Organic geochemical studies of DSDP Leg 64 Holes

Autoria(s): Galimov, Erik M; Kodina, Ludmilla A; Bogacheva, MP; Shirinsky, VG

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 25.493717 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -110.374420 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 22.959300 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -111.624800 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 27.846000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -108.978000 * DATE/TIME START: 1978-12-02T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1979-01-03T00:00:00




Twenty-six core samples from Leg 64, Holes 474, 474A, 477, 478, 479, and 481A in the Gulf of California, were provided by the Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES) Advisory Panel on Organic Geochemistry for analysis. The high heat flow characteristic of the basin provides an opportunity to study the effect of temperature on the diagenesis of organic matter. The contents and carbon isotope compositions of the organic matter and bitumen fractions of different polarity, isoprenoid and normal alkane distributions, and the nature of tetrapyrrole pigments were studied. Relative contents of hydrocarbons and bitumens depend on the thermal history of the deposits. Among other criteria, the nature and content of tetrapyrrole pigments appear to be most sensitive to thermal stress. Whereas only chlorins are present in the immature samples, porphyrins, including VO-porphyrins, appear in the thermally altered deposits, despite the shallow burial depth. Alkane distributions in thermally changed samples are characterized by low values of phytane to 2-C18 ratios and an odd/even carbon preference index close to unity. The thermally altered samples show unusual carbon isotope distributions of the bitumen fractions. The data also provide some evidence concerning the source of the organic matter and the degree of diagenesis.


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Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Galimov, Erik M; Kodina, Ludmilla A; Bogacheva, MP; Shirinsky, VG (1982): Organic geochemical studies of samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 64, Gulf of California, Sites 474, 477, 478, 479, and 481. In: Curray, JR; Moore, DG; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 64, 819-836, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.64.127.1982

Palavras-Chave #-; #87 = hexane + hexane-benzene + benzene + benzene-methanol; 64-474; 64-474A; 64-477; 64-478; 64-479; 64-481A; Asphaltenes; Benzene; Benzene + methanol; Benzene - methanol; Benzene per unit sediment mass; Bitum; Bitumen; Bitumen fraction; C15; C16; C17; C18; C19; C20; C21; C22; C23; C24; C25; C26; C27; C28; C29; C30; C6H6/sed; Calculated, see reference(s); Carbon, organic, total; Carbon Preference Index; Carbon Preference Index, n-Alkanes; comp; Compounds; CPI; CPI-hmw=(C25+C27+C29)/(C26+C28+C30); CPI n-Alkanes; CPI-total; d13C bitum; d13C Corg; d13C HC; Deep Sea Drilling Project; delta 13C, bitumen; delta 13C, hydrocarbons; delta 13C, organic carbon; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Diff; Difference; Difference in d13C bitumen and total organic matter; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP; Event; Gas-liquid chromatography; Glomar Challenger; HC; Hexane; Hexane; #-28.35 = Total carbon for hexane, hexane-benzene, benzene, and benzene-methanol fractions; Hexane + benzene; Hexane - benzene; Hydrocarbons; i-C19; iso-C19 (pristane) of total alkanes; Label; Leg64; Mass spectrometer Varian MAT-230; mbsf; n-Alkane C15 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C16 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C17 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C18 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C19 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C20 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C21 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C22 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C23 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C24 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C25 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C26 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C27 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C28 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C29 of total alkanes; n-Alkane C30 of total alkanes; n-C6; North Pacific/Gulf of California/BASIN; North Pacific/Gulf of California/CHANNEL; ODP sample designation; Phytane; Pr/Phy; Pristane/Phytane ratio; Relative to Corg; Sample code/label; see reference(s); Spectrophotometer; TOC; Total; Visible light absorption spectra (lambda-max), in nm
