252 resultados para Sin determinar


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En este artículo se recogen las máquinas más apropiadas y sus capacidades de trabajo en las labores de preparación del suelo, siembra, fertilización, protección del cultivo, recolección, siega, acondicionado, hilerado y transporte de las principales forrajeras cultivadas en España, así como los criterios de elección en función de la capacidad de trabajo y un ejemplo con coste de instalación del cultivo el año de implantación


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Sembrar, según la RAE es 'arrojar y esparcir las semillas preparada para este fin'. La mecanización nos está permitiendo alejarnos parcialmente de esta definición, logrando el establecimiento de los cultivos sin laboreo previo del terrno. En este artículo se describen las características téncicas de sembradoras convencionales y de siembra directa.


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This work is part of an on-going collaborative project between the medical and signal processing communities to promote new research efforts on automatic OSA (Obstructive Apnea Syndrome) diagnosis. In this paper, we explore the differences noted in phonetic classes (interphoneme) across groups (control/apnoea) and analyze their utility for OSA detection


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Aegilops biuncialis y Aegilops geniculata son dos especies silvestres alotetraploides, con genomios UM, que constituyen un importante reservorio de genes de interés para la mejora del trigo. En este estudio se ha analizado la distribución cromosómica de diferentes secuencias de tipo microsatélites (?single sequence repeat?, SSR) y su relación con las translocaciones intergenómicas U/M, frecuentes en accesiones de ambas especies. En la mayoría de los cromosomas U y en algunos M, se ha localizado una única señal pericéntromérica de la secuencia (ACG)n, mientras que la secuencia (GAA)n aparece como grandes ?clusters? de localización pericentromérica y, en ocasiones, intersticial. En las 5 accesiones portadoras de translocaciones U/M analizadas, se ha comprobado una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el punto de rotura-reunión de la reordenación y regiones cromosómicas ricas en secuencias SSR.


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The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of sodium bicarbonate ingestion on consecutive "all out" sprint tests, analyzing the acid-base status and its influence on performance and perceived effort. Ten elite bicycle motocross (BMX) riders (20.7 ± 1.4 years, training experience 8-12 years) participated in this study which consisted of two trials. Each trial consisted of three consecutive Wingate tests (WTs) separated by 15 min recovery. Ninety minutes prior to exercise subjects ingested either NaHCO(3) (-) (0.3 g kg(-1) body weight) or placebo. Blood samples were collected for the assessment of blood acid-base status: bicarbonate concentration ([HCO(3) (-)]), pH, base excess (BE) and blood lactate concentration ([La(-)]). Performance variables of peak power (PP), mean power (MP), time to peak power and fatigue index were calculated for each sprint. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in acid-base variables [pH before WT1: 7.47 ± 0.05 vs. 7.41 ± 0.03; [HCO(3) (-)] before WT1: 29.08 ± 2.27 vs. 22.85 ± 0.24 mmol L(-1) (bicarbonate vs. placebo conditions, respectively)], but there were not significant differences in performance variables between trials [PP WT1: 1,610 ± 373 vs. 1,599 ± 370 W; PP WT2: 1,548 ± 460 vs. 1,570 ± 428 W; PP WT3: 1,463 ± 361 vs. 1,519 ± 364 W. MP WT1: 809 ± 113 vs. 812 ± 108 W; MP WT2: 799 ± 135 vs. 799 ± 124 W; MP WT3: 762 ± 165 vs. 782 ± 118 W (bicarbonate vs. placebo conditions, respectively)]. Rating of perceived effort (RPE) was not influenced nor ratings of perceived readiness. Sodium bicarbonate ingestion modified significantly the blood acid-base balance, although the induced alkalosis did not improve the Wingate test performance, RPE and perceived readiness across three consecutive WTs in elite BMX cyclists.


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This paper has analysed the effect of the utilization of internal finned tubes for the design of parabolic trough collectors with computational fluid dynamics tools. Our numerical approach has been qualified with the computational estimation of reported experimental data regarding phenomena involved in finned tube applications and solar irradiation of parabolic trough collector. The application of finned tubes to the design of parabolic trough collectors must take into account features as the pressure losses, thermal losses and thermo-mechanical stress and thermal fatigue. Our analysis shows an improvement potential in parabolic trough solar plants efficiency by the application of internal finned tubes.


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The analysis of the viability of Hydrogen production without CO2 emissions is one of the most challenging activities that have been initiated for a sustainable energy supply. As one of the tracks to fulfil such objective, direct methane cracking has been analysed experimentally to assess the scientific viability and reaction characterization in a broad temperature range, from 875 to 1700 ?C. The effect of temperature, sweeping/carrier gas fraction proposed in some concepts, methane flow rate, residence time, and tube material and porosity has been analysed. The aggregation of carbon black particles to the reaction tube is the main technological show-stopper that has been identified.


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Self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots show unique physical properties such as three dimensional confinement, high size homogeneity, high density and low number of dislocations. They have been extensively used in the active regions of laser devices for optical communications applications [1]. Therefore, buried quantum dots (BQDs) embedded in wider band gap materials have been normally studied. The wave confinement in all directions and the stress field around the dot affect both optical and electrical properties [2, 3]. However, surface quantum dots (SQDs) are less affected by stress, although their optical and electrical characteristics have a strong dependence on surface fluctuation. Thus, they can play an important role in sensor applications


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Se han estudiado los efectos de la incorporación de aceites de origen vegetal sobre los rendimientos productivos, calidad de la canal y de la grasa en el ganado vacuno. Se utilizaron 240 terneros agrupados en 24 lotes de 10 terneros cada uno. Las raciones experimentales fueron: Tratamiento Control (4% de aceite de palma), Oliva (4,8% de jabón cálcico de aceite de oliva), Soja (4% de aceite de soja). De cada lote se seleccionó al azar un ternero (8 terneros por tratamiento) para diseccionar su 6ª costilla. No se han observado diferencias significativas entre tratamientos para ningún parámetro productivo ni de calidad de la canal. Los animales que consumieron aceite de oliva presentaron un mayor contenido (P=0,09) en C18:2 cis-9, trans-11 CLA en la grasa intramuscular que los que consumieron palma.


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This paper presents a methodology for the incorporation of a Virtual Reality development applied to the teaching of manufacturing processes, namely the group of machining processes in numerical control of machine tools. The paper shows how it is possible to supplement the teaching practice through virtual machine-tools whose operation is similar to the 'real' machines while eliminating the risks of use for both users and the machines.


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This paper presents a computer vision system that successfully discriminates between weed patches and crop rows under uncontrolled lighting in real-time. The system consists of two independent subsystems, a fast image processing delivering results in real-time (Fast Image Processing, FIP), and a slower and more accurate processing (Robust Crop Row Detection, RCRD) that is used to correct the first subsystem's mistakes. This combination produces a system that achieves very good results under a wide variety of conditions. Tested on several maize videos taken of different fields and during different years, the system successfully detects an average of 95% of weeds and 80% of crops under different illumination, soil humidity and weed/crop growth conditions. Moreover, the system has been shown to produce acceptable results even under very difficult conditions, such as in the presence of dramatic sowing errors or abrupt camera movements. The computer vision system has been developed for integration into a treatment system because the ideal setup for any weed sprayer system would include a tool that could provide information on the weeds and crops present at each point in real-time, while the tractor mounting the spraying bar is moving


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The use of the SenseWear™ armband (SWA), an objective monitor of physical activity, is a relatively new device used by researchers to measure energy expenditure. These monitors are practical, relatively inexpensive and easy-to-use. The aim of the present study was to assess the validity of SWAs for the measurement of energy expenditure (EE) in circuit resistance training (CRT) at three different intensities in moderately active, healthy subjects. The study subjects (17 females, 12 males) undertook CRT at 30, 50 and 70% of the 15 repetition maximum for each exercise component wearing an SWA as well as an Oxycon Mobile (OM) portable metabolic system (a gold standard method for measuring EE). The EE rose as exercise intensity increased, but was underestimated by the SWAs. For women, Bland-Altman plots showed a bias of 1.13 ± 1.48 METs and 32.1 ± 34.0 kcal in favour of the OM system, while for men values of 2.33 ± 1.82 METs and 75.8 ± 50.8 kcal were recorded.


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Summary Background & aims Inflammation markers (IM) have been associated with the development of chronic diseases. This study compares the effects on IM of three exercise programs combined with a hypocaloric diet. Methods 119 overweight participants (73 women, 46 men) aged 18–50 years were randomised into four treatment groups: strength training (S; n = 30), endurance training (E; n = 30), combined S + E (SE; n = 30), and a diet and physical activity recommendations group (D; n = 29). Energy intake, anthropometric variables (AV), training variables (VO2peak, strength index, dynamometric strength index [DSI]) and plasma IM were recorded at baseline and after 22 weeks of treatment. Results 84 participants completed the study. At 22 weeks, all groups showed a significantly reduced energy intake (P < 0.001) and improved AV (P < 0.001). VO2peak significantly increased in all groups (P < 0.01). DSI increased in the exercise groups only (P < 0.05). Plasma leptin fell significantly (P < 0.001) in the S and E groups, but not significantly in the SE group (P = 0.029) (no significant differences between these groups). Tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations decreased in all groups when examined together, but not when examined separately. No significant differences were seen in interleukin-6 (IL-6). Conclusions Combining strength or endurance training with a hypocaloric diet improved AV and reduced plasma leptin concentrations. No differences were seen between groups in terms of TNF-α, IL-6 or CRP reduction. This trial was registered at clinical trials.gov as NCT01116856. http://clinicaltrials.gov/.


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La epistemología contemporánea de la fotografía aborda aspectos clave para valorar y entender el alcance del retrato, género fotográfico que ha sustituido al retrato pictórico como instrumento visual para representar la identidad física y caracterológica de los individuos. El arquitecto es retratado en sociedad, para poder asociar su imagen personal a su obra o viceversa. Durante los años sesenta, el protagonismo que la revista Nueva Forma otorga al retrato de los arquitectos en sus portadas contrasta con los criterios coetáneos de la revista Arquitectura, cuyo fotógrafo Paco Gómez, sin embargo, sí que realizó un notable número de retratos a arquitectos. Estos dos casos de estudio sirven en el presente texto como excusa y desencadenante para analizar ?a nivel disciplinar, formal y teórico? este género en el ámbito de la arquitectura española y, junto a otras referencias, articular una primera reflexión sobre su naturaleza y alcance crítico.


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Con el presente trabajo no se pretende resolver la forma de colocar a esta típica industria forestal en el lugar que le corresponde por su importancia nacional; es necesario para esto una experimentación continua y paralela de campo y laboratorio, para la que no puede fijarse limitación de tiempo. Es un filón sin explotar, que en los comienzos no dará sino trabajo, pero que una vez en marcha lo devolverá convertido en riqueza. Aventurado es dar soluciones a problemas sin tener con ellos el tiempo de contacto que reclama la más elemental prudencia; por ésto al hacer la critica de los métodos seguidos hasta el día, tanto forestal como industrialmente, no debe de entenderse que se pretende poner cátedra en asunto en que, hasta el momento, tan poco se ha hecho. Leáse, en cuantas líneas pueda creerse esto, el deseo de que el progreso abra brecha en las murallas que parece que rodean a la industria espartera, en tantos de sus aspectos. Sirva esto de explicación para cuantas veces en estas páginas hablemos de modificaciones o transformaciones en lo que hemos visto en nuestras visitas a atochares y talleres, en los días de nuestra corta estancia en Cieza. Debe señalarse la extrañeza producida al ver que por algunos se cita como producción de una hectárea de atochar la cantidad de ¡500 a 1000 kilogramos de esparto seco!. Podemos asegurar que al menos en la zona por nosotros visitada, que es la más importante de España, no se llega a cifras ni aproximadas a ésas, como se verá más adelante. Se ha estudiado no sólo el atochar del monte público, número 48 del Catálogo, “Solana y Umbría del Cabezo del Asno”, señalado por la Comisión de Residencias de la Escuela Especial de Ingenieros de Montes, sino todos los que por estar en lugar accesible no suponían un sacrificio grande, del escaso tiempo de que se disponía: atochares de las Herradas de la Sierra del Oro, Puerto de la Mala Mujer, carretera de Jumilla, Sierra de Ascoy, Sierra de las Cabras, etc. etc. con un total de mas de 250 kilómetros recorridos por carreteras y caminos de montes.