An efficient and robust system for multi-person event detection in real world indoor surveillance scenes

Autoria(s): Xu, Jingxin; Denman, Simon; Sridharan, Sridha; Fookes, Clinton



Due to the popularity of security cameras in public places, it is of interest to design an intelligent system that can efficiently detect events automatically. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for multi-person event detection. To ensure greater than real-time performance, features are extracted directly from compressed MPEG video. A novel histogram-based feature descriptor that captures the angles between extracted particle trajectories is proposed, which allows us to capture motion patterns of multi-person events in the video. To alleviate the need for fine-grained annotation, we propose the use of Labelled Latent Dirichlet Allocation, a “weakly supervised” method that allows the use of coarse temporal annotations which are much simpler to obtain. This novel system is able to run at approximately ten times real-time, while preserving state-of-theart detection performance for multi-person events on a 100-hour real-world surveillance dataset (TRECVid SED).





Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers



Xu, Jingxin, Denman, Simon, Sridharan, Sridha, & Fookes, Clinton (2014) An efficient and robust system for multi-person event detection in real world indoor surveillance scenes. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 25(6), pp. 1063-1076.


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School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Faculty of Science and Technology

Palavras-Chave #080104 Computer Vision #080109 Pattern Recognition and Data Mining #090601 Circuits and Systems #090609 Signal Processing #Event Detection #Video Surveillance #TRECVid SED #Topic Model #MPEG

Journal Article