Small, Medium, Large: Theatre Companies and Issues of Scale - A Case Study of a Medium-Sized Company

Autoria(s): Comans, Christine



'Surviving but not thriving.' Tbat is the message about small to mediumsized companies that Ian McRae, Chair ofthe Theatre Board of the Australia Council, has been delivering since 2003. In the Theatre Board Assessment Meeting Report of 2007, McRae strongly urged renewed financial support for this most important sector given the significant decrease over the last 10 years and the consequent decrease in new Australian works being produced. Without such support his prediction is that'considerable damage could be done to the creative infrastructure across Australia resulting in a loss of artistic vibrancy down the track that could be very difficult to recover' (McRae, 2007:3).



Drama Australia the National Association of Drama Education


Comans, Christine (2007) Small, Medium, Large: Theatre Companies and Issues of Scale - A Case Study of a Medium-Sized Company. NJ Drama Australia Journal, 31(1), pp. 69-78.


Creative Industries Faculty

Palavras-Chave #130200 CURRICULUM AND PEDAGOGY #130300 SPECIALIST STUDIES IN EDUCATION #190400 PERFORMING ARTS AND CREATIVE WRITING #190404 Drama Theatre and Performance Studies #Australian Theatre Industry; Australian Theatre History; La Boite Theatre; Professional Theatre Companies; Organisational Change

Journal Article