Ocular characteristics in myopic anisometropia

Autoria(s): Vincent, Stephen; Collins, Michael J.; Read, Scott A.; Carney, Leo G.



PURPOSE: To investigate the interocular symmetry of ocular optical, biometric and biomechanical characteristics between the more and less ametropic eyes of myopic anisometropes. METHODS: Thirty-four young, healthy myopic anisometropic adults (≥ 1 D spherical equivalent difference between eyes) without amblyopia or strabismus were recruited. A range of biometric and optical parameters were measured in the more and less ametropic eye of each subject including; axial length, ocular aberrations, intraocular pressure and corneal topography, thickness and biomechanics. Morphology of the anterior eye in primary and downward gaze was examined using custom software analysis of high resolution digital images. Ocular sighting dominance was assessed using the hole-in-the-card test. RESULTS: Mean absolute spherical equivalent anisometropia was 1.74 ± 0.74 D. There was a strong correlation between the degree of anisometropia and the interocular difference in axial length (r = 0.81, p < 0.001). The more and less ametropic fellow eyes displayed a high degree of interocular symmetry for the majority of biometric, biomechanical and optical parameters measured. When the level of anisometropia exceeded 1.75 D (n = 10), the more myopic eye was the dominant sighting eye in nine of these ten subjects. Subjects with greater levels of anisometropia (> 1.75 D) also showed high levels of correlation between the dominant and non-dominant eyes in their biometric, biomechanical and optical characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: Although significantly different in axial length, anisometropic eyes display a high degree of interocular symmetry for a range of anterior eye biometrics and optical parameters. For higher levels of anisometropia, the more myopic eye tends to be the dominant sighting eye.




Optometry and Vision Science



Vincent, Stephen, Collins, Michael J., Read, Scott A., & Carney, Leo G. (2010) Ocular characteristics in myopic anisometropia. In 88th Annual Meeting American Academy of Optometry, 17-20 November 2010, San Francisco, CA.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Optometry & Vision Science

Palavras-Chave #111300 OPTOMETRY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY #Anisometropia #Refractive error development #Aberrations #Ocular components #Dominance

Conference Item