Toxina botulinica como profilaxis de migraña

Autoria(s): Paz Abdala, Jairo Andrés; Rodríguez Quintana, Jesús Hernán; Restrepo, Héctor Fabio

Rodriguez Quintana, Jesús Hernán




La migraña es el síndrome de cefalea primaria mejor conocido. Es una cefalea incapacitante de curso fluctuante. Con importante impacto en la calidad de vida de los pacientes y de altos costos económicos para estos ya que se presenta generalmente en los años más productivos de la persona, así como altos costos para el sistema. La meta es la supresión de las crisis por lo cual una de las piedras angulares del tratamiento es la profilaxis de los ataques. Para esto se han estudiado múltiples medicamentos, en los últimos años la toxina botulínica ha despertado entusiasmo. El objetivo de este trabajo era, mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura, establecer si la toxina botulínica es un medicamento eficaz en la prevención de las crisis migrañosas.

The migraine syndrome is the best known primary headache. It is a disabling disorder of fluctuating course, with significant impact on quality life of patients and high economic costs as it usually develops in most productive years of the person, as well as high costs for the system. The goal is remove the crises, for these reasons one of the cornerstones of treatment is preventing attacks. Multiple medications have been studied, in recent years botulinum toxin has aroused enthusiasm. OBJECTIVES: To establish if botulinum toxin in an effective medication preventing migraine crises. METHODS: Databases such as MEDLINE, the Cochrane Library and LILACS were consulted to have access to published literature from January 1966 to September 2007. All articles published in English and Spanish were considered. Studies that examined the frequency and intensity response to medication were elegible. RESULTS: Three studies met the proposed criteries, two of them don’t show a clear benefit concerning placebo. CONCLUSIONS: At this moment with the available literature, there is not sufficient evidence to conclude if botulinum toxin is an effective medication in the profilactic treatment of migraine.







Facultad de Medicina




instname:Universidad del Rosario

reponame:Repositorio Institucional EdocUR

Palavras-Chave #CABEZA - ENFERMEDADES - CONTROL #CABEZA - ENFERMEDADES - PREVENCION #CEFALALGIA #MIGRAÑA - CONTROL #MIGRAÑA - PREVENCION #NEUROLOGIA #migraine #headache disorders #botulinum toxins #prevention and control

