Measurement equivalence of the dispositional resistance to change scale

Autoria(s): Oreg, Shaul; Bayazit, Mahmut; Vakola, Maria; Arciniega, Luis; Armenakis, Achilles; Barkauskiene, Rasa; Bozionelos, Nikos; Fujimoto, Yuka; Gonzalez, Luis; Han, Jian; Hrebickova, Martina; Jimmieson, Nerina L.; Kordacova, Jana; Mitsuhashi, Hitoshi; Mlacic, Boris; Feric, Ivana; Kotrla Topic, Marina; Ohly, Sandra; Oystein Saksvik, Per; Hetland, Hilde; Berg Saksvik, Ingvild; van Dam, Karen

Davidov, Eldad

Schmidt, Peter

Billiet, Jaak




Intended to bridge the gap between the latest methodological developments and cross-cultural research, this interdisciplinary resource presents the latest strategies for analyzing cross-cultural data. Techniques are demonstrated through the use of applications that employ cross national data sets such as the latest European Social Survey. With an emphasis on the generalized latent variable approach, internationally?prominent researchers from a variety of fields explain how the methods work, how to apply them, and how they relate to other methods presented in the book. Syntax and graphical and verbal explanations of the techniques are included. [from publisher's website]



Routledge Academic


Oreg, Shaul, Bayazit, Mahmut, Vakola, Maria, Arciniega, Luis, Armenakis, Achilles, Barkauskiene, Rasa, Bozionelos, Nikos, Fujimoto, Yuka, Gonzalez, Luis, Han, Jian, Hrebickova, Martina, Jimmieson, Nerina L., Kordacova, Jana, Mitsuhashi, Hitoshi, Mlacic, Boris, Feric, Ivana, Kotrla Topic, Marina, Ohly, Sandra, Oystein Saksvik, Per, Hetland, Hilde, Berg Saksvik, Ingvild, & van Dam, Karen (2011) Measurement equivalence of the dispositional resistance to change scale. In Davidov, Eldad, Schmidt, Peter, & Billiet, Jaak (Eds.) Cross-Cultural Analysis : Methods and Aapplications. Routledge Academic, New York, pp. 249-278.


QUT Business School; School of Management


Book Chapter