Australia’s first Allied Health Prescribing Program – exploring participants' understanding and confidence in clinical therapy choices for patient management

Autoria(s): Nissen, Lisa; Patounas, Marea; Martelli, Josephine



BACKGROUND Globally there are emerging trends for non-medical health professionals to expand their scope of practice into prescribing. The NPS Prescribing Competencies Framework and the Health Professionals Prescribing Pathway Program are recent initiatives to assist with implementation of prescribing for allied health professionals (AHPs). For AHPs to become prescribers, training programmes must be designed to extend their knowledge of medicines information and medicine management principles with the aim of optimising medicines related outcomes for patients. AIM To explore the understanding and confidence in clinical therapeutic choices for patient management of those AHPs enrolled in the Allied Health Prescribing Training Program Module One: Introduction to clinical therapeutics for prescribers, delivered by Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. METHOD A pre-post survey was developed to explore key themes around understanding and confidence in selecting therapeutic choices for patients with varying complexities of conditions. Data were collected from participants in week one and 13 of the module via an online survey using a five-point Likert scale (1 = Strongly Agree (SA) to 5 = Strongly Disagree (SD)). RESULTS In the pre-Module survey the AHPs had a limited degree (D/SD) of understanding and confidence regarding the safe and effective use of medicines and appropriate therapeutic choices for managing patients, particularly with complex patients. This improved significantly in the post Module survey (A/SA).





Australasian Pharmaceutical Sciences Association (APSA)


Nissen, Lisa, Patounas, Marea, & Martelli, Josephine (2014) Australia’s first Allied Health Prescribing Program – exploring participants' understanding and confidence in clinical therapy choices for patient management. In Australasian Pharmaceutical Sciences Association (APSA) 2014 Conference Abstract Book, Australasian Pharmaceutical Sciences Association (APSA), Brisbane, Gardens Point campus, p. 117.


Copyright 2014 [Please consult the Authors]


School of Clinical Sciences; Faculty of Health

Palavras-Chave #111502 Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Conference Paper