Understanding video based parent training intervention for children with autism

Autoria(s): Aggarwal, Deepti; Garnett, Robyn; Ploderer, Bernd; Vetere, Frank; Eadie, Patricia; Davidson, Bronwyn Joy



This paper investigates the challenges of delivering parent training intervention for autism over video. We conducted a qualitative field study of an intervention, which is based on a well-established training program for parents of children with autism, called Hanen More Than Words. The study was conducted with a Hanen Certified speech pathologist who delivered video based training to two mothers, each with a son having autism. We conducted observations of 14 sessions of the intervention spanning 3 months along with 3 semi-structured interviews with each participant. We identified different activities that participants performed across different sessions and analysed them based upon their implications on technology. We found that all the participants welcomed video based training but they also faced several difficulties, particularly in establishing rapport with other participants, inviting equal participation, and in observing and providing feedback on parent-child interactions. Finally, we reflect on our findings and motivate further investigations by defining three design sensitivities of Adaptation, Group Participation, and Physical Setup.





Aggarwal, Deepti, Garnett, Robyn, Ploderer, Bernd, Vetere, Frank, Eadie, Patricia, & Davidson, Bronwyn Joy (2015) Understanding video based parent training intervention for children with autism. In Annual Meeting of the Australian Special Interest Group for Computer Human Interaction(OZCHI 2015), 7-10 December 2015, Parkville, Vic.


School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #080602 Computer-Human Interaction #teleconsultation #speech therapy #autism spectrum disorder #video conferencing

Conference Paper