Soluble laminin and arginine-glycine-aspartic acid containing peptides differentially regulate type IV collagenase messenger RNA, activation, and localization in testicular cell culture

Autoria(s): Sang, Qing-Xiang; Thompson, Erik W.; Grant, Derrick; Stetler-Stevenson, William; Byers, Stephen W.



Rat testicular cells in culture produce several metalloproteinases including type IV collagenases (Sang et al. Biol Reprod 1990; 43:946-955, 956-964). We have now investigated the regulation of testicular cell type IV collagenase and other metalloprotemases in vitro. Soluble laminin stimulated Sertoli cell type IV collagenase mRNA levels. However, three peptides corresponding to different domains of the laminin molecule (CSRAKQAASIKVASADR, FALRGDNP, CLQDGDVRV) did not influence type IV collagenase mENA levels. Zyniographic analysis of medium collected from these cultures revealed that neither soluble laminin nor any of the peptides influenced 72-Wa type IV collagenase protein levels. However, peptide FALRGDNP resulted in both, a selective increase in two higher molecular-weight metalloprotemnases (83 kDa and 110 Wa and in an activation of the 72-Wa rat type IV collagenase. Interleukin-1, phorbol ester, testosterone, and FSH did not affect collagenase activation, lmmunocytochemical studies demonstrated that the addition of soluble laminin resulted in a redistribution of type IV collagenase from intracellular vesicles to the cell-substrate region beneath the cells. Peptide FALRGDNP induced a change from a vesicular to peripheral plasma membrane type of staining pattern. Zymography of plasma membrane preparations demonstrated triton-soluble gelatinases of 76 Wa, 83 Wa, and 110 Wa and a triton-insoluble gelatinase of 225 Wa, These results indicate that testicular cell type IV collagenase mRNA levels, enzyme activation, and distribution are influenced by laminin and RGD-containing peptides.



Society for the Study of Reproduction



Sang, Qing-Xiang, Thompson, Erik W., Grant, Derrick, Stetler-Stevenson, William, & Byers, Stephen W. (1991) Soluble laminin and arginine-glycine-aspartic acid containing peptides differentially regulate type IV collagenase messenger RNA, activation, and localization in testicular cell culture. Biology of Reproduction, 45(3), pp. 387-394.


Faculty of Health


Journal Article