Health governance : law, regulation and policy

Autoria(s): Bennett, Belinda; Gostin, Lawrence; Magnusson, Roger; Martin, Robyn



This special issue of Public Health is devoted to health governance, examining the role of law, regulation and policy in safeguarding the public's health. Each of us has devoted a career to thinking carefully about the role of law as a tool to prevent injury and disease and to promote the population's health and wellbeing. 1, 2, 3 and 4 In this Guest Editorial we first explain what we mean by the term ‘governance’, as well as the role of law in a well-regulated society. Next, we explore the increasingly important, and challenging, concept of what we call national and global federalism—the inter-relationships among the various levels of governance (local, national, supranational and transnational) and among various actors in national and global health. Third, we explain the origins of this journal symposium, which arises from three conferences on the topic in Hong Kong and Sydney. Finally, we offer a brief introduction to the articles that follow.



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Bennett, Belinda, Gostin, Lawrence, Magnusson, Roger, & Martin, Robyn (2009) Health governance : law, regulation and policy. Public Health, 123(3), pp. 207-212.


Faculty of Law; Australian Centre for Health Law Research; School of Law


Journal Article