Contradictions : Genre, causal layered analysis and analysis of institutional change

Autoria(s): Graham, Philip W.; Canny, M. Leigh

Inayatullah , S.




In what follows, I put forward an argument for an analytical method for social science that operates at the level of genre. I argue that generic convergence, generic hybridity, and generic instability provide us with a powerful perspectives on changes in political, cultural, and economic relationships, most specifically at the level of institutions. Such a perspective can help us identify the transitional elements, relationships, and trajectories that define the place of our current system in history, thereby grounding our understanding of possible futures.1 In historically contextualising our present with this method, my concern is to indicate possibilities for the future. Systemic contradictions indicate possibility spaces within which systemic change must and will emerge. We live in a system currently dominated by many fully-expressed contradictions, and so in the presence of many possible futures. The contradictions of the current age are expressed most overtly in the public genres of power politics. Contemporary public policy—indeed politics in general-is an excellent focus for any investigation of possible futures, precisely because of its future-oriented function. It is overtly hortatory; it is designed ‘to get people to do things’ (Muntigl in press: 147). There is no point in trying to get people to do things in the past. Consequently, policy discourse is inherently oriented towards creating some future state of affairs (Graham in press), along with concomitant ways of being, knowing, representing, and acting (Fairclough 2000).





Tamkang University Press


Graham, Philip W. & Canny, M. Leigh (2004) Contradictions : Genre, causal layered analysis and analysis of institutional change. In Inayatullah , S. (Ed.) The Causal Layered Analysis (CLA) Reader : Theory and Case Studies of an Integrative and Transformative Methodology. Tamkang University Press, Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 209-224.


Copyright 2004 Graham and Canny

This work is copyright. Copyright in the work as a whole remains with Tamkang University and Sohail Inayatullah; copyright in each chapter remains with the author of that chapter.


Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation

Palavras-Chave #160807 Sociological Methodology and Research Methods #Genre #Critical Discourse Analysis #Political economy of communication, #Futures Studies methods #Critical Media Studies

Book Chapter