A promise and a possibility : the limitations of the traditional criminal justice system as an explanation for the emergence of restorative justice

Autoria(s): Richards, Kelly



The claim that restorative justice emerged in response to the failings of the traditional criminal justice system is frequently made and rarely challenged in the restorative justice literature. It is stated unproblematically, as though it is an unassailable fact rather than a powerful truth claim, thereby positioning restorative justice as a natural, progressive and superior model of justice in comparison with the traditional criminal justice system. This truth claim therefore bestows restorative justice with a legitimacy that is difficult to challenge or refute. Drawing on a Foucaultian genealogy of restorative justice, this article seeks to destabilise the truth claim that restorative justice emerged in response to the failings of the criminal justice system. While the shortcomings of the traditional criminal justice system may provide a backdrop to the emergence of restorative justice, this article argues that such a possibility makes restorative justice a possibility rather than an inevitability.




Hart Publishing



Richards, Kelly (2014) A promise and a possibility : the limitations of the traditional criminal justice system as an explanation for the emergence of restorative justice. Restorative Justice : An International Journal, 2(2), pp. 124-141.


Crime & Justice Research Centre; Faculty of Law; School of Justice

Palavras-Chave #160299 Criminology not elsewhere classified

Journal Article