Palynology of ODP Site 108-658

Autoria(s): Dupont, Lydie M; Beug, Hans-Jürgen; Stalling, H; Tiedemann, Ralf

LATITUDE: 20.749200 * LONGITUDE: -18.580800 * DATE/TIME START: 1986-03-04T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1986-03-08T00:45:00




Ocean Drilling Program Site 658 at 21°N off northwest Africa has a high sedimentation rate and a high concentration of pollen grains and is thus very suitable for detailed pollen analysis. The time scale for the upper 100 m (the last 670 k.y.) of Site 658 is based on biostratigraphic data and isotope stratigraphy. The pollen record has been divided into 34 zones. These are classified into 7 zone types covering a range from very arid to rather humid conditions. The sequence shows a long-term climatic decline: strong glacial stages were found only after 480 k.y. and strong interglacial stages only before 280 k.y. The Site 658 record correlates well with a terrestrial sequence from northern Greece, although both records differ in their response to global climatic change. Spectral analysis shows a 100- and a 42-k.y. period in the curves of pollen brought in by the northwest trade winds and only a 42-k.y. period in the curves of pollen mostly transported by the African Easterly Jet. A 31-k.y. period is found in the curves for Ephedra and Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae. In addition, Ephedra shows a 54-k.y. period.


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Supplement to: Dupont, Lydie M; Beug, Hans-Jürgen; Stalling, H; Tiedemann, Ralf (1989): First palynological results from ODP Site 658 at 21°N west off Africa: pollen as climate indicators. In: Ruddiman, W; Sarnthein, M; et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 108, 93-111, doi:10.2973/

Palavras-Chave #108-658; 108-658A; 108-658B; Acalypha; Acanteae; Acanthaceae; Age; AGE; Alchornea; Aln; Alnus; Amaranthaceae/Chenopodiaceae; Antidesma-type; Antide-T; Aph; Artemisi; Artemisia; Artemisia (Africa); Asphodelus; AsteLigu; Asterac; Asteraceae; AsteTubu; Balanite; Balanites; Berlin-T; Bet; Betula; Blighia-type; Blighi-T; Bombax; Borass-T; Borassus-type; Borreria; Boswelli; Boswellia; Braae; Brassicaceae; Bridelia; Cag; Calculated; Calligonum; Canarias Sea; Canthium; Capparidaceae; Caryophyllaceae; Cassia-T; Cassia-type; Ced; Cedrus; Cel; Cela/Hipp; Celastraceae/Hippocrateaceae; Celtis; Che/Ama; Chen/Amar; Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae; Chrozophora; Chz; Cistacea; Cistaceae (Africa); Comb/Mela; Combretaceae/Melastomataceae; Commipho; Commiphora; COMPCORE; Compositae Liguliflorae; Compositae Tubuliflorae; Composite Core; Convceae; Convolvulaceae (Africa); Cor; Corchoru; Corchorus; Corylus; counted; Counting, palynology; Cphae; Cppae; Crotalar; Crotalaria; Cypae.ud; Cyperac; Cyperaceae; Cyperaceae undifferentiated; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Diodia-T; Diodia-type; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Eph; Ephedra; Eriae.ud; Ericaceae undifferentiated; Euphceae.ud; Euphorbiaceae undifferentiated; Euphorbia-type; Eup-T; European; European elements; Fag; Fagus; Fern spores; Geraniac; Geraniaceae (Africa); Grewia; Guinean + Sudanian; Guinean+Sudanian elem; Guinean and Sudanian elements; Gyp; Gypsophila; Helio; Heliotropium; Hygrophila-type; Hygrop-T; Hymenoca; Hymenocardia; Hyph; Hyphaene; Indet; Indeterminata/varia; Indigofera-type; Indigo-T; Iridaceae; Iridae; Isoberlinia-type; Joides Resolution; Just/Mone; Justicia/Monechma; Lab; Label; Labiatae; Lannea; Leea; Leg108; Lilae.ud; Liliaceae undifferentiated; Lyc; Lyc(ad); Lycopodium; Lycopodium (added); Macaranga-type; Macara-T; Mark add; Marker, added; Marker, found; Mark found; Mediterr; Mediterranean; Mediterranean elements; Mimosoid; Mimosoideae; Mitracar; Mitracarpus; Myo; Myr; Myrica; Myriophyllum; Nauc/Mitr; Nauclea/Mitragyna; Nit; Nitraria; non-zonal or multi-zonal elements; Nyctaginaceae; Nyctceae; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; Ole; Olea; Oleaceae; Oleae; other pol; Papilion; Papilionoideae; Paronychia; Pcarpaea-T; Phi; Phillyrea; Phyllant; Phyllanthus; Pic; Picea; Pin; Pinus; Pla; Pla.m-T; Plantago; Plantago maritima-type; Pluae.ud; Plumbaginaceae undifferentiated; Poac; Poac.ud; Poaceae; Poaceae undifferentiated; Pod; Podocarpus; Pollen tot; Pollen total; Polycarpaea-type; Polycarpon; Polygonum senegalense-type; Polyse-T; Pon; Pry; Que; Quercus; Ranae; Ranunculaceae; Rhaae; Rhamnaceae; Rhiz; Rhizophora; Rhus-type; Rhu-T; Rubea.m; Rubiaceae monade; Rum; Rumex; Sag; Sagina; Saharan; Saharan elements; Sahelian; Sahelian elements; Salvador; Salvadora persica; sample; Sample code/label; Sapium-T; Sapium-type; Sapo/Meli; Sapotaceae/Meliaceae; Sedimentation rate; Sed rate; Sesbania-type; Sesban-T; Solanum-T; Solanum-type; Tam; Tamarix; Tetrorch; Tetrorchidium; Thyae; Thymelaeaceae; Til; Tilia; Tribulus; Tus; Typ.a-T; Typha angustifolia-type; Uapaca; Vitaceae; Viteae; Vol; Volume; wetlands; wet locality elements; Zanthoxy; Zanthoxylum
