Total and species abundance of Polychaeta during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXIV/2, ANDEEP-SYSTCO, in the Southern Ocean

Autoria(s): Wilmsen, Eileen; Schüller, Myriam

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -62.590985 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -0.795297 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -70.082900 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -3.367100 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -49.028500 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 2.875300 * DATE/TIME START: 2007-12-06T02:26:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2008-01-29T13:30:00




In the course of the ANDEEP-SYSTCO project, during the ANT XXIV-2 expedition in austral summer 2007/2008, the diversity and composition of the Polychaeta of the Antarctic deep-sea and adjacent South Atlantic basins were analyzed. A total of 847 individuals of 31 families were found belonging to 86 different species. Calculation of diversity (Shannon-Wiener Index, Pielou's Evenness) and the general species composition of Polychaeta showed patterns typical for the deep sea, with high species richness and low abundances. Lowest diversity was found in the Agulhas Basin in over 4000 m water depth. Lowest Evenness was found on top of Maud Rise where one-third of all Polychaeta belonged to one species. Cluster analyses resulted in higher affinities of Maud Rise to the Agulhas Basin than to the Antarctic continental slope. Explanations are sought in similarities of environmental factors (e.g., sediment, food input).


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Supplement to: Wilmsen, Eileen; Schüller, Myriam (2011): Diversity and distribution of Polychaeta in deep Antarctic and Subantarctic waters along the Greenwich meridian. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58(19-20), 2004-2012, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.01.011

Palavras-Chave #A. (Allia) antarctica; A. (Allia) cf. antarctica; A. antarctica; A. cf. antarctica; A. kerguelensis; A. longipes; A. mcintoshi; A. paramalmgreni; A. vestis; Acrocirrus sp.; aff. Asychis; sp. 1; aff. Asychis; sp. 2; Aglaophamus paramalmgreni; Ammotrypanella mcintoshi; Ampharete kerguelensis; Ampharetidae; Amphicteis vestis; Anaitides longipes; Arabellidae; Aricidea antarctica; Aricidea cf. antarctica; B. palpata; Brania sp.; Braniella palpata; cf. P. gracilis; cf. Paraonis gracilis; Cirratulidae; Cossura sp.; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1158 - Antarktisforschung; DFG-SPP1158; E. aurantiaca; E. cirribranchis; E. sculpta; Ephesiella sp.; Eteone aurantiaca; Eteone sculpta; Eteone sp.; Eunicidae; Euphrosine cirribranchis; Event; Exogone sp.; F. cf. challengeriae; Fabricia sp.; Fauveliopsis cf. challengeriae; Flabelligella sp.; G. kerguelensis; Glycera kerguelensis; Gut region; H. equatorialis; Hesionidae; Hyboscolex equatorialis; J. crumenifera; Jasmineira crumenifera; juvenile; K. fauveli; Kefersteinia fauveli; L. cf. hystricis; L. kerguelensis; L. magalhaensis; Laonice sp.; Laubieriopsis sp.; Leanira cf. hystricis; Leitoscoloplos kerguelensis; Leitoscoloplos sp.; Leodamas sp.; Lumbrineris magalhaensis; Lysaretidae; M. heeri; M. notialis; Maldanidae; Maldaninae; Melinnopsis sp.; Mugga sp.; Myriochele heeri; Mystides notialis; N. eugeniae; N. lineatus; Nereis eugeniae; Notomastus (Clistomastus) lineatus; O. antarcticus; O. breviata; O. collare; O. nematoides; O. quadrispinosa; Octobranchus antarcticus; Oligobregma collare; Oligobregma quadrispinosa; Ophelina breviata; Ophelina nematoides; P. australis; P. epipharynx; P. usarpium; Paramphinome australis; Paramphinome sp.; Pholoididae; Pionosyllis epipharynx; Polychaeta; Polychaeta, number of species; Polychaeta spec no; Prionospio sp.; Pseudoscalibregma sp.; Pseudoscalibregma usarpium; Region; Rhodine sp.; S. lateropapillata uteae; S. parva; S. tcherniai; sampled: 0-10 cm; Scalibregmatidae; Scolelepis sp.; Scoloplos sp.; sensu Ramos 1976; sp. 1; sp. 2; sp. 3; sp. 4; sp. 5; Sphaerodoropsis parva; Sphaerodoropsis sp.; Sphaerosyllis lateropapillata uteae; Spionidae; Spiophanes sp.; Spiophanes tcherniai; T. aff. stroemii; T. kerguelensis; Terebellidae; Terebellides aff. stroemii; total, area sampled = 0.1089 m**2; Travisia kerguelensis; Trichobranchidae
