Don's Party and the AV Jennings type 15 home

Autoria(s): Volz, Kirsty

Hadley, Bree J.

Heim, Caroline L.




Australian housing underwent a watershed when 1960s mass-produced houses slowly started subscribing to a new aesthetic of continuous living spaces, known as the ‘open plan’ home. This created a new landscape for Australian playwrights to observe and explore in their work when representing domesticity on the stage. Instead of representing a single room of the house on the stage, plays such as ‘Don’s Party’, started to work with a number of openly connected spaces bound by doorways to private sections of the house or to specific outdoor areas. In representing this dialectic between interior and the exterior, private and public spaces in the home, the continuous spaces of the AV Jennings house in ‘Don’s Party’ acted to blur these conditions creating an outer interior. These connected spaces became the place for an outward performance on the family’s interiority, while simultaneously presenting a boundary to an inner interior in the offstage spaces of the home. This paper focuses on the play 'Don's Party' by David Williamson and how the spatial arrangements of the AV Jennings home, in which it was set, influenced the playwright. The research includes a textual analysis of the play, biographical research and interviews with the playwright alongside an analysis of the spatial arrangements of AV Jennings houses.





Volz, Kirsty (2012) Don's Party and the AV Jennings type 15 home. In Hadley, Bree J. & Heim, Caroline L. (Eds.) Compass Points : the Locations, Landscapes and Coordinates of Identities, 3-6 July 2012, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD.


Copyright 2012 [please consult the author]


School of Design; Creative Industries Faculty; School of Media, Entertainment & Creative Arts

Palavras-Chave #190400 PERFORMING ARTS AND CREATIVE WRITING #design, Don’s Party, David Williamson, AV Jennings ‘Type 15’ Hme

Conference Paper