Improving cyclodiode - a risk factor analysis of complications

Autoria(s): Aujla, Jaskirat S; Lee, Graham A; Vincent, Stephen



PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to identify risk factors for developing complications following treatment of refractory glaucoma with transscleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation (cyclodiode), to improve the safety profile of this treatment modality. METHOD: A retrospective analysis of 72 eyes from 70 patients who were treated with cyclodiode. RESULTS: The mean pre-treatment IOP was 37.0 mmHg (SD 11.0), with a mean post-treatment reduction in intraocular pressure (IOP) of 19.8 mmHg, and a mean IOP at last follow-up of 17.1 mmHg (SD 9.7). Mean total power delivered during treatment was 156.8 Joules (SD 82.7) over a mean of 1.3 treatments (SD 0.6). Sixteen eyes (22.2% of patients) developed complications from the treatment, with the most common being hypotony, occurring in 6 patients, including 4 with neovascular glaucoma. A higher pre-treatment IOP and higher mean total power delivery also were associated with higher complications. CONCLUSIONS: Cyclodiode is an effective treatment option for glaucoma that is refractory to other treatment options. By identifying risk factors for potential complications, cyclodiode can be modified accordingly for each patient to improve safety and efficacy.



Wiley & Blackwell Publishing



Aujla, Jaskirat S, Lee, Graham A, & Vincent, Stephen (2011) Improving cyclodiode - a risk factor analysis of complications. In 43rd Annual Scientific Congress of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists, 19-22 November 2011, Canberra, Australia.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Optometry & Vision Science

Palavras-Chave #111300 OPTOMETRY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY #111301 Ophthalmology #Glaucoma #Cyclodiode #Laser instruments #Biostatistics

Conference Item