Esterified astaxanthin levels in lobster epithelia correlate with shell colour intensity: Potential role in crustacean shell colour formation

Autoria(s): Wade, N.; Goulter, K. C.; Wilson, K. J.; Hall, M. R.; Degnan, B. M.

Thomas P. Mommsen

Patrick J. Walsh




Carotenoids, particularly astaxanthin, are the primary pigment in crustacean shell colour. Sub-adults of the western rock lobster, Panulirus cygnus, moult from a deep red colour (termed the red phase) to a much paler colour (the white phase) at sexual maturation. We observe a 2.4-fold difference in the amount of total carotenoid present in the shell extracts of reds compared to whites, as might be expected. However, analysis of the underlying epithelium shows that there is no correlation with shell colour and the amount of free (unesterified) astaxanthin-the level of free astaxanthin in reds and whites is not significantly different. Instead, we observe a correlated two-fold difference in the amount of esterified astaxanthin present in the epithelium of red versus white individuals. These data suggest a role for esterified astaxanthin in regulating shell colour formation and suggest that esterification may promote secretion and eventual incorporation of unesterified astaxanthin into the exoskeleton. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.





Elsevier Science Inc

Palavras-Chave #Astaxanthin Ester #Lobster Shell Colour #Carotenoid #Biochemistry & Molecular Biology #Zoology #Prawn Penaeus-japonicus #Western Rock Lobsters #Invertebrate Carotenoproteins #Dietary Astaxanthin #Panulirus-cygnus #Carotenoids #Mechanism #Monodon #C1 #270504 Invertebrate Biology #630303 Aquaculture #270101 Analytical Biochemistry #770403 Living resources (flora and fauna)

Journal Article