. The “Casa Domínguez” represents a paradigm of the dialectics found in the work of Alejandro de la Sota. The perception of reality as antagonistic categories determines a polarized conceptual order, a network of mutually excluding associations upon which Sota builds his own personal operative protocol: intellectual or popular architecture, experimental or traditional, universal or local, heavy or light, above or below ground, etc. Through the analysis and dissection of the “Casa Domínguez”, one of Sota’s smallest projects, an attempt is made to approach the underlying question posed in “Sotian” work as a whole. This is about organization without precedent, raising the strategic dialectics to levels of paroxysm. The house is divided into two separate levels, the day-time level above ground, and the lower night-time level beneath the surface of the ground. Each level has its own geometrical and stuctural order, its own language and character, its own identity and even has its own construction budget. The interaction between the two areas is centered on the two functions of rest and activity, and this in turn establishes a complex relationship network between both, which is sometimes self-evident, but at other times jealously guarded. The living area designed for daily activity is presented as an object of light structure and delicate skin; the precise geometry of the cube delimiting the ever watchful living area’s domain over the land it has conquered. A green topography is created on the slope below which lies an area adapted for rest and relaxation. Two bedrooms, built around patios, skylights and light crevices, generate an entirely independent environment: the construction of an object as opposed to the creation of a landscape. The “Casa Domínguez” project has been subject to much less scrutiny and examination than Don Alejandro’s other works, and is consequently less well-known. A succession of journals have printed the blueprint document together with a poetic description (epopee), composed by Sota himself, to mark the project’s publication. There has, however, scarcely been more than two brief critical appraisals, those by Miguel Ángel Baldellou and more recently by Moisés Puente, that have regarded the project as a monographic work. The project and works nevertheless occupied no less than ten years of De La Sota’s life, with over a hundred draft drawings for two separate versions of the project, the first of which remains unpublished. The sheer determination to design this “small” work in the most meticulous detail, drove Sota to manage and select its interior furniture, as indeed he had previously done with more “important” works like the Tarragona Civil Government, César Carlos College, or the Post Office telecommunications building in León. Client collaboration, maintained over a period of almost forty years, has facilitated an impressive array of the project’s tools and resources. The choice of “Casa Domínguez” as the central subject matter of this thesis, was made in pursuance of a triple objective: firstly, to approach the project as a paradigm of the “Sotian” dialectic, the analysis of the discourse between the heroic character and the finished building; secondly, a rigorous scientific investigation, and progressive disassembling and dissecting of the architectonic object; and finally, a reflection on aspects of the project and its technology which codify the identification between the action of construction and the reality of living, thus marking its achievements, whilst at the same time subjecting incoherent elements of the proposal’s established order to a critical evaluation.


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Este trabajo de Tesis ha abordado el objetivo de dar robustez y mejorar la Detección de Actividad de Voz en entornos acústicos adversos con el fin de favorecer el comportamiento de muchas aplicaciones vocales, por ejemplo aplicaciones de telefonía basadas en reconocimiento automático de voz, aplicaciones en sistemas de transcripción automática, aplicaciones en sistemas multicanal, etc. En especial, aunque se han tenido en cuenta todos los tipos de ruido, se muestra especial interés en el estudio de las voces de fondo, principal fuente de error de la mayoría de los Detectores de Actividad en la actualidad. Las tareas llevadas a cabo poseen como punto de partida un Detector de Actividad basado en Modelos Ocultos de Markov, cuyo vector de características contiene dos componentes: la energía normalizada y la variación de la energía. Las aportaciones fundamentales de esta Tesis son las siguientes: 1) ampliación del vector de características de partida dotándole así de información espectral, 2) ajuste de los Modelos Ocultos de Markov al entorno y estudio de diferentes topologías y, finalmente, 3) estudio e inclusión de nuevas características, distintas de las del punto 1, para filtrar los pulsos de pronunciaciones que proceden de las voces de fondo. Los resultados de detección, teniendo en cuenta los tres puntos anteriores, muestran con creces los avances realizados y son significativamente mejores que los resultados obtenidos, bajo las mismas condiciones, con otros detectores de actividad de referencia. This work has been focused on improving the robustness at Voice Activity Detection in adverse acoustic environments in order to enhance the behavior of many vocal applications, for example telephony applications based on automatic speech recognition, automatic transcription applications, multichannel systems applications, and so on. In particular, though all types of noise have taken into account, this research has special interest in the study of pronunciations coming from far-field speakers, the main error source of most activity detectors today. The tasks carried out have, as starting point, a Hidden Markov Models Voice Activity Detector which a feature vector containing two components: normalized energy and delta energy. The key points of this Thesis are the following: 1) feature vector extension providing spectral information, 2) Hidden Markov Models adjustment to environment and study of different Hidden Markov Model topologies and, finally, 3) study and inclusion of new features, different from point 1, to reject the pronunciations coming from far-field speakers. Detection results, taking into account the above three points, show the advantages of using this method and are significantly better than the results obtained under the same conditions by other well-known voice activity detectors.


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El uso de las partículas magnéticas ha venido a más durante los últimos 10 años. Lo anterior ha estado condicionado por factores como la amplia investigación en materiales a nivel atómico, los retos propuestos por las diferentes áreas de investigación donde los niveles nanométricos cobran importancia, la inherente innovación tecnológica que pueden aportar a la industria dichas escalas y finalmente, el impacto socioeconómico que pueden tener estos avances tecnológicos. Sin embargo, la traslación a la industria de los avances tecnológicos se ha visto limitada por la falta de estrategias, ya que el 88% del conocimiento se queda en Universidades y Centros de Investigación y el resto, 12%, pasa a la industria o es obtenido en ella. En este trabajo de investigación se ha tratado de completar el círculo de idea, conceptualización, generación de conocimiento, prototipo, prueba in vitro y prueba in vivo; todo ello para dejar el menor espacio posible entre Investigación e Industria. Se ha fabricado un recinto que permite la observación del comportamiento de las partículas magnéticas cuando están inmersas en un medio con viscosidad controlada y con una fuente magnética estática. De la observación experimental se han encontrado fenómenos magnéticos como la aglomeración y la autoorganización, que han sido aprovechados, no solo para ofrecer una solución alternativa a la corrección del desprendimiento de retina, sino también para promover las mejoras de métodos de separación y/o filtrado celular, ayuda en correcciones ortopédicas o en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades degenerativas. Particularizando en la corrección del desprendimiento de retina, se ha desarrollado y patentado un Dispositivo Ocular cuya función es la de tapón del agujero retiniano, ayudando en la cicatrización de la retina. Dicho dispositivo ha sido evaluado en conejos albinos neozelandeses obteniéndose un éxito en la reaplicación de la retina del 80% y resultando su toxicidad en condición difusa tras evaluación anatomopatológica. Así mismo, el ferrofluido diseñado y fabricado se ha localizado en la zona de interacción magnética siempre y su disposición ha sido en el mayor de los casos en forma de placa pero también se han formado anillos; lo anterior no ha afectado en ningún sentido el éxito en la reaplicación de la retina. Por otro lado, no se han encontrado indicios de siderosis en la zona de interacción magnética, sus alrededores o el resto del globo ocular; ni las células han presentado apoptosis inducida por los materiales introducidos en el ojo. Sin embargo, se ha encontrado una fuerte necrosis inducida por la presión ejercida sobre la retina por el dispositivo ocular, evidenciando la necesidad de un mejor control de dicha presión. Tras la caracterización de los copos y la presión que éstos ejercen, se ha podido identificar que el dispositivo ocular se puede sintonizar para inducir una presión entre 0.5 y 2.5 mmHg; por tanto se puede vislumbrar que es posible minimizar la muerte celular causada en las células retinianas. Finalmente, tras la experimentación con conejos se ha observado que el dispositivo ocular resuelve los problemas inducidos por las siliconas o los gases e inclusive aporta ventajas competitivas de alto valor añadido como: no requerir de posiciones incómodas en el post-operatorio, no modifica las propiedades ópticas del ojo ya que no es necesario dejar silicona o gases en el interior del ojo, se pueden sellar múltiples agujeros retinianos, corrección de desprendimiento de retina inferior sin complicaciones asociadas, etc.; en definitiva mejora la calidad de vida domiciliaria del paciente además de solventar los problemas inducidos por las soluciones actuales. The using of magnetic particles has become more important during last 10 years. This event has been conditioned by several factors like a wide researching on materials at atomic level, the challenges proposed by different research areas where nanometric levels became important, the inherent technological innovation to the industry and finally, the socioeconomic impact of these kinds of technologies. However, the nanotechnological advances have not been well addressed to the industry since 88% of the acknowledge keeps on Universities and Research Centers, and the remaining 12% goes through the industry or is obtained in it. In this research work, we have tried to complete the entire process about idea, concept, acknowledge generation, prototyping and in vitro and in vivo testing; all to leave as little space as possible between Research and Industry. We have built an experimental hall which allows us the observation of magnetic particles' behavior when are immersing in a controlled viscous medium and under a static magnetic field. The experimental observation has been useful to identify and use two magnetic phenomena: agglomeration and self-organization; no only for retinal detachment, but also to improve cellular separation and/or filtered methods, orthopedic solutions or the diagnostic and treatment of degenerative diseases. Particularizing on retinal detachment, we have developed and patented an Ocular Device which its function is acting like a tampon of the retinal hole for helping with the scarring retina. The device has been evaluated in animals and the results show that we can achieve a success of 80% before rabbit’s death and non cell apoptosis, only necrosis, over the retina attached by the ocular device after anatomopathological evaluation. Also we have identified a diffuse toxicity after anatomopathological evaluation, so more experimenting must be proposed. Otherwise, the ferrofluid has been localized where the magnetic interaction area is located and its deposition has been in most cases plaque shape like but rings have also been observed; this has not affected in any way the successful reattachment of the retina. On the other hand, we have not found any evidence of siderosis in the magnetic interaction zone, near of or some other place of the ocular globe; and we did not find any apoptosis induced by the materials inserted within the eye. However full necrosis, exactly on the magnetic interaction zone, has been found and induced by the pressure exerted over the retina by the ocular device, evidencing the needing of its better control. After flakes’ characterization and its pressure exerted, we identified that the ocular device can be tuned in order to induce a pressure between 0.5 and 2.5 mmHg; therefore we can perceive that death caused to the retinal cells can be minimized. Finally, the experimentation has shown that the ocular device solves all problems induced by silicone or gases an even contributes with some other competitive advantages of high added value like: no uncomfortable postoperative positions, it does not modify any optical property of the eye because there is no needing of leaving silicone or gases inside the eye, many holes can be sealed, the inferior retinal detachment can be solve without any complications, etc.; definitively the ocular device improves patients’ quality of life.


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This doctoral thesis explores some of the possibilities that near-field optics can bring to photovoltaics, and in particular to quantum-dot intermediate band solar cells (QD-IBSCs). Our main focus is the analytical optimization of the electric field distribution produced in the vicinity of single scattering particles, in order to produce the highest possible absorption enhancement in the photovoltaic medium in their surroundings. Near-field scattering structures have also been fabricated in laboratory, allowing the application of the previously studied theoretical concepts to real devices. We start by looking into the electrostatic scattering regime, which is only applicable to sub-wavelength sized particles. In this regime it was found that metallic nano-spheroids can produce absorption enhancements of about two orders of magnitude on the material in their vicinity, due to their strong plasmonic resonance. The frequency of such resonance can be tuned with the shape of the particles, allowing us to match it with the optimal transition energies of the intermediate band material. Since these metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) are to be inserted inside the cell photovoltaic medium, they should be coated by a thin insulating layer to prevent electron-hole recombination at their surface. This analysis is then generalized, using an analytical separation-of-variables method implemented in Mathematica7.0, to compute scattering by spheroids of any size and material. This code allowed the study of the scattering properties of wavelengthsized particles (mesoscopic regime), and it was verified that in this regime dielectric spheroids perform better than metallic. The light intensity scattered from such dielectric spheroids can have more than two orders of magnitude than the incident intensity, and the focal region in front of the particle can be shaped in several ways by changing the particle geometry and/or material. Experimental work was also performed in this PhD to implement in practice the concepts studied in the analysis of sub-wavelength MNPs. A wet-coating method was developed to self-assemble regular arrays of colloidal MNPs on the surface of several materials, such as silicon wafers, amorphous silicon films, gallium arsenide and glass. A series of thermal and chemical tests have been performed showing what treatments the nanoparticles can withstand for their embedment in a photovoltaic medium. MNPs arrays are then inserted in an amorphous silicon medium to study the effect of their plasmonic near-field enhancement on the absorption spectrum of the material. The self-assembled arrays of MNPs constructed in these experiments inspired a new strategy for fabricating IBSCs using colloidal quantum dots (CQDs). Such CQDs can be deposited in self-assembled monolayers, using procedures similar to those developed for the patterning of colloidal MNPs. The use of CQDs to form the intermediate band presents several important practical and physical advantages relative to the conventional dots epitaxially grown by the Stranski-Krastanov method. Besides, this provides a fast and inexpensive method for patterning binary arrays of QDs and MNPs, envisioned in the theoretical part of this thesis, in which the MNPs act as antennas focusing the light in the QDs and therefore boosting their absorption


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This Doctoral Thesis entitled Contribution to the analysis, design and assessment of compact antenna test ranges at millimeter wavelengths aims to deepen the knowledge of a particular antenna measurement system: the compact range, operating in the frequency bands of millimeter wavelengths. The thesis has been developed at Radiation Group (GR), an antenna laboratory which belongs to the Signals, Systems and Radiocommunications department (SSR), from Technical University of Madrid (UPM). The Radiation Group owns an extensive experience on antenna measurements, running at present four facilities which operate in different configurations: Gregorian compact antenna test range, spherical near field, planar near field and semianechoic arch system. The research work performed in line with this thesis contributes the knowledge of the first measurement configuration at higher frequencies, beyond the microwaves region where Radiation Group features customer-level performance. To reach this high level purpose, a set of scientific tasks were sequentially carried out. Those are succinctly described in the subsequent paragraphs. A first step dealed with the State of Art review. The study of scientific literature dealed with the analysis of measurement practices in compact antenna test ranges in addition with the particularities of millimeter wavelength technologies. Joint study of both fields of knowledge converged, when this measurement facilities are of interest, in a series of technological challenges which become serious bottlenecks at different stages: analysis, design and assessment. Thirdly after the overview study, focus was set on Electromagnetic analysis algorithms. These formulations allow to approach certain electromagnetic features of interest, such as field distribution phase or stray signal analysis of particular structures when they interact with electromagnetic waves sources. Properly operated, a CATR facility features electromagnetic waves collimation optics which are large, in terms of wavelengths. Accordingly, the electromagnetic analysis tasks introduce an extense number of mathematic unknowns which grow with frequency, following different polynomic order laws depending on the used algorithmia. In particular, the optics configuration which was of our interest consisted on the reflection type serrated edge collimator. The analysis of these devices requires a flexible handling of almost arbitrary scattering geometries, becoming this flexibility the nucleus of the algorithmia’s ability to perform the subsequent design tasks. This thesis’ contribution to this field of knowledge consisted on reaching a formulation which was powerful at the same time when dealing with various analysis geometries and computationally speaking. Two algorithmia were developed. While based on the same principle of hybridization, they reached different order Physics performance at the cost of the computational efficiency. Inter-comparison of their CATR design capabilities was performed, reaching both qualitative as well as quantitative conclusions on their scope. In third place, interest was shifted from analysis - design tasks towards range assessment. Millimetre wavelengths imply strict mechanical tolerances and fine setup adjustment. In addition, the large number of unknowns issue already faced in the analysis stage appears as well in the on chamber field probing stage. Natural decrease of dynamic range available by semiconductor millimeter waves sources requires in addition larger integration times at each probing point. These peculiarities increase exponentially the difficulty of performing assessment processes in CATR facilities beyond microwaves. The bottleneck becomes so tight that it compromises the range characterization beyond a certain limit frequency which typically lies on the lowest segment of millimeter wavelength frequencies. However the value of range assessment moves, on the contrary, towards the highest segment. This thesis contributes this technological scenario developing quiet zone probing techniques which achieves substantial data reduction ratii. Collaterally, it increases the robustness of the results to noise, which is a virtual rise of the setup’s available dynamic range. In fourth place, the environmental sensitivity of millimeter wavelengths issue was approached. It is well known the drifts of electromagnetic experiments due to the dependance of the re sults with respect to the surrounding environment. This feature relegates many industrial practices of microwave frequencies to the experimental stage, at millimeter wavelengths. In particular, evolution of the atmosphere within acceptable conditioning bounds redounds in drift phenomena which completely mask the experimental results. The contribution of this thesis on this aspect consists on modeling electrically the indoor atmosphere existing in a CATR, as a function of environmental variables which affect the range’s performance. A simple model was developed, being able to handle high level phenomena, such as feed - probe phase drift as a function of low level magnitudes easy to be sampled: relative humidity and temperature. With this model, environmental compensation can be performed and chamber conditioning is automatically extended towards higher frequencies. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to go further into the knowledge of millimetre wavelengths involving compact antenna test ranges. This knowledge is dosified through the sequential stages of a CATR conception, form early low level electromagnetic analysis towards the assessment of an operative facility, stages for each one of which nowadays bottleneck phenomena exist and seriously compromise the antenna measurement practices at millimeter wavelengths.


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The transport properties of thin-film solar cells based on wide-gap CuGaSe(2) absorbers have been investigated as a function of the bulk [Ga]/[Cu] ratio ranging from 1.01 to 1.33. We find that (i) the recombination processes in devices prepared from absorbers with a composition close to stoichiometry ([Ga]/[Cu] = 1.01) are strongly tunnelling assisted resulting in low recombination activation energies (E(a)) of approx. 0.95 eV in the dark and 1.36 eV under illumination. (ii) With an increasing [Ga]/[Cu] ratio, the transport mechanism changes to be dominated by thermally activated Shockley-Read-Hall recombination with similar E(a) values of approx. 1.52-1.57 eV for bulk [Ga]/[Cu] ratios of 1.12-1.33. The dominant recombination processes take place at the interface between CdS buffer and CuGaSe(2) absorber independently from the absorber composition. The increase of E(a) with the [Ga]/[Cu] ratio correlates with the open circuit voltage and explains the better performance of corresponding solar cells.


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The confluence of three-dimensional (3D) virtual worlds with social networks imposes on software agents, in addition to conversational functions, the same behaviours as those common to human-driven avatars. In this paper, we explore the possibilities of the use of metabots (metaverse robots) with motion capabilities in complex virtual 3D worlds and we put forward a learning model based on the techniques used in evolutionary computation for optimizing the fuzzy controllers which will subsequently be used by metabots for moving around a virtual environment.


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The failure detector class Omega (Ω) provides an eventual leader election functionality, i.e., eventually all correct processes permanently trust the same correct process. An algorithm is communication-efficient if the number of links that carry messages forever is bounded by n, being n the number of processes in the system. It has been defined that an algorithm is crash-quiescent if it eventually stops sending messages to crashed processes. In this regard, it has been recently shown the impossibility of implementing Ω crash quiescently without a majority of correct processes. We say that the membership is unknown if each process pi only knows its own identity and the number of processes in the system (that is, i and n), but pi does not know the identity of the rest of processes of the system. There is a type of link (denoted by ADD link) in which a bounded (but unknown) number of consecutive messages can be delayed or lost. In this work we present the first implementation (to our knowledge) of Ω in partially synchronous systems with ADD links and with unknown membership. Furthermore, it is the first implementation of Ω that combines two very interesting properties: communication-efficiency and crash-quiescence when the majority of processes are correct. Finally, we also obtain with the same algorithm a failure detector () such that every correct process eventually and permanently outputs the set of all correct processes.


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Infrastructure as a Service clouds are a flexible and fast way to obtain (virtual) resources as demand varies. Grids, on the other hand, are middleware platforms able to combine resources from different administrative domains for task execution. Clouds can be used by grids as providers of devices such as virtual machines, so they only use the resources they need. But this requires grids to be able to decide when to allocate and release those resources. Here we introduce and analyze by simulations an economic mechanism (a) to set resource prices and (b) resolve when to scale resources depending on the users’ demand. This system has a strong emphasis on fairness, so no user hinders the execution of other users’ tasks by getting too many resources. Our simulator is based on the well-known GridSim software for grid simulation, which we expand to simulate infrastructure clouds. The results show how the proposed system can successfully adapt the amount of allocated resources to the demand, while at the same time ensuring that resources are fairly shared among users.


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Embedded context management in resource-constrained devices (e.g. mobile phones, autonomous sensors or smart objects) imposes special requirements in terms of lightness for data modelling and reasoning. In this paper, we explore the state-of-the-art on data representation and reasoning tools for embedded mobile reasoning and propose a light inference system (LIS) aiming at simplifying embedded inference processes offering a set of functionalities to avoid redundancy in context management operations. The system is part of a service-oriented mobile software framework, conceived to facilitate the creation of context-aware applications—it decouples sensor data acquisition and context processing from the application logic. LIS, composed of several modules, encapsulates existing lightweight tools for ontology data management and rule-based reasoning, and it is ready to run on Java-enabled handheld devices. Data management and reasoning processes are designed to handle a general ontology that enables communication among framework components. Both the applications running on top of the framework and the framework components themselves can configure the rule and query sets in order to retrieve the information they need from LIS. In order to test LIS features in a real application scenario, an ‘Activity Monitor’ has been designed and implemented: a personal health-persuasive application that provides feedback on the user’s lifestyle, combining data from physical and virtual sensors. In this case of use, LIS is used to timely evaluate the user’s activity level, to decide on the convenience of triggering notifications and to determine the best interface or channel to deliver these context-aware alerts.d


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Next Generation Networks (NGN) provide Telecommunications operators with the possibility to share their resources and infrastructure, facilitate the interoperability with other networks, and simplify and unify the management, operation and maintenance of service offerings, thus enabling the fast and cost-effective creation of new personal, broadband ubiquitous services. Unfortunately, service creation over NGN is far from the success of service creation in the Web, especially when it comes to Web 2.0. This paper presents a novel approach to service creation and delivery, with a platform that opens to non-technically skilled users the possibility to create, manage and share their own convergent (NGN-based and Web-based) services. To this end, the business approach to user-generated services is analyzed and the technological bases supporting the proposal are explained.


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Liquid crystal properties make them useful for the development of security devices in applications of authentication and detection of fakes. Induced orientation of liquid crystal molecules and birefringence are the two main properties used in security devices. Employing liquid crystal and dichroic colorants, we have developed devices that show, with the aid of a polarizer, multiple images on each side of the device. Rubbed polyimide is used as alignment layer on each substrate of the LC cell. By rubbing the polyimide in different directions in each substrate it is possible to create any kind of symbols, drawings or motifs with a greyscale; the more complex the created device is, the more difficult is to fake it. To identify the motifs it is necessary to use polarized light. Depending on whether the polarizer is located in front of the LC cell or behind it, different motifs from one or the other substrate are shown. The effect arises from the dopant colour dye added to the liquid crystal, the induced orientation and the twist structure. In practice, a grazing reflection on a dielectric surface is polarized enough to see the effect. Any LC flat panel display can obviously be used as backlight as well.


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The increasing complexity of current software systems is encouraging the development of self-managed software architectures, i.e. systems capable of reconfiguring their structure at runtime to fulfil a set of goals. Several approaches have covered different aspects of their development, but some issues remain open, such as the maintainability or the scalability of self-management subsystems. Centralized approaches, like self-adaptive architectures, offer good maintenance properties but do not scale well for large systems. On the contrary, decentralized approaches, like self-organising architectures, offer good scalability but are not maintainable: reconfiguration specifications are spread and often tangled with functional specifications. In order to address these issues, this paper presents an aspect-oriented autonomic reconfiguration approach where: (1) each subsystem is provided with self-management properties so it can evolve itself and the components that it is composed of; (2) self-management concerns are isolated and encapsulated into aspects, thus improving its reuse and maintenance. Povzetek: Predstavljen je pristop s samo-preoblikovanjem programske arhitekture.


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Las tecnologías de vídeo en 3D han estado al alza en los últimos años, con abundantes avances en investigación unidos a una adopción generalizada por parte de la industria del cine, y una importancia creciente en la electrónica de consumo. Relacionado con esto, está el concepto de vídeo multivista, que abarca el vídeo 3D, y puede definirse como un flujo de vídeo compuesto de dos o más vistas. El vídeo multivista permite prestaciones avanzadas de vídeo, como el vídeo estereoscópico, el “free viewpoint video”, contacto visual mejorado mediante vistas virtuales, o entornos virtuales compartidos. El propósito de esta tesis es salvar un obstáculo considerable de cara al uso de vídeo multivista en sistemas de comunicación: la falta de soporte para esta tecnología por parte de los protocolos de señalización existentes, que hace imposible configurar una sesión con vídeo multivista mediante mecanismos estándar. Así pues, nuestro principal objetivo es la extensión del Protocolo de Inicio de Sesión (SIP) para soportar la negociación de sesiones multimedia con flujos de vídeo multivista. Nuestro trabajo se puede resumir en tres contribuciones principales. En primer lugar, hemos definido una extensión de señalización para configurar sesiones SIP con vídeo 3D. Esta extensión modifica el Protocolo de Descripción de Sesión (SDP) para introducir un nuevo atributo de nivel de medios, y un nuevo tipo de dependencia de descodificación, que contribuyen a describir los formatos de vídeo 3D que pueden emplearse en una sesión, así como la relación entre los flujos de vídeo que componen un flujo de vídeo 3D. La segunda contribución consiste en una extensión a SIP para manejar la señalización de videoconferencias con flujos de vídeo multivista. Se definen dos nuevos paquetes de eventos SIP para describir las capacidades y topología de los terminales de conferencia, por un lado, y la configuración espacial y mapeo de flujos de una conferencia, por el otro. También se describe un mecanismo para integrar el intercambio de esta información en el proceso de inicio de una conferencia SIP. Como tercera y última contribución, introducimos el concepto de espacio virtual de una conferencia, o un sistema de coordenadas que incluye todos los objetos relevantes de la conferencia (como dispositivos de captura, pantallas, y usuarios). Explicamos cómo el espacio virtual se relaciona con prestaciones de conferencia como el contacto visual, la escala de vídeo y la fidelidad espacial, y proporcionamos reglas para determinar las prestaciones de una conferencia a partir del análisis de su espacio virtual, y para generar espacios virtuales durante la configuración de conferencias.


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In this paper, the authors present results from a study on the usage rate of 2.0 tools and technologies among Spanish enterprises. The main objective of the study is to analyze, from the perceptions of executives, the influence of social software tools on a set of business processes. This analysis has been made using two graphic tools: the “2.0 Success Matrix” and the “Tool’s Footprint”. Both the review of literature and the empirical work have lead to important findings and conclusions.