Automated sensory data alignment for environmental and epidermal change monitoring

Autoria(s): Milford, Michael; Firn, Jennifer; Beattie, James; Jacobson, Adam; Pepperell, Edward; Mason, Eugene; Kimlin, Michael; Dunbabin, Matthew



In this paper we present research adapting a state of the art condition-invariant robotic place recognition algorithm to the role of automated inter- and intra-image alignment of sensor observations of environmental and skin change over time. The approach involves inverting the typical criteria placed upon navigation algorithms in robotics; we exploit rather than attempt to fix the limited camera viewpoint invariance of such algorithms, showing that approximate viewpoint repetition is realistic in a wide range of environments and medical applications. We demonstrate the algorithms automatically aligning challenging visual data from a range of real-world applications: ecological monitoring of environmental change, aerial observation of natural disasters including flooding, tsunamis and bushfires and tracking wound recovery and sun damage over time and present a prototype active guidance system for enforcing viewpoint repetition. We hope to provide an interesting case study for how traditional research criteria in robotics can be inverted to provide useful outcomes in applied situations.





Australian Robotic and Automation Association


Milford, Michael, Firn, Jennifer, Beattie, James, Jacobson, Adam, Pepperell, Edward, Mason, Eugene, Kimlin, Michael, & Dunbabin, Matthew (2014) Automated sensory data alignment for environmental and epidermal change monitoring. In Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation 2014, Australian Robotic and Automation Association, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, pp. 1-10.


Copyright 2014 [please consult the authors]


ARC Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision; School of Earth, Environmental & Biological Sciences; School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Faculty of Health; Institute for Future Environments; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; Science & Engineering Faculty; School of Public Health & Social Work

Palavras-Chave #Place recognition #Image processing #Change detection #condition-invariant sequence-based place recognition

Conference Paper