The emigration of the czechoslovak inhabitants in the languaje of the communist propaganda

Autoria(s): Štefančík, Radoslav; University of Economics in Bratislava; Nemcová, Alica; University of Economics in Bratislava



The contribution is explaining the methods and the forms of the undemocratic regime on the example of the communist propaganda in the field of the emigration. The task of the article is to find out how the communist political elite was looking at the people who illegally left the territory of Czechoslovakia, which means of expression it was taking advantage of the characterizing of the political refugees, which types of the emigrants were standing in the centre of attention of the negative propaganda and in which intensity, the emigrants were presented in the communist press. We assume from the hypothesis that the propaganda language of the communists directed against the emigrants did not change in dependence of the rigidity of the communist regime. So, the emigrants were considered to be the mortal enemies of the regime both in the totalitarian condition in the fifties and in the authoritarian period of the eighties. The text is processed in the form of the contents analysis of the period newspaper articles. The article is divided into four parts. In the first theoretical part, the role of the propaganda in the undemocratic regimes is presented. Subsequently, the reasons of the emigration are explained in the investigated period, the object of the communist propaganda is subsequently presented and ultimately, in the last theoretical part, the language level of the propaganda of the Communist Party is analysed.

El presente artículo explica los métodos y formas de propaganda de los régimenes no democráticos tomando como ejemplo la propaganda comunista respecto a la emigración. El propósito del artículo es averiguar cómo veía la élite política comunista a la gente que abandonaba el país, contra qué tipos de emigrantes iba dirigida la propaganda comunista y qué medios de expresión se utilizaban en la prensa comunista para caracterizar a los exiliados políticos. Partimos de la hipótesis de que el lenguaje propagandístico de los comunistas en contra de los emigrantes no cambiaba en función de la rigidez del régimen comunista. De este modo, los emigrantes eran considerados enemigos del régimen tanto en el periodo totalitario de los años cincuenta como en el periodo autoritario de los ochenta. En el presente texto se realiza un análisis de los contenidos de los medios de comunicación escritos de ambas épocas. En la primera parte, la parte teórica, se presenta el papel que desempeña la propaganda en los regímenes no democráticos. A continuación, se explican los motivos de la emigración durante la época objeto de análisis y, finalmente, se analiza el lenguaje de la propaganda del partido comunista.






Ediciones Complutense


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Historia y Comunicación Social; Vol 20, No 1 (2015); 89-105

Palavras-Chave #Czechoslovakia; Communism; Migration; Propaganda; Language; Cold War; Intimidation #Checoslovaquia; el comunismo; migración; propaganda; idioma; Guerra Fría; intimidación


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