Predittori precoci di outcome neurologico nei neonati affetti da Encefalopatia Ipossico-Ischemica sottoposti a trattamento ipotermico. Studio combinato Elettroencefalogramma ad integrazione di ampiezza e Spettroscopia nel vicino infrarosso

Autoria(s): Maranella, Eugenia

Faldella, Giacomo




Background: Brain cooling (BC) represents the elective treatment in asphyxiated newborns. Amplitude Integrated Electroencephalography (aEEG) and Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) monitoring may help to evaluate changes in cerebral electrical activity and cerebral hemodynamics during hypothermia. Objectives: To evaluate the prognostic value of aEEG time course and NIRS data in asphyxiated cooled infants. Methods: 12 term neonates admitted to our NICU with moderate-severe Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) underwent selective BC. aEEG and NIRS monitoring were started as soon as possible and maintained during the whole hypothermic treatment. Follow-up was scheduled at regular intervals; adverse outcome was defined as death, cerebral palsy (CP) or global quotient < 88.7 at Griffiths’ Scale. Results: 2/12 infants died, 2 developed CP, 1 was normal at 6 months of age and then lost at follow-up and 7 showed a normal outcome at least at 1 year of age. The aEEG background pattern at 24 hours of life was abnormal in 10 newborns; only 4 of them developed an adverse outcome, whereas the 2 infants with a normal aEEG developed normally. In infants with adverse outcome NIRS showed a higher Tissue Oxygenation Index (TOI) than those with normal outcome (80.0±10.5% vs 66.9±7.0%, p=0.057; 79.7±9.4% vs 67.1±7.9%, p=0.034; 80.2±8.8% vs 71.6±5.9%, p=0.069 at 6, 12 and 24 hours of life, respectively). Conclusions: The aEEG background pattern at 24 hours of life loses its positive predictive value after BC implementation; TOI could be useful to predict early on infants that may benefit from other innovative therapies.





Maranella, Eugenia (2012) Predittori precoci di outcome neurologico nei neonati affetti da Encefalopatia Ipossico-Ischemica sottoposti a trattamento ipotermico. Studio combinato Elettroencefalogramma ad integrazione di ampiezza e Spettroscopia nel vicino infrarosso, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze mediche generali e scienze dei servizi: progetto n. 1 "Medicina materno-infantile e dell'età evolutiva e fisiopatologia della funzione sessuale" <>, 24 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/4325.




Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna




Palavras-Chave #MED/38 Pediatria generale e specialistica

Tesi di dottorato
