Vulnerability and damage analysis of reinforced concrete framed buildings subjected to near field blast events

Autoria(s): Jayasooriya, Jayasooriya Hevavitharanage Aruna Ruwan



Terrorists usually target high occupancy iconic and public buildings using vehicle borne incendiary devices in order to claim a maximum number of lives and cause extensive damage to public property. While initial casualties are due to direct shock by the explosion, collapse of structural elements may extensively increase the total figure. Most of these buildings have been or are built without consideration of their vulnerability to such events. Therefore, the vulnerability and residual capacity assessment of buildings to deliberately exploded bombs is important to provide mitigation strategies to protect the buildings' occupants and the property. Explosive loads and their effects on a building have therefore attracted significant attention in the recent past. Comprehensive and economical design strategies must be developed for future construction. This research investigates the response and damage of reinforced concrete (RC) framed buildings together with their load bearing key structural components to a near field blast event. Finite element method (FEM) based analysis was used to investigate the structural framing system and components for global stability, followed by a rigorous analysis of key structural components for damage evaluation using the codes SAP2000 and LS DYNA respectively. The research involved four important areas in structural engineering. They are blast load determination, numerical modelling with FEM techniques, material performance under high strain rate and non-linear dynamic structural analysis. The response and damage of a RC framed building for different blast load scenarios were investigated. The blast influence region for a two dimensional RC frame was investigated for different load conditions and identified the critical region for each loading case. Two types of design methods are recommended for RC columns to provide superior residual capacities. They are RC columns detailing with multi-layer steel reinforcement cages and a composite columns including a central structural steel core. These are to provide post blast gravity load resisting capacity compared to typical RC column against a catastrophic collapse. Overall, this research broadens the current knowledge of blast and residual capacity analysis of RC framed structures and recommends methods to evaluate and mitigate blast impact on key elements of multi-storey buildings.





Queensland University of Technology


Jayasooriya, Jayasooriya Hevavitharanage Aruna Ruwan (2010) Vulnerability and damage analysis of reinforced concrete framed buildings subjected to near field blast events. PhD thesis, Queensland University of Technology.


Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering

Palavras-Chave #blast analysis, dynamic analysis, numerical simulation, reinforced concrete framed buildings, global and local analysis, post blast damage analysis, residual capacity, damage index, finite element method, linear and non-linear structural analysis #concrete steel composite column, blast mitigation design methods, blast influence region, near field blast events, multi-layer reinforcement
