Improving daylighting performance of mirrored light pipes

Autoria(s): Garcia Hansen, Veronica; Edmonds, Ian; Bell, John

Demers, Claude

Potvin, André




This paper assesses and compares the performances of two daylight collection strategies, one passive and one active, for large-scale mirrored light pipes (MLP) illuminating deep plan buildings. Both strategies use laser cut panels (LCP) as the main component of the collection system. The passive system comprises LCPs in pyramid form, whereas the active system uses a tiled LCP on a simple rotation mechanism that rotates 360° in 24 hours. Performance is assessed using scale model testing under sunny sky conditions and mathematical modelling. Results show average illuminance levels for the pyramid LCP ranging from 50 to 250 lux and 150 to 200 lux for the rotating LCPs. Both systems improve the performance of a MLP. The pyramid LCP increases the performance of a MLP by 2.5 times and the rotating LCP by 5 times, when compared to an open pipe particularly for low sun elevation angles.





Les Presses de l'Université Laval (PUL)


Garcia Hansen, Veronica, Edmonds, Ian, & Bell, John (2009) Improving daylighting performance of mirrored light pipes. In Demers, Claude & Potvin, André (Eds.) Architecture Energy and the Occupant's Perspective - The 26th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, 22 - 24 June 2009, Canada, Quebec City.


2009 Les Presses de l'Université Laval (PUL)

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Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering; School of Design

Palavras-Chave #120104 Architectural Science and Technology (incl. Acoustics Lighting Structure and Ecologically Sustainable Design) #020599 Optical Physics not elsewhere classified #Daylighting #Mirror light paper #laser cut panels #passive daylighting collectors #active daylighting collectors

Conference Paper