Pollen analysis of surface sediments from the Gulf of Guinea and offshore NW-Africa

Autoria(s): Dupont, Lydie M; Agwu, Chiori OC

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 3.734935 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -2.229457 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -2.203333 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -23.743300 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 6.335000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 9.016667 * DATE/TIME START: 1983-07-09T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1988-02-13T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.01 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.01 m




The areas of marine pollen deposition are related to the pollen source areas by aeolian and fluvial transport regimes, whereas wind transport is much more important than river transport. Pollen distribution patterns of Pinus, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, and Asteraceae Tubuliflorae trace atmospheric transport by the northeast trades. Pollen transport by the African Easterly Jet is reflected in the pollen distribution patterns of Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Asteraceae Tubuliflorae, and Mitracarpus. Grass pollen distribution registers the latitudinal extension of Sahel, savannas and dry open forests. Marine pollen distribution patterns of Combretaceae-Melastomataceae, Alchornea, and Elaeis reflect the extension of wooded grasslands and transitional forests. Pollen from the Guinean-Congolian/Zambezian forest and from the Sudanian/Guinean vegetation zones mark the northernmost extension of the tropical rain forest. Rhizophora pollen in marine sediments traces the distribution of mangrove swamps. Only near the continent, pollen of Rhizophora, Mitracarpus, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, and pollen from the Sudanian and Guinean vegetation zones are transported by the Upwelling Under Current and the Equatorial Under Current, where those currents act as bottom currents. The distribution of pollen in marine sediments, reflecting the position of major climatic zones (desert, dry tropics, humid tropics), can be used in tracing climatic changes in the past.


text/tab-separated-values, 24570 data points









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Supplement to: Dupont, Lydie M; Agwu, Chiori OC (1991): Environmental control of pollen grain distribution patterns in the Gulf of Guinea and offshore NW-Africa. Geologische Rundschau, 80(3), 567-589, doi:10.1007/BF01803687

Palavras-Chave #381; 386; Acacia/Parkia; Acanthaceae; Adenia; Adenium; Aeschynemone; Afrormosia; Afzelia; Aizoaceae; Albizzia; Alchornea; Allanblackia; Alnus; Aneilema; Anemone; Anthocleista; Antidesma-type; Apocynaceae; Arecaceae; Artemisia (Africa); Atlantic Ocean; Avicennia; Balanites; Baphia-type; Barleria; Betula; Blepharis; Blighia-type; Boerhavia; Bombax; Borassus-type; Borreria; Boscia-type; Bosqueia; Bouchea; Brachystegia; Brassicaceae; Bridelia; Burseraceae; Butyrospermum; Cadaba; Caesalpinioideae; Calligonum; Calycobolus-type; Campylostemon; Canarium; Canavalia; Canthium; Cardiospermum; Caryophyllac./Chenopodiac./Amaranthac.; Cassia-type; Caylusea; Celastraceae/Hippocrateaceae; Celtis; Chlorophora; Cissus; Clausena; Cleome; Cnestis-type; Coccinia; Combretaceae/Melastomataceae; Commiphora; Compositae Liguliflorae; Compositae Tubuliflorae; Conocarpus; Cordia; Corylus; Counting, palynology; Crossopteryx; Croton-type; Cucurbitaceae; Cuviera; Cyperaceae undifferentiated; Daniellia-type; Delonix; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Dialium-type; Dichrostachys cinerea; Dioscorea; Diospyros; Dodonaea viscosa; Dolichos; Dorstenia africana-type; Dracaena; Drosera (Africa); Duparquetia; eastern Romanche Fracture Zone; Echium (Africa); Elaeis guineensis; Elevation of event; Entada-type; Ephedra; Erica (Africa); Euphorbiaceae undifferentiated; Euphorbia-type; Event label; Fagonia; Fagus; Fern spores; Flacourtiaceae; Fungal spore indeterminata; Funtumia; Gaertnera; Garcinia; Gardenia; GEOTROPEX 83, NOAMP I; Giant box corer; GIK16430-2; GIK16435-1; GIK16769-1; GIK16770-1; GIK16771-1; GIK16772-1; GIK16773-2; GIK16774-3; GIK16775-2; GIK16776-2; GIK16777-1; GIK16778-2; GIK16779-1; GIK16780-1; GIK16781-1; GIK16782-2; GIK16783-1; GIK16784-3; GIK16785-1; GIK16786-1; GIK16787-1; GIK16788-1; GIK16789-1; GIK16790-1; GIK16791-2; GIK16792-3; GIK16793-1; GIK16794-1; GIK16795-1; GIK16796-1; GIK16797-2; GIK16798-1; GIK16799-1; GIK16800-1; GIK16801-1; GIK16802-1; GIK16803-1; GIK16804-1; GIK16805-1; GIK16806-1; GIK16807-1; GIK16808-2; GIK16809-2; GIK16811-2; GIK16812-2; GIK16813-1; GIK16815-2; GIK16816-1; GIK16817-1; GIK16818-1; GIK16819-2; GIK16820-1; GIK16821-1; GIK16823-2; GIK16824-5; GIK16825-1; GIK16826-4; GIK16827-1; GIK16828-1; GIK16829-2; GIK16830-1; GIK16831-1; GIK16832-1; GIK16833-2; GIK16835-1; GIK16836-1; GIK16837-1; GIK16838-1; GIK16839-1; GIK16840-1; GIK16842-1; GIK16843-1; GIK16844-1; GIK16845-1; GIK16846-1; GIK16847-1; GIK16848-1; GIK16849-2; GIK16850-1; GIK16851-1; GIK16852-1; GIK16854-1; GIK16855-1; GIK16856-1; GIK16857-1; GIK16858-1; GIK16860-1; GIK16861-1; GIK16862-1; GIK16863-2; GIK16864-1; GIK16866-1; GIK16867-1; GIK16868-1; GIK16870-1; GIK16871-1; GIK16872-1; GIK16873-1; GIK16874-2; GIK16875-1; GIK16876-1; GIK16877-1; GIK16878-2; GIK16879-1; GIK16880-1; GKG; Gravity corer (Kiel type); Gymnocarpos; Haloragaceae; Heliotropium; Hildebrandtia; Holoptelea grandis; Hygrophila-type; Hymenocardia; Hyphaene; Hypoestes type; Ilex cf. I. mitis; Indeterminata/varia; Indigofera-type; Iodes; Irvingia; Isoberlinia-type; Ixora; Jasminum; Jatropha; Juglans; Juniperus (Africa); Jussiaea; Justicia/Monechma; Kedrostis; Khaya; Labiatae; Langucularia; Lannea; Latitude of event; Leea; Leonotis; Lepisanthus; Leptaulus; Liliaceae undifferentiated; Longitude of event; Lophira; Ludwigia; Lycopodium (Africa); M6/5; M65; Macaranga-type; Maerua-type; Malvaceae (Africa); Manilkara; Martretia; Melia; Melochia; Mendoncia; Merremia; Meteor (1964); Meteor (1986); Mimosoideae; Mimusops; Mitracarpus; Mitragyna; Mitriostigma/Oxyanthus; Morelia senegalensis; Morus-type; Myrica; Myrtaceae (Africa); Nauclea/Mitragyna; NE Atlantic off Liberia; Nitraria; Nypa; Ochna; Ochnaceae; off Cote d Ivoire; off eastern Ghana; off Gabun; off Ghana; off Guinea; off Lagos; off Liberia; off Nigeria; off Nigeria-Delta; Olacaceae; Olea; Oleaceae (Africa); Papilionoideae; Parinari; Pentaclethra; Periploca; Phillyrea; Phyllanthus; Picea; Piliostigma; Pinus; Plantago; Poaceae undifferentiated; Podocarpus; Pollen total; Polycarpon; Polygala-type; Polygonum aviculare-type; Portulaca; Prosopis; Protea; Pteris; Pterocarpus; Pterolobium; Pycnanthus; Quercus; Rhamnaceae undifferentiated; Rhaphiostylis; Rhizophora; Rhus-type; Rhynchosia-type; Rosaceae (Africa); Rubiaceae undifferentiated; Ruellia; Rutaceae; Rytigynia; Salvadora persica; Sapindaceae; Sapium-type; Sapotaceae/Meliaceae; Schrebera; Sesbania-type; Sherbournea; Sierra Leone Basin/Guinea Basin; Simirestis; SL; Solanum-type; Spathodea; Spondias; Spores, monolete; Spores, monolete psilate; Spores, monolete verrucate; Spores, trilete psilate; Spores, trilete verrucate; Sterculiaceae; Sterculia-type; Strophanthus-type; Strychnos; Symphonia globulifera; Tabernaemontana; Tamarindus/Cryptosepalum; Tamarix (Africa); Tapinanthus; Tarenna; Tephrosia; Tetrorchidium; Tiliaceae; Trichilia; Trichodesma; Turraea; Typha angustifolia-type; Uapaca; Ulmus; Urticaceae; Utricularia (Africa); van Veen Grab; VGRAB; Vigna; Virectaria; Vitaceae (Africa); Zanthoxylum
