Infrared and Raman spectroscopic characterization of the borate mineral colemanite – CaB3O4(OH)3·H2O – implications for the molecular structure

Autoria(s): Frost, Ray L.; Xi, Yunfei; Scholz, Ricardo; Belotti, Fernanda Maria; Cândido Filho, Mauro



Colemanite CaB3O4(OH)3 H2O is a secondary borate mineral formed from borax and ulexite in evaporate deposits of alkaline lacustrine sediments. The basic structure of colemanite contains endless chains of interlocking BO2(OH) triangles and BO3(OH) tetrahedrons with the calcium, water and extra hydroxide units interspersed between these chains. The Raman spectra of colemanite is characterized by an intense band at 3605 cm-1 assigned to the stretching vibration of OH units and a series of bands at 3182, 3300, 3389 and 3534 cm-1 assigned to water stretching vibrations. Infrared bands are observed in similar positions. The BO stretching vibrations of the trigonal and tetrahedral boron are characterized by Raman bands at 876, 1065 and 1084 cm-1. The OBO bending mode is defined by the Raman band at 611 cm-1. It is important to characterize the very wide range of borate minerals including colemanite because of the very wide range of applications of boron containing minerals.





Elsevier BV



Frost, Ray L., Xi, Yunfei, Scholz, Ricardo, Belotti, Fernanda Maria, & Cândido Filho, Mauro (2013) Infrared and Raman spectroscopic characterization of the borate mineral colemanite – CaB3O4(OH)3·H2O – implications for the molecular structure. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1037, pp. 23-28.


Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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School of Chemistry, Physics & Mechanical Engineering; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #030606 Structural Chemistry and Spectroscopy #Raman spectroscopy #Colemanite #Infrared spectroscopy #Borate #Evaporite

Journal Article