Genetic Evidence Implicates the Immune System and Cholesterol Metabolism in the Aetiology of Alzheimer's Disease

Autoria(s): Jones, L.; Holmans, P.A.; Hamshere, M.L.; Harold, D.; Moskvina, V.; Ivanov, D.; Pocklington, A.; Abraham, R.; Hollingworth, P.; Sims, R.; Gerrish, A.; Pahwa, J.S.; Jones, N.; Stretton, A.; Morgan, A.R.; Lovestone, S.; Powell, J.; Proitsi, P.; Lupton, M.K.; Brayne, C.; Rubinsztein, D.C.; Gill, M.; Lawlor, B.; Lynch, A.; Morgan, K.; Brown, K.S.; Passmore, Peter; Craig, David; McGuinness, Jean; Todd, Stephen; Holmes, C.; Mann, D.; Smith, A.D.; Love, S.; Kehoe, P.G.; Mead, S.; Fox, N.; Rossor, M.; Collinge, J.; Maier, W.; Jessen, F.; Schurmann, B.; Van Den Bussche, H.; Heuser, I.; Peters, O.; Kornhuber, J.; Wiltfang, J.; Dichgans, M.; Frolich, L.; Hampel, H.; Hull, M.; Rujescu, D.; Goate, A.M.; Kauwe, J.S.K.; Cruchaga, C.; Nowotny, P.; Morris, J.C.; Mayo, K.; Livingston, G.; Bass, N.J.; Gurling, H.; McQuillin, A.; Gwilliam, R.; Deloukas, P.; Al-Chalabi, A.; Shaw, C.E.; Singleton, A.B.; Guerreiro, R.; Muhleisen, T.W.; Nothen, M.M.; Moebus, S.; Jockel, K.H.; Klopp, N.; Wichmann, H.E.; Ruther, E.; Carrasquillo, M.M.; Pankratz, V.S.; Younkin, S.G.; Hardy, J.; O'Donovan, M.C.; Owen, M.J.; Williams, J.



Background: Late Onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) is the leading cause of dementia. Recent large genome-wide association studies (GWAS) identified the first strongly supported LOAD susceptibility genes since the discovery of the involvement of APOE in the early 1990s. We have now exploited these GWAS datasets to uncover key LOAD pathophysiological processes. Methodology: We applied a recently developed tool for mining GWAS data for biologically meaningful information to a LOAD GWAS dataset. The principal findings were then tested in an independent GWAS dataset.









Jones , L , Holmans , P A , Hamshere , M L , Harold , D , Moskvina , V , Ivanov , D , Pocklington , A , Abraham , R , Hollingworth , P , Sims , R , Gerrish , A , Pahwa , J S , Jones , N , Stretton , A , Morgan , A R , Lovestone , S , Powell , J , Proitsi , P , Lupton , M K , Brayne , C , Rubinsztein , D C , Gill , M , Lawlor , B , Lynch , A , Morgan , K , Brown , K S , Passmore , P , Craig , D , McGuinness , J , Todd , S , Holmes , C , Mann , D , Smith , A D , Love , S , Kehoe , P G , Mead , S , Fox , N , Rossor , M , Collinge , J , Maier , W , Jessen , F , Schurmann , B , Van Den Bussche , H , Heuser , I , Peters , O , Kornhuber , J , Wiltfang , J , Dichgans , M , Frolich , L , Hampel , H , Hull , M , Rujescu , D , Goate , A M , Kauwe , J S K , Cruchaga , C , Nowotny , P , Morris , J C , Mayo , K , Livingston , G , Bass , N J , Gurling , H , McQuillin , A , Gwilliam , R , Deloukas , P , Al-Chalabi , A , Shaw , C E , Singleton , A B , Guerreiro , R , Muhleisen , T W , Nothen , M M , Moebus , S , Jockel , K H , Klopp , N , Wichmann , H E , Ruther , E , Carrasquillo , M M , Pankratz , V S , Younkin , S G , Hardy , J , O'Donovan , M C , Owen , M J & Williams , J 2010 , ' Genetic Evidence Implicates the Immune System and Cholesterol Metabolism in the Aetiology of Alzheimer's Disease ' PLoS ONE , vol 5 , no. 11 , e13950 , pp. e13950 . DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013950

Palavras-Chave #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1100 #Agricultural and Biological Sciences(all) #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300 #Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology(all) #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/2700 #Medicine(all)
