Transmedia Storytelling: From Interviewing to Multi-Platform

Autoria(s): Klaebe, Helen; Hancox, Donna; McGowan, Lee



There is nothing new under the sun – so the saying goes, and in a digital age of recording oral histories, this holds true. Despite advances and innovations across the board in information and communication technology in the field of oral history it is essentially only the devices we record on that have changed. However, what has emerged is a plethora of ways that oral history interviews can be used to produce multimedia, or transmedia storytelling outputs- for exhibitions in public institutions, schools and by communities to engage interested groups, and in families and by individuals wanting to play with new ways of telling their family stories and histories. In 2010, QUT’s Creative Industries introduced a postgraduate unit called Transmedia Storytelling: From Interviewing to Multi-Platform, which was the first postgraduate course of its kind in Australia. Based in a Creative Writing discipline, but open to all coursework Masters, PhD, Research Masters and Doctorate of Creative Industries students, this unit introduces students to the theory and practice of semi-structured interviewing techniques, oral history conventions and applications, and the art of storytelling across various platforms.





Klaebe, Helen, Hancox, Donna, & McGowan, Lee (2014) Transmedia Storytelling: From Interviewing to Multi-Platform. In 18th International Oral History Association Conference , 9-12 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain. (Unpublished)


Copyright 2014 Please consult the authors


Creative Writing & Literary Studies; Creative Industries Faculty

Palavras-Chave #190400 PERFORMING ARTS AND CREATIVE WRITING #oral history #transmedia storytelling #interview #teaching

Conference Paper